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Everything posted by Deinonychus

  1. Yeah it did, and my Gremlin and Wolverine came with 2x4 cammo bricks with a stamped number as well. It may be some manner of Quality Control measure Mega Bloks uses. How, I'm not sure, but I'm not going to turn down free bricks, especially purple ones. I do enjoy the extra bricks that come in the sets, but they always make me think I've left something out at the end, because they're a little more substantial and important looking than the LEGO spare pieces. My GaussHog and Locust set should be showing up from UPS before too long, so I'll post some more images as soon as I get that assembled. I'll need to clear off one of my Bionicle shelves to make room for my Covenant forces now. Hard-core LEGO fans who can't stomach me removing LEGOs from display to accommodate Mega Bloks can surely approve of me removing Bionicle sets if anything
  2. Not sure if this is new or posted elsewhere or what, but I'd never seen it before and thought it cool. Enjoy
  3. Be careful, even innocent by-standing raptors can get hit with a drive-by smurfing... ...They smurfed me up bad man...they smurfed me up bad!
  4. That old "Episodes 7,8, and 9" rumor just won't die will it? It used to pop up every few years, but it's been every few months since Episode III was released. At this point, we're just trying to nail down validity of the talk of the existing six episodes being re-released to theaters in 3D. Either way, with Lucasfilm committed to 100 episodes of the Clone Wars, and the live-action series in development, there will be plenty of SW set fodder for years to come.
  5. I hope you're wrong there. I can recall two sets with ship platforms (10123 Cloud City and 7754 Home One) and all they really served to do was push the price and piece count up and make the full sets difficult to display. I'd much rather have a vehicle and a little station or service cart or something, like the various Alliance starfighters, or the previous shuttle (7264 Imperial Inspection) have included over the years.
  6. All that "information" is readily available elsewhere, you just have to know where to look. Some nine year old sees preliminary images somewhere and suddenly comes off like he knows people who work in Billund. Besides, I can smell his pants on fire. I have super-sensitive dinosaur senses
  7. That was all I needed. Typical "full of crap" move
  8. Man...I hope the shuttle isn't a Minifig-scale UCS like the Falcon...hacking out the numbers real quick, it looks like a display nightmare Length: 58' (Set 15.7") Height, flight mode: 102' (Set 27.6") Height, docking mode: 73' (Set 19.8") Width, flight mode: 105' (Set 28.4") Width, docking mode: 47' (Set 12.7") So yeah...a redesign of the smaller System-style Minifig-scale would be a lot easier to deal with
  9. I agree and yet disagree slightly. Comparing the LEGO Minifig to a Mega Bloks figure is like comparing apples and oranges. Minifigs are entirely constructable, interchangeable, and their component parts work fully with other parts in the LEGO system. (Minifig legs used for robot fingers for example). That, and the design philosophy is totally different. A Minifig is more of an abstract representation of a character or person. It's great to see a familiar character or vocation LEGO-ized into a minifig. It's what gives them their charm and collectability and makes them special. I could really care less about amassing an army of Mega Bloks SPARTANs or UNSC Marines, but if they were Minifigs, I couldn't get enough of them. Mega Bloks figures are pretty much just tiny action figures. They are proportioned closer to a real human, have more points of articulation, and impressive paint and sculpting detail for something their size. For me, one of each is good enough. (plus crews for the vehicles of course )
  10. Same here. I only knew what these new vehicles were by looking them up in the Halo Encyclopedia. I got into the universe by picking up the novels first and the games later, so my exposure has always been mainly from a storyline perspective. I JUST got the Xbox360 so I'm trying to catch up with the games. I finally played Halo 3 last weekend after avoiding storyline spoilers for 2 years, so now I'm looking forward to Halo Wars. A lot more-so now that I already have sets of some cool vehicles that are in the game. But you don't have to know anything about Halo to dig these sets. All you have to do is like military vehicles and building toys and you're golden.
  11. Oh good, I'm not the only one That Brute Chopper set is okay Pics I much more enjoyed the UNSC Wolverine More Pics I also scored the UNSC Gremlin, which is also a great little set. Sort of GI Joe-esque. (Sorry, no pics of that one) Hopefully I can scrape up the Locust Vs. Gausshog set that's out there as well. And apparently, there's more on the way for March. Can't wait for the Wraith tank myself, and I'm hoping the line stays around long enough that they'll eventually make a Scarab
  12. Deinonychus replied to Natman8000's post in a topic in Community
    Well, they seem as if they know what they're doing. I was furious before the season started watching so many good players go, but it hasn't seemed to hurt them at all so far. Seemingly they have a good formula going now, so I took back all the nasty things I said about them back in September And my man Marleau got his stuff together after having the C stripped from him and is currently sitting at 25 goals for the season, which is good by any measure.
  13. Deinonychus replied to Natman8000's post in a topic in Community
    As a die-hard San Jose Sharks fan..I hope you die a horrible icy death In addition to the Sharks, I'm also a long-time fan of the Pens...it it was especially sweet last year watching them defeat the hated Red Wings to win Lord Stanley's Cup
  14. Great review, makes me look forward to this even more. I'd give my first born for an XG-1. It always tops my "dream set" list, glad to see I'm not alone This made me smile
  15. Mine's just boringly sitting atop a DVD cabinet. But right now it's the only Christmas decoration in the house. Nothing too special, but I did make one small addition
  16. Is it just me, or does the Rebel trooper at the top right kind of look like an albino Mon Calamari? Feels like some sort of odd Star Wars Rorschach test
  17. That's kind of neat, but I'd be concerned about the picture tiles getting scratched, scuffed, or nicked. I wonder if they'll make a protective case for it
  18. Deinonychus replied to achris's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Hmmm...interesting sets. Looks like they're trying here to do things that Galidor should have been. Can't say I hate them, but I can't say I'll be buying any either. Probably doesn't help that I've never watched more than 2 episodes of the show. As to the prices, Amazon does inflate LEGO prices slightly, so I'm sure they won't be but so bad.
  19. Deinonychus replied to ForceMaster's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Wow...Squidtron is stealing an ATM with a tow-truck. That's so awesome And I suppose LEGO worked out how to make purple bricks work without compromising the plastic. I guess when Mega Bloks proved they could do it, LEGO had to step up their game. Now I've gotta run...I heard a rumor that there were B.A.T.S. around here
  20. Well, translating from German didn't work, so I tried Dutch...bingo... Lego 8056 Lego Atlantis: Gevecht met de reuzenkrab ; Verwacht half december 2009 Lego Atlantis: battle with the giant crab, half expected December 2009 €5.50 Lego 8057 Lego Atlantis: Slag bij het scheepswrak ; Verwacht half december 2009 Lego Atlantis: Battle of the wreck, half expected December 2009 €8.00 Lego 8058 Lego Atlantis: Bewaker van de diepzee ; Verwacht half december 2009 Lego Atlantis: Guardian of the deep, half expected December 2009 €12.00 Lego 8059 Lego Atlantis: Diepzee bodemvoertuig ; Verwacht half december 2009 Lego Atlantis: Scuba ground vehicle; half expected December 2009 €12.00 Lego 8060 Lego Atlantis: Typhoon Turbo onderzeeer ; Levertijd nog niet bekend. Lego Atlantis: Turbo Typhoon submarine, ship yet known. €20.00 Lego 8061 Lego Atlantis: Pijlinktvis poort ; Verwacht half december 2009 Lego Atlantis: Squid port; half expected December 2009 €31.00 Lego 8075 Lego Atlantis: Neptune moederschip ; Verwacht half december 2009 Lego Atlantis: Neptune mother, half expected December 2009 €49.50 Still no pics, sadly
  21. I think they're just "focus grouping" the thing. LEGO CASTLE seems a little dry in amongst all the snappily named toys and properties on the toy shelves these days, so they may just be throwing ideas against the wall to see what might stick. CASTLE does seem to imply that there has to be an actual castle set available on the shelves while the theme is active. And from a price-point, shelf-space, and design standpoint, that might not be 100% practical.
  22. I wouldn't be too worried. There's a poll on the page and here's where it stands so far
  23. I always feel like I'm imposing when requesting artwork...but what the hell, looks like everyone is asking anyway, and they're just too great looking to pass up the chance. Please sir?
  24. Hey, I'd be just as excited if there were LEGO sets that could easily be made into Edgar Allen Poe characters and situations. It's just a general old-school horror goodness that's missing in a lot of things these days. More psycological without having to be suspenseful or gory. I'm also glad I may get a shot at improving my old Vignette
  25. Well I'm stumped. But anyhow, I edited the original post a little to reflect this information. Guess I need to build less and read the forums more
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