Everything posted by Deinonychus
EBRP Adventure Thread
IC SCOURGE O-17 :: Hands a rolled document made of some sort of leather to Boran :: "My master proposes an alliance. Both our nations are in hostilities with the Crown Kingdom. Apart our armies have experienced only limited success. But together, we posses the strength to crush them." :: Nods his gruesome head at the document :: "This is the formal offer from my master. The usual nonsense kings and politicians traffic in. There are, however, some strategic notes included. For instance I'm aware that your people are known shipwrights...but without coastal access that is rendered useless. Through an alliance you would have access to our ports." ::Leans in conspiratorially :: "Our forces have had much success raiding the kingdoms to the West by sea, would not such a situation suit your people as well?"
Lego and the environment
Not to burst your bubble or anything, but replacing petroleum with grown substitutes is not the answer. It's been shown time and time again that the growing, transporting, and processing of crops for use as alternatives to petroleum actually creates just as much, if not more, pollution and actually uses more energy to produce. This is especially bad with ethonol, which uses more energy to process then you get by burning it. Plus, growing alternative crops takes room that edges out food crops, thus driving up the price of food, and limits supply. Sadly, there's no easy answer.
EBRP General Information and Character thread.
EDIT - Nevermind, Bricklink answered my questions... GAME ON!
A Very Important Photo-Taking Tip
Wow...Henry Rollins builds with LEGO? :-D
EBRP Adventure Thread
IC ANTIRRHOPUS L-7 :: Antirrhopus dumps out the last wheelbarrow of Dragon leavings into the compost pile and heads back to the massive Dragon Stables. Grabbing his scale brush he slowly creeps into Blazewing's stall, sliding carefully into the Red Dragon's view. :: "Hello Blazewing. I'm just going to check that scale fungus, okay?" :: The Dragon rolls a golden eye in his direction and narrows his nostrils, an affirmative gesture that the creature understands Antirrhopus' intent. The human then studies a dusky patch on Blazewing's neck before nodding to himself. He puts the brush on the patch and begins scrubbing in a circular motion. Just another day like any other. ::
EBRP Discussion Thread
Wow...we have an honest-to-goodness Godmodder already! :-D
Elmo MOC
HAW! That's awesome! Despite the issues I have with Elmo, that's still pretty cool. Makes me think the Muppets would be a cool LEGO license as long as it was just for a line of sculptures and perhaps some Duplo stuff and not a regular System theme. I'd buy a big sculpture Cookie monster in an instant. Plus, with all the basic colors they'd make great parts packs
EBRP Adventure Thread
IC SCOURGE O-17 ::Scourge stands on a blasted, barren patch of formerly volcanic land near the border of the Evil Wizard's territories and the Orc lands, his eyeless sockets scanning across the landscape awaiting the Orc representative he's been sent to meet. His cavalry escort stands still and unmoving, skeletons all, they don't fidget or pace, just stand still and stare. Scourge removes a whetstone from an equipment pouch and begins slowly sharpening his sword, muttering to himself:: "...the forces gather, and once again my sword, you shall bathe in blood and grow hot in the fires of battle..."
Possible 2009 Clone Wars set?
What's fun is that I can now take a bunch of panels and such and take a run at my UCS Y-wing to make it up like the CW era one. I've always kind of wanted to convert it to look like a "factory new" Y-wing like in the third image, but that's just not different enough to bother with.
Possible 2009 Clone Wars set?
Gentlemen...BEHOLD! Republic-era Y-Wing! To appear in the new Clone Wars series. Yeah, we have two Minifig-scale Y-Wings already, but a new one like this would be fantastic. Plus, the design sure beats the version that now seems to be how they were produced a little closer to the Battle of Yavin. The Deino is excited
Star Wars Rube Goldberg Machine
Ahh...April Fools comes and goes...but Rickrolling never ends >:-)
Fabuland Elements and Figures
Hey I hope you don't mind me piggybacking your topic here SN... ...but I'm looking for THIS GUY, Ricky Raccoon and his Scooter. If anyone has one they'd like to trade for good old American Dollars I'd love to hear from you
A story
The last time someone wrote me into a Fanfic I was operating a Stargate...which was amusing since I've never watched that TV show in my come up with something equally out of character for me
EB News Presents: Admiral Giddens
Wow, there's a man with great taste in sets
Lego and the environment
Now that I think about it... Using petroleum in the base production of LEGOs creates less "harmful carbon" then using it for fuel. The ratio of oil used to plastic produced is 2 to 1 for raw materials and some of that oil is sort of trapped within the chemical structure of the brick and won't be released unless burned, (Remember that you people who like to burn Megabloks :-P ) as opposed to fuel oil of which 100% is burned. ABS is also recyclable
And the threads will keep appearing until we recognize the seriousness of the coming uprising of the machines. Start filling your basements with food, water, and armor-piercing incendiary rounds. When the Hunter/Killers come for you in your sleep, you must be ready! 8-|
Lego and the environment
Well, the boxes aren't as much of a problem. I have a whole stack of broken-down LEGO boxes in my garage that I'll take to work and put into our cardboard recycling dumpster. If anything about LEGO is wasteful it's the baggies the parts come in...but, again, compared to packaging on other toys, the small amount of plastic in those bags is virtually nothing. And there are no evil, evil twist-ties either >:-( I think what gets me is the "Earth-guilt". When you can't enjoy anything in life (especially LEGOs!) without having to feel bad about how that activity harms the environment, then man's technological advancement from smacking each other with sticks means nothing. I'm personally not worried. When Mother Nature finally gets fed up she'll shake us off like a bad case of fleas and the biosphere will totally renew itself in a millennium or two, a virtual eyeblink of geologic time. For all we've supposedly done to hurt the environment, it still pales in comparison to what one medium-sized stray asteroid could do...and has done. But, again, that's debating the broader concept and not LEGO...not the battle I wanna wage
EBRP General Information and Character thread.
Awww....I wanted to be a Dragon Name: Scourge Age: Ancient Faction: Skeletons Class/place in hierarchy: Skeleton Warrior Commander Equipment: Shield and sword of ancient design. Plate armor. Various and sundry edged weapons. Background: Soon after the Evil Wizard summoned the first of his Skeleton Warriors from the grave, a lone ghoul stalked towards the Skeleton Tower and demanded a place in the newly formed army. Not arisen by the Evil Wizard's spell, but attracted by the presence of the new army, this independently intelligent undead being called himself Scourge and claimed to be a highly skilled warrior who has fought in battles and marched with various armies since time immemorial. The Evil Wizard saw the value in having such a creature as a part of his forces and allows Scourge a certain amount of latitude in how he carries out his orders due to his exceptional prowess in the art of warfare. Name: Antirrhopus Age: Late Twenties Faction: Dragon Masters Class/place in hierarchy: Dragon Tender Equipment: The Claw of Krayt, an ancient Dragon talisman that allows him safe passage through all Dragon territories and hospitality in Dragon dwellings Background: Possessed with the gift to empathicly understand and communicate with Dragons, Antirrhopus was quickly conscripted into the ranks of the Dragon Masters by Majisto and put to work tending to and taking care of the Dragons being controlled by the wizard's powers. Despite this, Antirrhopus is still widely known and accepted by most individual free Dragons and often serves as a conduit for their desires to be transmitted between them and the humans. One of the few humans who honestly and deeply understands the Dragons, he hopes to one day liberate them all from the control of despots such as Majisto and the evil Wizard.
The Annoyance of Already Bought's
Yeah, I can understand that, but that is also the age where you should start recognizing how much other people's opinions may be influencing your own behavior and to take steps to become your own person despite what others may say. Sadly, all too many adults still don't have these skills :-P And I suppose my frame of reference my be quite different. When I was 14 my "toy playing" had already made the transition to "toy collecting" and I really didn't care what anyone else thought...I was too hypnotized by the swanky new LEGO pirate theme
Lego and the environment
Well a lot of it plays into the validity of claims about man's catastrophic and lasting impact on the Earth...but that's a whole other argument I don't even wanna start... But consider this... As to recycling LEGOs, I've observed that LEGOs are a toy that tends to stick around in families and that gets passed down from parent to child quite regularly. In fact, inheriting LEGOs is sort of becoming a norm. It's a timeless toy that is very durable and has a very low probability of ending up in a landfill. Can you say the same about a Code Lyoko action figure or any of the overblown interactive electronic robots on the market today? I think as a toy collector, LEGOs are some of the most green products you can buy ;-)
The Annoyance of Already Bought's
Heck, this worries me... When did buying LEGOs become as embarrassing as buying a dirty magazine or DVD? Or is this one of those things where you haven't gotten to the point in you're life yet where if someone gives you crap about the hobby that makes you happy you can turn around and tell them to go f##k themselves. As to the main issue...LEGO is supposed to be about building and creating. I can't see how handling a pre-designed LEGO set once can ruin its entire appeal. If it's a good set, it's a good set and you'll enjoy building and tearing it down and building it again over and over, and even if you don't like the finished something else with the pieces. Or add the pieces to your stock and use them for the future. I dunno, I think my mind may be in a very different place then yours, and if this sort of thing bothers you to the point tht a paragraph like that came out of it...I don't think anything any of us can say will help. 8-|
Star Wars Rube Goldberg Machine
You know, those contraptions where a bowling ball rolls down a ramp and hits a lighter which burns a rope releasing a hammer, knocking on a fan that blows a sailboat across a pond, etc etc... Star Wars Rube Goldberg Machine
Which themes are you into right now?
Castle Mars Mission Indiana Jones Star Wars Batman Exo-Force City Creator Bionicle I've also been buying a lot of Classic Space on Bricklink And quite looking forward to Speed Racer and Agents
Favorite DC hero
The old Birds of Prey TV Series that lasted one season about 6 years ago. It played fast and loose with DC continuity and characters, but was slightly entertaining. And it had a bevy of super-hotties on it so it wasn't all bad ;-)
501st Battle pack
Howsabout the 501st as part of a broader "repaint" line of Battle Packs. We could get a Commander Gree along with some Galactic Marines...then they can switch over to the Empire for a second pack and hook us up with some Magma Troopers and some Imperial Storm how I want some Storm Commandos *wub* And don't forget a Battle Pack of Mandalorians as well!
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