Everything posted by Deinonychus
OLD TRU Exclusive set poll
EDIT - Okay, so it's an old poll, but somehow I was just emailed about it NOW, so perhaps there's something up... The LEGO Kids Inner Circle has a new poll about a new CITY set to be sold in Toys R Us next year. They show three pieces of concept art, then ask for a vote, then ideas on them. So, I picked the Truckstop, despite thinking the Train Fanatics will force the "Transport" one through. Even suggested tossing a Lot Lizard into the set (which I'm sure will be ignored ). They also asked for how you'd describe each set, to which the only response for #3 could be "10184 Town Plan" Also, at the beginning of the questionnaire, they asked for types of themes that haven't been done before, from which I leaped at the chance to suggest 1920's Gangsters, Victorian Steampunk, and an original LEGO Superhero line. So, this is sort of like the big Star Wars poll that resulted in the Home One set. Any way you slice it, it's a satisfying amount of interactivity between LEGO and the consumers
Power Miners 2010
Don't you mean Geocide?
Atlantis 2010
Wow...Lord Octopus there is so full of Lovecraftian awesomeness that he just made the Octopus Gate set there a must-buy for me. He's coming to rape the minds of all my other Minifigs! IA IA!
Power Miners: New Sets for 2009
Not sure if this has been pointed out elsewhere, but I managed to snag the two Power Miners bagged sets at Target last night tucked away in the Halloween section. The 8907 Rock Hacker is a great little set, very reminiscent of the small little Space and City sets I used to get as a kid. The 8908 Monster Launcher is, plainly, just a waste of money. It's a 12 piece catapult that you can fling an included Rock Monster with. I guess it's okay if you REALLY want a rock monster and are too cheap to buy a full-blown Power Miner set.
Star Wars The Clone Wars Season 2 Discussion
Then get ready for Pacifist Mandalorians! I kid you not. I ran across the info while reading the new Essential Atlas, and Wookiepedia already had it handily typed up. No wonder Karen Traviss is giving up Star Wars novels, seeing as the TV show is about to toss everything she's done to establish the culture of the Mando'ade during the Clone Wars in the dust bin.
Petition: We want the Pirates Advent Calender in the United States
LEGO, I stopped buying advent calendars after the third City incarnation. If you want to make an advent customer out of me again, release one in a different theme in the US. Pirates would be a good start.
Toy Story discussion thread
HAW! I love the Jeep for the Army Men. It's like a little Star Wars battle pack. I think I may get a couple of those. Otherwise, the theme isn't really doing anything for me.
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
A TIE Defender...finally...and an image I can believe in. But I'm not sure if I should be glad or disappointed it's not "LEGO TIE Blue"
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
See this... This is Jessica Alba. A woman I would very much like to sleep with, but I never will because she'll never be made available to me. That fact makes me sad, sad enough to lament publicly about not being able to have her. Same thing with cool little LEGO promos, be they Power Miners, or Star Wars, or Castle. Experience tells me that the vast majority of LEGO promos will either not be available to me, or will be such a pain to acquire that they won't be worth it. That makes the raptor sad
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
That's the funniest thing I've read on here in months At least there are instructions so we can hack these things out of parts we already have on-hand.
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Wow, quite a change in my opinion over such short of a span. When the official LEGO images of this set came out the other day, I decided within a few minutes that I could pass on this set and that the original UCS version was clearly superior, the same way I got out of buying the Minifig-scale Star Destroyer. But the pictures of this thing "in the wild" at SDCC make it look very tightly designed, and very cool. now I've swung the other way and can't wait to get this set. Hopefully it'll be near the same weight as the Republic Cruiser, because this set would look great hanging from the ceiling alongside
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
I really like the little run of GAR Minis that Brickmaster is feeding us. Sure, I'd have liked something other than a redesign of a previous Mini, but it's a great redesign, so nothing to complain about here
Tantive IV MOC
Pretty slick there. I wonder how much work it'd be to build up the rest of the ship around it
- 10194 Emerald Night (Exclusive 2009)
Happy BirthDay Deinonychus
Thanks everyone! No LEGO gifts yet, but the night is still young
Power Miners: New Sets for 2009
I'd kill for a good clear pic of those price cards about now
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Just when I thought LEGO had run out of thing to surprise me with..BAM! I'm very happy
$399.99 UCS Millennium Falcon, worth it?
Necessities Smecessities. Both those sets are worth it at full price, getting a deal makes it even sweeter. I say go for it.
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
WOW! That set is way better than anything I was thinking the set would be. It's not overly huge, it's cleanly designed, and it has a new color variant for the always fun A-Wing. That breifing pit is also pretty clever. I'm digging it. Not to mention great new Minifig characters. I'm very happy
MOC:Clone Wars AT-RT
Wow...great AT-RT. And thanks for posting up the break-down pics. Makes it easier for me to build one as well!
Secret Competition Final Round!
So...what, did you people give up voting or do I need to bump the topic. Oh, guess I just did
Lego launches new Games range
Buildable dice? That has got to be the coolest new LEGO invention since sound bricks
REVIEW: 7637 Farm
I don't know if it's just how the review is being presented, but I can't be the only one thinking that this set would have worked just fine split up as several smaller sets...for cheaper
Mega Blocks Gets Halo License
MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Awesome! I can't wait. I hope it's really, really vehicle-heavy and not full of nothing but playsets. Finally, a reason to buy Megabloks again. They'd been sort of on the downslide as far as interesting sets have gone as of late. I can't agree with you about the Minifigs. Those are the one aspect of Megabloks I can't get on board with. But, fully armored SPARTANs and ODSTs might look okay. And yet, sadly, I fear we'll never be free of the curse of "They should do Halo LEGO" topics
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