Everything posted by Deinonychus
Transformers: War For Cybertron
That would be Trypticon, the Decepticon battle station/city that transforms into a dinosaur. What's not to love
Transformers: War For Cybertron
Here's something fun...the War For Cybertron trailer tweaked with a little nostalgia. If you were a kid in the 80's, this'll make you smile
2010 Winter Olympics Thread
Yeah, that game wasn't what I was hoping for. It finally started getting interesting in the end when the Russians were getting chippy and throwing around a lot of cheap shots, which made me sad that there's no fighting in international hockey, because it would have saved what was a boring blowout. And Nabokov was just getting lit the hell up. He should have never been put back in at the beginning of the second. I'd almost say it was a typical San Jose "playoff choke" but considering the line-up of Canada, I can't. I'm also surprised that the Czechs are out of it now as well. The next four games should be really interesting.
2010 Winter Olympics Thread
Alright! Now that Canada has dispatched Germany, it's the big one...Canada / Russia. And they moved the start time to 7PM EST, so I get a good night's sleep tomorrow Although, a small part of me wanted Canada to loose so that Marleau, Thorton, Boyle, and Heatley could get some more rest before the Sharks start playing again.
LEGO: The Adventures of Clutch Powers
Just finished watching, and it's pretty damn good. I had a big grin on my face throughout most of the movie. Now, do keep in mind that its a LEGO cartoon and intended for kids, but it's not "dumbed down" or inaccessible to adults by any means (there's even a shout-out to AFOLs). There's a good mix of humor, drama, and action. The movie has decent voice work and great animation. Unlike the past Bionicle movies, the renderings of the sets and bricks are pretty much exactly how they look in reality, which is nice. It sets the perfect tone for a movie that crosses so many themes. And it's a blast picking out individual sets that you own as they pop up in the movie. It's constructed as if it's to be the first movie in a series...which I hope they follow through with because I'm really curious as to the identities of the other two bad guys. Some good characters in here as well. Some we can build from existing pieces, some not. Hopefully LEGO will rectify this soon (hint, hint). I feel comfortable recommending this to any fan of the LEGO systems.
2010 Winter Olympics Thread
Wow, you guys are dumping on Brodeur so bad that you sound like New Jersey Devils fans And no disrespect to you Germans out there, but I'm hoping Canada glides past Germany later today, setting up the Canada/Russia match-up I've been wanting to see so badly. However, I'm not looking forward to what would be a midnight start-time for me. But, 3 hours of sleep with work the next day is a small price to pay to watch that game
I bought a MB HALO set and I now feel dirty
Well if you'll notice, the boxes shown at Toy Fair have dropped the Halo Wars title and changed to Halo - The Authentic Collector's Series. "Wars" was probably just to better tie-in with the then just-released game, now they've opened the branding up to the whole universe.
2010 Winter Olympics Thread
I agree, his head-first dive into the net after the puck was great. No matter who wound up winning that one, it was a great game. I have a renewed faith in Team USA now. I'm still sticking with my prediction of Canada and Russia in the Gold/Silver game though, and I'm looking forward to watching Canada's next game. Especially if they wind up in a rematch with the Swiss somehow.
2010 Winter Olympics Thread
I wouldn't say that, personally. I've seen him being a good role-player and making some good plays and hits. Just because his scoring isn't explosive doesn't mean he's useless. And I don't see how hate equals cockiness. If anything it is playing off that underdog thing. Nobody expects Team USA to win a gold (myself included) so all they have to feed off of is drumming up sports hate for the favorites. But, like I said, it's just sports hate. Patrick Marleau is my favorite hockey player, but right now he's wearing the enemy's uniform, so I "hate" him Besides...people who accuse Americans of being cocky are just suffering from their own deep-seeded inferiority complexes
Happy Birthday Deinonychus you've given me the idea of constructing some sort of wrist-mounted multiple-shot LEGO missile launcher to terrorize others with at the convention. Lord knows I have enough of those launchers out of the sets I own to create something truly devastating. Oh the humanity!
2010 Winter Olympics Thread
As far as hockey is concerned, I'm not so sure. I know when the teams were announced I said "Yeah...USA won't be getting a medal". I was convinced it'd be Canada and Russia in the Gold/Silver game and probably the Czech Republic and Slovokia in the Bronze game. Well, so far the US has the best record with 6 points, but Russia and Canada are still strong with 5 each. I still don't think USA will win a gold, but I'm now thinking they're at least in the running for the bronze. Either way, with the formerly invincible looking Canada and Russia showing some chinks in the armor, it makes the whole tourney a lot more interesting
Happy Birthday Deinonychus
Thanks everyone! I'm starting my day off by beginning work on my newly acquired Imperial Flagship. The keel has been laid and I expect to have Brickbeard running scared by the end of the day.
2010 Winter Olympics Thread
That was a GREAT game. I was expecting Team Canada to just walk right over the Swiss, but the Swiss came out with their hard-hitting "A" game and really impressed me. I think I have a new team to watch now. But I was pulling for Canada a little bit, if only because they're loaded up with my beloved San Jose Sharks players
I bought a MB HALO set and I now feel dirty
Pics of new sets from the Toy Fair! I like the Shortsword bomber a lot more than I thought I would. The Wraith and redesigned Ghost are awesome, the Mongoose is cute, and the Pelican has potential. I also dig the arctic UNSC vehicles and I LOVE the ODST Drop-pods, I wonder which set those come in, perhaps the mysterious battlefield set. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that a third series follows these with a Grizzly, Rhino, Cobra, and Covenant Scarab
Mega Bloks Iron Man 2 Sets Spotted @ Toys R Us
Have some Mega Bloks Iron Man 2 toy Fair images! I really like the figures with the armors. Whiplash, not so much. Just reminds me how silly I thought all the Pirates of the Caribbean figures were. Between these and the Halo SPARTANs, Mega Bloks should just stick to figures of characters who wear full-body armored suits
2010 Winter Olympics Thread
I have a feeling that the hockey medals will end up being distributed between Russia, Canada, and the Czech Republic. Russia is my favorite for the gold...they're just LOADED. Of course, I'd love to see the USA get a medal...but I seriously doubt they have a chance Can't wait for the games to start Tuesday
Mega Bloks Iron Man 2 Sets Spotted @ Toys R Us
Mega Bloks probably has the Marvel license up to a certain point. After it expires I'm sure it'll fall under the Disney/Marvel license that LEGO has now, unless Disney is treating the property as a separate entity. Like how Disney also owns Saban and the Power Rangers, but Bandai makes the Power Rangers figures where Mattel produces other Disney figures. Licensing is all very confusing But yeah, I'd love me some Iron Man LEGO sets
Lone Ranger and Tonto.
Wow! Eerie. I ran across The Legend of the Lone Ranger on cable last night after not seeing it since I was a kid, and BOOM, this MOC shows up less than 12 hours later. Great work by the way. I think I'll try to cobble together my own Lone Ranger Minifig now. Thanks for the idea. I still need to figure out how to best pull off the Phantom
WIP: Hawk's Diner
Man, that is a classy MOC right there. I'd buy that set in a second if LEGO produced it. I don't remember seeing it suggested earlier in the thread, but have you ever thought of trying to give it some interior LED lights worked into the transparent bricks in the ceiling? Looks great as it is though. Now add an anteater and some plastic chairs
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
You are correct. I hope (fear?) LEGO will surprise us with yet another super-expensive, super-awesome exclusive set again this year. The rumored shuttle perhaps.
In late 2011 I get a Legoland!
I bought a MB HALO set and I now feel dirty
The beam rifle is upside-down as well. I see a lot of complaining about the quality of the sets...mostly from people who'd never be caught dead buying Mega Bloks in the first place. Really guys, there aren't any significant quality issues with these. I think out of all the sets I've assembled from the line, perhaps twice has a brick required a little extra effort to snap on. Other than that, everything is smooth as can be. They are worlds better than these Best Lock sets I picked up a little over a year ago. You wanna talk about poor quality, those things couldn't clutch worth a damn, the sets were missing parts, and the instructions were missing steps. It was a shame too, the inexpensive little starfighters and such looked fun.
I bought a MB HALO set and I now feel dirty
It's pretty sturdy. I knocked it around quite a bit while taking pictures of it and nothing shook loose. The leg joints are pretty tight so it doesn't flop around any. Honestly, the only set I've had any structural problems with is the Hornet. It just seems no matter how I handle the thing up something will fall off of it. I think it's mainly due to the design of the vehicle and the lack of any good place for a ham-fisted adult to pick it up from. Regardless, I try to avoid touching it
I bought a MB HALO set and I now feel dirty
According to THIS LISTING, there's one in the March wave. At the $10 US price-point, I wouldn't be surprised if it came packed with several figures, or possibly two bikes and a couple figures.
I bought a MB HALO set and I now feel dirty
First off, some Gremlin pictures while I had the camera out. I really like this set. It has an old-school GI Joe vehicle feel and there's something about having a model of an EMP truck that's pretty cool. Now the Gausshog and Locust. 480 pieces for $40 US. That's closer to the Mega Bloks value I was used to. It also came with a nice big handful of extra pieces and bricks, as well as the aforementioned 2x4 brick with a number stamped on floating around loose in the box. Not much new from the figures in this one. More SPARTANS and another Elite, but we do get a Grunt with purple armor and an Energy Sword. At first glance, the Gausshog doesn't seem that much different than the regular Warthog, but when placed side-by-side the differences become obvious. Including, surprisingly enough, some different pieces for shared features, like the nose hooks and the different mold on the wheels. The Locust uses the same canopy as the Banshee. While not 100% accurate to the game design, it's close enough that Mega Bloks not making an all-new mold for the part is wholly forgivable. The walker has an impressive amount of bricks packed into the legs, even despite the large specialized pieces at their cores. For scale... Overall, pretty decent set, especially when you consider cost vs. pieces vs. building time.
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