Everything posted by Deinonychus
700 Members!!!
Wow...that means there are at least 82 members newer then me... One of you n00bs go get me some coffee!
Batman 2006
HOLD THE PHONE! UCS Batmobile? :oD Excuse me for a few moments, I think I need to go change my shorts
Batman 2006
Well thanks for dropping buy reideen1313 to let us in on what you legally can On a side note...a friend of mine isn't sure which version it is, but I'm thinking Mr. Freeze is based heavily on the first Animated Series version. This also makes me think that the other character designs might borrow heavily from those incarnations. They're iconic, simple, and would translate beautifully to Minifig form *wub*
Batman 2006
So I'm assuming LEGO is waiting for the New York Toy Fair to officially reveal these... Aren't there some European shows around the same time in Feburary?
Which do you think would sell best for lego?
Wow...what a load of money sucking crappy licences for LEGO to choose from :P I don't think any of them would work. Hell, Harry Potter just barely works and that's with a worldwide voracious fandom behind it. Megabloks had Pokemon last year...and I think it bit them in the rear badly. Because no matter how popular a licence is, it has to work in block form and be perpetually fun. The Megabloks Pokemon stuff was a great example, even with the "battle game" developed for it. The most it was good for was a one-off construction and an "oh, that's cute" and that was it. and yes, I admit, I bought the little Pikachu and he is okay, but ultimatly boring...but he's good from a novelty standpoint. :P
Storing Lego Sets
It's an absolute freaking mess :P What's assembled is prominantly displayed. Unassembled sets were, until recently, seperated by color, but I've started seperating them by set in individual heavy-duty ziploc bags. Not quite done with that yet. Unassembled Bionicle sets are either mixed in all together for better MOCing or seperated out into their respective canisters. Some themes, like Rock Raiders, are mixed all together for easier MOCing. All the Minifigs are together in a big bin for easier access. Then I have one bag full of nothing but those 2 or 3 little spare parts that turn up in just about any LEGO set...that's a crazy little grab-bag
Is it time for a new Makuta?
I was working through my backlog of Bionicle sets today and from that, got around to finally putting Roodaka together. After I finished her I got to thinking... With all the larger Bionicle sets in the past couple years like Krekka, Sidorak, Roodaka, Ketongu, and Nihdiki...and with sets like Axxon and Brutaka coming up, wouldn't it follow that sometime soon we should probably get a new, bigger, and better dedicated Makuta set? Sure, the "Ultimate Dume" Makuta is pretty big and quite a bit more elaborate from the Mask of Light set, but it's still not a dedicated "designed to be so" Makuta set. And compared to some of the Titans and Dark Hunters we've gotten recently, that original Makuta isn't as menacing as he used to be. I'm thinking something in the $50 range. Big, with lots of articulation points and wicked claws, perhaps some huge wings. Or even further, make him the biggest Bionicle figure set to date...around the $70 price point with something like 1000 pieces. But that's just my view
- message boards
Every once in a while I'll use the LEGO search engine to look for something and I get to those forums...what a complete waste of bandwidth those are |-D
What did you get for Christmas?!
LEGO related? Just a little...7344 Dump Truck, 4892 Creator Prehistoric Power, and the 10203 Voporak set with Keetongu, Roodaka and Sidorak. Otherwise it was onea those Roboraptor things and lots and lots of books...mostly nice big DK books
MegaBloks Pyrates is better than LEGO 4+ Pirates
See, I've never understood the whole "Megabloks have inferior quality and materials" thing because I have quite a few Megabloks sets and have never had any problems with them...ever. Heaven forbid I accidentally mix any Megabloks in with my LEGOs because even to someone with a lot of experience handling both it's pretty hard to tell them apart by feel, usually I have to look for the raised LEGO on the studs to determine which is which. I can only assume Megabloks gets such a bad rep from LEGO fanaticals who have never even attempted a Megabloks set. But back to the main issue, yeah I can see where the Pyrates are probably a little more fun for older builders then the 4+ stuff...which just isn't that fun at all. However I'm still passing on them because after Megabloks' first foray into the "Minifig" arena (Power Rangers) the novelty sort of wore off for me and I havent gotten anything aside from the Dragons that come in the little egg-canisters since. So for now it's mainly Probuilder sets for me
Hi I'm new
Well generally as a rule I hate Mondays... but I guess I can give you the benefit of the doubt...welcome aboard!
King Kong *SPOILERS*
I only have one question... WHERE THE F##K WAS PETER JACKSON WHEN THERE WAS AN AMERICAN GODZILLA MOVIE TO BE MADE?!?!?! >:( I'm not sure I've ever said this about a movie before...but it was perfect! I'd highly reccomend it to anyone, do yourselves a favor and go see it
Slave I Pic-Review
YEAH!! And real ninjas heads aren't square, and they have fingers (and Knees)!!!! |-D ZING!
B-Wing Picture Review
I was just thinking that myself, and it was only one week. Issue 3's out? DAMMIT YOU RUINED IT!!! Yeah, sorry about that...I guess when the Admins were putting the board together they never thought we'd need spoiler tags :P I tried my best though But...this does mean that this particular B-Wing is a Rogue Squadron ship :D
B-Wing Picture Review
Although it kind of sucks that mere weeks after a Minifig of Ten Numb becomes avalible, we learn through the new Star Wars: Rogue Squadron comics mini-series that he #SPOILER ALERT!# gets tortured to death by an Imperial Storm Commando, General Weir. Poor Ten, we hardly knew ye
Lego catalog 2006
Wow, that Striking Venom set is pretty damn sweet! Can't wait to see that sucker on the shelves. Same goes for the's not as good as I hoped it could be, but good enough! The base isn't all that great, but all the other little figs and mechs and such it comes with are pretty damn cool. But, it looks like it has some good and useable parts in it so I'm sure I'll snag it at some point
Eating on the forums
Wow...that's a pretty interesting question |-D I think if I ever eat anything here by the computer it's usually just a candy bar or something small, nothing that can get in there and gum-up the keyboard too bad :P
Well crud...I musta missed that memo, thanks for the info That'll teach me to get overly excited about giant Raptors. Although the last info I had still placed him as most probably a Dromaeosaurid, I'll look around tonight and see if I can't update myself :-D That would kinda suck when Therizinosaurus cheloniformis went from being a huge classic theropod with big grasping hands, to a bizzare looking turkey-saur that ate leaves instead of other dinos.... But discoveries and changes like that are half the fun of paloebiology
PICTURE REVIEW: Stealth Hunter
Hell, that set is worth it just to build that combiner
Lego catalog 2006
Hero Tank? I'm liking the sound of that
Best of the dragons
I wouldn't say I hate Fafnir...but he's a little too big and lanky for my tastes...he's still an awesome dragon comparitivly. But the red Nidhogg dragon is damn near perfect. He gets my vote
Idea for new smilies!
I guess it's too early to start campaigning for an official EB Deino Smiley huh? --->
Slave I Pic-Review
At this point I wouldn't mind...after putting the new Slave I together and setting it alongside the Jango made the Jango version look like crap :P I think these second attempts at SW vehicles LEGO has already given us are starting to spoil me. Now if we can get TIE fighters in the correct colors we'll be golden
Oh no! More Velociraptor mongolensis hype! As sort of an amateur expert on Dromaeosaurs I feel pretty well qualified to tackle this one. Of course, the book and movie Jurassic Park ushered the term "Raptor" for Dromaeosaurid dinosaurs into the general lexicon, and even in the paleontological community, Raptor is used as a slang term for any Dromaeosaurid, but just calling it a Raptor does not make it a V. mongolensis The Raptors in the movie were Deinonychus antirrhopus. This is due to the fact that when Michael Crichton was writing Jurassic Park, he was advised by an illustrator and amateur paleontologist named Gregory S. Paul who, at the time, was pushing the idea that Deinonychus antirrhopus was actually just another species of genus Velociraptor and should be named Velociraptor antirrhopus. Paul's theory has been roundly rejected since then, but the damage was already done and the definition of "Raptor" has since been very murky. So what does all this have to do with the Dino Attack/2010 toy? Not a whole lot, but I'm getting there. First we have to discount the horns on the head and the spikes on the tail. Done. It's fairly easy to say that this is a mutant created by Ogel or some other LEGO baddy. Next we look at the head. The robustness of the posterior portion of the skull with it's even sloping to the anterior end suggests a larger and boxier skull then is present in V. mongolensis who has a very gracile skull with a slught curve between the optical fassa and the nasal cavity. The skull shape eliminates V. mongolensis and Dromaeosaurus albertensis from consideration. Moving on to the rest of the body, it has the classic Dromaeosaurid shape, but the head is too big in relation to the body and length of the tail. This we'll put down to "toyification". So with the configuration of the torso to the arms and legs we can, for now, say with plenty of certainty that this is a Dromaeosaur of some kind. Using a Minifig to estimate length, we get a size around 33 feet, or roughly 10 meters. This completley rules out D. antirrhopus and Utahraptor ostrommaysorum who check in at 10 feet and 20 feet long respectivly. The next best candidate would be Megaraptor namunhuaiquii who at 25 to 30 feet is not a dino you'd want to meet in a dark alley, or any alley. While the LEGO version seems bigger then the largest estimated specimen of M namunhuaiquii, there are no known Dromaeosaurids bigger, so he's our most likley suspect. So it seems we have everything in order and we get to the feet... UH OH! The LEGO dino seems to lack the large sickle-shaped killer claw on the second toe of each foot, the hallmark of Dromaeosaurids. So this would technically eliminate him as a Dromaeosaurid at all...but the morphology of the body suggests no type of dinosaur but a we're stuck and can just chalk the lack of claw up to bad cloning or mutation. So what do we have. Well, technically the LEGO Raptor is no known dinosaur species. But the closest we can get is Megaraptor namunhuaiquii, which, for our purposes, is good enough
I know I look great in pink
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