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Everything posted by Deinonychus

  1. Deinonychus replied to Dark1's post in a topic in Community
    like this you can even do this isdajfioasjcnoasdifh;asiorfhnlvnclasdhfiashfioa the whole time like this sorry bout that ksdj;lkasfjdkla fsdafd asf dsa fd saf dsa f fds ads fa df f as f asf as f saf sa f as fa fd s d sad fd saf sa f safsds fsd dfs dfs sa fsaf daf d sad fd adf das fsda f d dfas df adfs dfa one more from me gasf sdf sd af sd fsda f asf dsa f dsa fd dsa sdf as fa fdds afd sd s sdf sdfa fd asf ds f a sfsa f as sf as f ds afd sa f dsa f das f sa fd as df asf fd sdfa as by the way this topic is not stupid so Plz :') dont close it *ewok* So...we're taking spam to new levels here are we?
  2. Ah, that makes quite a bit of sense, nice little piece of information to know. Thanks
  3. I'm just curious, what's the significance of bolded member names down in the active user list? I've tried tying them in to some sort of group or post status but can't seem to figure it out
  4. Sorry folks, no line art from this one, this MOC is pure Deino and was cobbled together from an assortment of spare parts and unassembled sets I had all mixed together. This would have probably turned out way differently had I cracked into a couple other sets or canistes for parts, but I wanted to stay within what was at hand. So I give you Cthalgakah, who seems to be some sort of arboreal Rahi that you'd find in the chutes of Le-Metru or picking it's way through the trees of Le-Wahi. His huge forearms aid him in climbing and swinging, and his legs are built to push off from branches or chutes to get long distance jumps. He can even use the hooks attached to the backs of his forearms to hang from high perches. When on flat ground, he walks sort of like a gorilla on the points of the forearm claws. But in reality, Cthalgakah is a Dark Hunter who often uses his "Rahi Act" to sneak up on usnsuspecting prey, before violently dismembering them. Cthalgakah is a sadistic brute and murderer. He enjoys torturing his victims and picking pieces off of them one by one until their voices fail from too much screaming. He enjoys giving the "Gifts of pain and terror" to those who fall within his clutches, and even his fellow Dark Hunters steer clear of him just in case he gets bored and decides to...share with one of them. He also likes to perpetuate a rumor that he was once a Toa until his penchant for violence caused him to be cast out. There is absolutley no truth to this, but many seem to believe it. I was kind of limited by the pieces at hand, like I said, but all things considered I'm pleased with how he turned out. I felt that just making a large Titan-like figure would be boring so I fiddled around with the joints some to give him his Rahi mode and add a little more depth to him. His head may look a little plain compared to the rest of his body, but I actually like how it gives him a sort of "bald brute" look and sort of adds to the sinister air I was going for.
  5. Might as well toss in my LAAT/c http://eurobricks.hosting.ipsyn.com/eurofo...=ST&f=11&t=2698
  6. A couple weeks ago I ripped apart all my Rock Raider sets and smashed them together...this is what I got It's not like the Rock Raiders manage to find all their ores and crystals in natural caverns. Sometimes you need to make your own hole, that's where this monster comes in. Dual cockpits. Jet handles the driving while Axle monitors Tunneler systems, fluid levels, hydraulic pressure, and keeps an eye on the sensors for those pesky rock creatures. On the work-deck just aft of the cockpits, Chief monitors tunnel progress and keeps his crew working together smoothly. Bandit stands by to lend a hand wherever needed, and Doc makes sure if anything breaks or can be improved he'll be right there with a wrench. The whole while a magnetic energy field protects the deck and cockpits from small to medium debris and tunneling dust. Sparks runs the extendable stripping arm. A quartet of poweful rock blades tear away at cavern faces or smooth down tunnel celings where the drills can't go. The bulk of the machine is the aft end mining assembly. A pair of powerful drills cut away at the stone to begin tunnels and to give the stripping arm a point of purchase for it's duty. When the drills just aren't enough, a pair of heavy mining lasers slide forth from the armored housing and blast away overly-hard rock. Now I kind of wish I had 2 of each Rock Raiders set so I could keep this bad-boy assembled next to the official sets
  7. Deinonychus posted a post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    You may remember the Rakshi Hordika custom I did based off of a drawing a friend whipped up. Well she went at it again a while back, and now that my camera has been repaired, I can share both the sketch and the MOC...Sidorak Reborn The original intent... So, what looked like a simple "stick Sidorak's torso on Nidhiki's legs" job became quite a bit more. The whole bottom half had to be beefed up and redesigned, and here's what I came up with... As you can see, the basic Nidhiki legs set is almost gone and has been replaced with more robust legs and a beefed up support structure. About the only thing left of the original design are the placement of the frame and swivel sockets. Extra articulation has also been added to the neck for that sort of "hunching" posture he has in the drawing. I think the hardest part was finding enough of the "Republic Red" pieces to make him look whole. The original Bionicle red just doesn't jive. Once I got the legs squared away I realized I needed an abdomen, so I managed to cobble one together out of much of Toa Hordika Vakama :P *skritch skritch* "DAMN YOU ROODAKA!!!!!!!" So there you have it. Once again, the best part was the challenge of taking a very organic original drawing and translating it back to LEGO form. Personally I think he turned out well
  8. Are you referring to specifically the Brickshelf scans? Cause I got my own scans now
  9. Well guess there's no use talking you out of it, but I can offer some advice... F them. It's your hobby, it's your enjoyment, they've got no cause to try and tell you how to occupy your time based off some out-moded idea of what is "mature" or not. I myself am a functional adult with a wife and a job and a car and a home and an extensive LEGO collection and an enjoyment of putting them together. Calling a LEGO hobby "immature" is not only an insult and degridation on you, but towards me as well. Deino demands an apology!
  10. Hey wait a second...a hairbrained idea I had a while back may be more feesable now. I had noticed how LEGO's anti-modern-violence stance only extended as far back as WWI because of the Sopwith Camel and Fokker Triplane models...so my hope was that in the next 5 or so years if the "modern violence window" is mobile, we might luck out and get a 1920's gangster theme... ...and now we have Tommy Guns
  11. #103 i think. That'd be it... It's the one with the Alex Ross Justice League action figures on the cover
  12. Another note... The text of the photo spread also mentions Commissioner Gordon as a minifig and makes a point about how many figures the line will have...which hints at figure packs. So I guess if that's true, Mattell has no problem with LEGO creating little block "action figures" seperate from their action figures like another company does :P
  13. Well crud, what a day for my scanner to be on the blink :/ This line looks like it has it all...Bad guys with single-piece molded Tommy Guns, penguins with pistols (!), a Joker playing card for the Joker, All-black and black and gray Batmen...yeah, awesome! Oh, and the Batboat is a wide hovercraft style vehicle for those curious. Low points: Joker's green vampire hair...but it's not that bad. Batman's cowl is HUGE! It's like a crash helmet. I only hope these are prototypes and the production cowl will be a little less robust :P I guess I have to wait for the second wave for an Azrael figure :D
  14. Great Find! Let's see...I see Joker, Two-Face, Mr. Freeze, Catwoman, Killer Croc, and the Penguin...any other bad guys on there I'm missing? *wub*
  15. UNDERGROUND! No, wait...Rock Raiders... DINOSAURS! No, wait, Dino-Attack MECHA! No...Exo-Force... ...well nuts I'm outta ideas But I like the lava, space, and desert ideas...all very cool and would work I think. Then I guess something with a high-speed racing theme might work...Alpha Team Turbo or something? :P
  16. Niiiiiiiiiiice! And I can see from Two-Face there that I was on the right track thinking a lot of the bad guys may draw their appearences from the Animate Series versions...that small, blurry picture of Mr. Freeze first made the idea manifest, this almost confirms it. Which would be a great thing...meaning we get a Catwoman without those silly goggles she wears in the comics now :P But if this one pic is anything to go on...the Batman line is gonna rock (like there was ever any doubt
  17. I keep it pretty streamlined. There's here of course, then there's the Transfandom.com Forums where I'm "employed". Plus I have my own little forum...but that one is a little more exclusive as far as membership goes
  18. Wow, that's great! :-D It's kind of like seeing the story told with those Ralph McQuarrie visualization paintings, before the looks of the characters, beasts, and tech were totally nailed down all the way. Great use of the parts of the time
  19. Wow... Be it Bionicle, Star Wars, or Transformers, sometimes I feel as if I'm the last person left in the world who simply wants to enjoy a narritive for the ride it takes me on instead of having some misplaced sense of entitlement that the story creators must remain chained to my initial impressions and the original flow of the material. It's times like this I'm glad I stopped pursuing careers in creative fields because it seems if you create something, and then take risks or free-form expansions away from your original story core you're roundly lambasted by the very people who claim to be devoted to the original source. It's like getting into a relationship with a woman and expecting them to never change or grow, but to just stay exactly as they were when you met them. And then when they do change, completley turning on them, becoming confrontational, and lamenting how they aren't how they used to be. I wonder if Alexandre Dumas got a bunch of crap for putting the Three Musketeers in The Man in the Iron Mask :P
  20. Ah, I'm glad to see the short end of the weapon can still serve as a passable "hand" visually like it can on the green one. And to answer your question gylman, the light is activated by a little press-button that lies under a rubber tab at the back of the head. It takes quite a bit of pressure to get that sucker down through the tab or through direct contact. I'd assume you'd have to construct some way to transfer enough pressure to the button directly downward to get it to "remotley activate" in any way...in short...it's probably more trouble then it's worth and would probably add too much "kibble" to the figure
  21. Well from what I've seen in my short time here is that the people who "hate" Bionicle are the brick purists who think anything more then the standard LEGO interlocking bricks just does not deserve to be LEGO. It's really nothing to be concerned about. Every fandom has it's "originalists" who generally sneer at anything new or radically different from what they consider the pure heart of something. It's especially bad among Transformers fans. There is a large and vocal group who bow at the altar of the original Generation One (1984-1990) line...and to them anything since is just utter crap and will never be as good as "GeeWun!" So just look at it this way...if there are people out there who "hate" Bionicle or raise hell whenever Bionicle pieces are used in regular sets, that just leaves more of those sets and Bionicle around for you to buy and enjoy
  22. HOLY SMOKES! :oo That's damn impressive, even if it is only the aft end of the ship, it's still a great representation of the ol' CVN-75. Everything right down to the aircraft and the deck crew are just fantastic. Kinda wish I could smack my Megabloks Nimitz and Kitty Hawk together into something that cool
  23. Hmmm...time to take stock... Alpha Team $50 Star Wars $770 Dino-Attack $145 Exo-Force $10 Vikings $155 Creator $40 Bionicle $350 Other $20 So, somewhere around $1540 Yikes :oo
  24. Ah god! Spoiler Alert! :oo I knew I shouldn't have looked in here :P This should be interesting nonetheless
  25. Deinonychus replied to KMOI's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    News to me... Although if you read the back-up story in the Official Bionicle Encyclopedia it has HUNDREDS of Toa, if not thousands in it :-D I didn't like it at first, but now I'm seeing the Toa as sort of like the Jedi...there used to be an army's worth, but Makuta changed all that. For the longets time there were none, then 6 had to start the "order" anew
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