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Everything posted by Deinonychus

  1. Deinonychus replied to zero1312's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    :-D That's pretty clever...but I think I'd rather see a Space Police I ImpStar Deuce
  2. Wow, now we're talking! *wub* This is exactly the sort of thing I really dig, in-theme MOCing using the established colors and, even further, parts from the theme sets. Awesome. Great unconventional ship design too. I wish my brain was able to go in a direction like this whenever I get the bricks out, but I usually end up with something pretty pedestrian. Also, a nifty use of the Mega-Core Magnetizer wheels (one of my all-time favorite LEGO parts).
  3. 20,000 Minifigs? 1,000 Stormies? Do you ever just strip down to your shorts and go diving into them like Scrooge McDuck diving into his Money Bin?
  4. Boy I know that feeling. at least you got out before you burned out and couldn't enjoy the board any more. Still, it's always a shame to loose a good section leader. Welcome back to the ranks of zero responsibility
  5. Deinonychus replied to Shadows's post in a topic in Community
    Great interview. Nice to get a little more insight into one of the EBers I really look forward to reading their posts and opinions
  6. Wow, that's fantastic! You really managed to capture the look of a Panzer IV perfectly...right down to the forward machine gun and the extra tread links strapped onto the hull. Great work *y*
  7. Deinonychus replied to zero1312's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Look out! It's after your granola bars!
  8. Deinonychus replied to Piranha's post in a topic in General LEGO Discussion
    ALPHA TEAM!?!?! >:-( (Slowly removes glove and smacks Piranha across the face with it.) I am insulted sir! I demand satisfaction! Seriously though, Alpha Team is one of my all-time most favorite themes and I can't imagine it being mentioned in the same breath as those other wastes of brick. I mean Galidor...freaking GALIDOR...that's all I need to say right there >:-)
  9. Ah good...I don't feel quite so edgy now. Sticks fairly close to the "1 Element =$0.10 US" formula that you can pretty much shoehorn most sets into. Although I think I'd have personally paid a few bucks more for printed torsos ;-) I'm already looking at the skull and thinking about how I can combine it with the smaller ships and put big friggin' wheels on it
  10. That's what I was thinking...give them a couple of battle packs to take their mind off the starvation! Although it must be hard to put an Imperial Dropship together with all those damn flies buzzing around your face
  11. Well it's got to be at least low-gravity...or else the truck would go flying into orbit ;-) Could we even possibly establish some sort of bizarre continuity here between the Castle army of the dead, Ogel's forces, and the Space Skulls? All skeleton heads, all with black and red color motifs...could this be an ancient and enduring evil that permeates the LEGO history books? Hmmmm...
  12. An adult with a good job and a Wife who supports his LEGO habit. (Or no wife :-P ) Personally I still don't see the point in dozens and dozens of battle packs. Sure you get a giant clone or droid army...but that's all you get...who are you trying to impress? I'd rather get one of each LEGO set with the ability to get doubles of something really cool...like the old Republic Gunship
  13. Oh nice. I gotta say, I really like that Star Justice set...especially the ground vehicle. I'm still a little iffy about the Space Skulls, but it grows on me a little more each time I see them. I'm also still a little uncomfortable about the price point (which will probably be eased when I see the actual piece counts) but nothing would stop me from buying all those pieces as individually boxed sets that's for sure. Time to start clearing shelf space I suppose *skull*
  14. Deinonychus replied to THE-FORCE's post in a topic in Community
    (blinks) um...okay...that's disturbing 8-|
  15. :-D Thanks, I'll take just about any new title at this point
  16. Oh hell, I just love that mortar and caisson. The Zouaves are pretty sweet too, I'd have never thought of hacking those out of Minifigs. Which head did you use for General Lee? I'd like to make one for self. Too bad there really isn't a light gray horse to use for Traveller. What you have there is proof positive that LEGO could do a great Civil War theme if they wanted to. (Monitor Vs. Virginia 2-pack anyone? ) Too bad that's just a pipe dream.
  17. Aw c'mon...I don't think OMFG n00b is taken is it?
  18. Deinonychus replied to Tarfful's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    I think they're not showing the "Batbot" on S@H because that was the previous cycle's exclusive and if you didn't have BrickMaster before now, you won't get it. The fire truck is the current set so they're probably just displaying what you can actually still get.
  19. Deinonychus replied to Tarfful's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Don't forget the Creator "BATBOT" Which I just got a few weeks ago, so I was surprised when this little truck showed up so soon.
  20. Yeah I gotta go with Tauntaun as well...but I'd also like to see a Fambaa or a Canyon Krayt
  21. Deinonychus replied to Tarfful's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    It's been hinted that there will be Star Wars and Bionicle exclusives...that's all some people are interested in since BrickMaster started issuing exclusive sets instead of just mailing out small sets you can get in any store. We haven't seen anything past the Indy set or the upcoming Creator dinosaur set if I'm not mistaken.
  22. Deinonychus replied to Tarfful's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    I got it today and just finished putting it together. It's a nice little set. It comes with one of the cool new firefighters with the fully enclosed breather system and a ton of accessories. It's a quick and easy build reminiscent of the scads of small sets LEGO used to release back in the day. Also of note is the breaking of convention a little by having the primary colors of the set being white and yellow instead of the almost universal white and red for LEGO fire vehicles. It probably doesn't look as good as if it had been red, but it is a nice change of pace. I have to say, I've been quite pleased with all the new exclusive Brickmaster sets so far
  23. Deinonychus replied to VBBN's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Might as well be Do you want to sleep with Jessica Alba? Would you pay to sleep with Jessica Alba? So, of course I voted Yes to both. Because even though it'd be cool, LEGO will never produce Star Wars chess, and I'll never get boinkage with Jessica Alba
  24. :-D I think this calls for a repost! Perhaps I can wedge that into my sig
  25. I also think Avatar appeared as sets before the show was really in full-swing. So I didn't know anything about it and hadn't seen it. By the time I did, I really didn't have an opinion on it either way, but it didn't make me want to buy the sets. I eventually did buy the ship, but because it was marked down to like $15. (I still haven't opened it yet :-P ) Lyoko though...that I do have an opinion on. It's utter crap. And if the regular toys haven't taken off after 4 seasons, what's to think it'd do so now?
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