Everything posted by Deinonychus
New Bionicle
So that's what those are all about... Well unless the cat enjoys chasing them across the apartment like she does the Rhotuka Spinners I doubt I'll be interested
2005 a good year for LEGO
I think the combination of consolidating back down to the core business (toys instead of parks and apparel), focusing on basic bricks, and quality licences and original themes have all come together to get LEGO back on track and if nothing else set it up for positive growth. Perhaps 2006 may not be as good as 2005, but I think it will be an imporvment over previous years. And not to go off topic here, but I was unaware they were doing a second Vikings's to hoping it'll be avalible in the US like the first *viki*
Link- and Picturedead topics.
Those are great...I especially like the Commandos and the ARCs :D
New Bionicle
Isn't a gun essentially a slug launcher? *twisted* Weeee! Screwing with semantics is fun!
New Bionicle
Hakann is packing some serious heat there... Yeah, I know the official LEGO line is that they're not guns...but damned if some of them don't really look that way...Hakann and Avak especially
Oh my! looks like a genuine castle wall now...I kinda like it :-D
Let's Talk BattleFront 2
I've been playing it pretty solid for almost 2 weeks now and I must say I love it as much as the first. A lot of the new additions are great and I've even developed a fondness for the at first under-whelming space battles. Now they're pretty fun for me, but I wish the space battles were based on unit and starship elimination, and not just a points system. It sort of bothers me that the battle can cut out while the enemy cruiser is still there holding atmosphere in. Although I absolutley HATE how the story missions are set up... 1) YOU are the only trooper who can do anything. You can have 30 guys standing around a command post, and it won't get captured until you do it. Plus, half the time you're off trying to capture one of the bloody things, and your teammates are nowhere to be seen, so you keep getting mobbed. 2) Speaking of mobbed, your reinforcements are strictly limited while enemies constantly respawn with no limit...which makes it particuarly hard when trying to capture one of those command posts by yourself >:( 3) Shoot anything...Acklay, Jedi, Trooper, and the thing turns and heads right at you. It'll pass 74 other guys just to come all the way across the battlefield to get you, it's especially annoying with those god-modding Jedi...luckily I learned if you flatten their megablocks with a friggin' tank it makes things a little easier But overall, I'm digging it, just what I was hoping for
Your worst "did not buy story"
Not so much a good deal, but the UCS X-Wing and TIE Interceptor sets while they were still avalible. I had no interest in them mainly due to the price-points, but after the Blockade Runner and the Star Destroyer, the UCS bug had gotten me good and by then those two sets were nowhere to be found and now they'll both cost you an arm and a leg on ebay or though a secondary seller...yep...just plain stupid :P
Harry Potter 05: A person is Slytherin if...
Nah...Skeletor always looks like that
Harry Potter Month
I certainly do! It looks sorta classy As much as I enjoyed the Halloween skin...the orange and the dismembered appendages were starting to hurt my eyes
Provocative art? Sick art? Art at all?
No, I see the point about the Vikings and Pirates... And also the Cavalry and Indians, Knights, Aztecs, Samurai, hell, LEGO had a line of Ninjas and they were assassins...ASSASSINS! It seems the non-violent nature of LEGO only exists from 1918 onward to the modern era and excludes "Sci-Fi" type themes like Dino Attack and Star Wars (I've said hundereds of times, what's more violent then a battlestation that can destroy an entire planet) Their goal seems to keep "modern" and "real" violent influences out of the play realm of kids, and that's fine, but it's sort of silly to say that something is un-LEGO just because it is violent. Plus, I've gotta keep my hopes up...the Sopwith Camel came out a couple years ago so I'm hoping for a 1920's era Chicago Gangster theme any year now
Provocative art? Sick art? Art at all?
I'm impressed, amused, and horrified at the same time (by both the War on Terror and Concentration Camp sets) I guess it goes to show that LEGO is really only limited by the bounds of the builder's imagination...and some people have some pretty twisted imaginations *wacko* And I thought some of my ideas were bizzare
Castle/Fortress Builders Needed!
Tiles and jumper bricks...that'd be a good way to go. That way the different levels would still stick together, but be easily removable.
Brickshelf find: US Civil War
Nice railway mortar! And I like that last one in that first gallery...that's either Confederate soldiers destroying railways to deny their use to the Union, or Stonewall Jackson's men disassembling and moving vital railroad components and engines overland from Martinsburg to Strasburg in 1861, either way it's cool
Is this a Lego product
Yeah, that looks like a Kubrick Disney Tarzan figure or something...time to fire up Google
Modern Pirate Attack!
Modern Pirate = Mugger in a speedboat Although, that could work as a set of bad guys in a Batman set or something...but as a "Pirates" theme, no way. Sadly I'm not sure LEGO will give us a new Pirate line for a while...Megabloks kinda has the market with their Pyrates line right now. And I usually dig what Megabloks does...but their Pyrates are pretty awful :P
Brickshelf Find: ARC-170 Helmets
Wow...those are pretty nice. I wasn't happy with how LEGO did the Clone Pilot helmets, but I completley understood why they did them that way, Clone Pilots are a pretty limited and non-essential run to be making unique pieces for...but then again, I think I got over it way back when the Republic Gunship from Episode II had regular Clonetroopers flying it instead of Clone Pilots :P
Worst building TLC's techniques
Definatly stickers... The stickers on my two Gunships and Reble Blockade Runner began to crack and peel upward after a couple years, and that was just from slight, indirect sunlight filtering through blinds! I contacted LEGO about the problem and they nicely sent me replacement stickers for my Blockade Runner (without me even asking for them :D ) but they sadly didn't have stickers for the Gunships anymore. I mean, we pay enough for these sets already, just go ahead and print the bloody designs on the bricks :P
Link- and Picturedead topics.
They're both impressive and wonderful sets, and the Death Star II was a little less aggrivating to build, but the Star Destroyer is the better of the two sets. It just seems to look a little cooler and makes more of a visual statement while on display. I'd get it sooner then later if I were you though. I read somewhere that LEGO was dicontinuing the Star Destroyer to sort of make way for the Death Star I suspect once they sell out of the current stock of them, that'll be it. As for display need a good sized area for it...luckily at the same time I assembled mine we were switching out TVs and TV cabinets and I snagged the old one for my den to put the ISD on top of...fits perfectly
Link- and Picturedead topics.
Well with the ISD I found that after being assembled for almost 2 years it had started to show some "nose droop" All that I needed to do to fix that was to take off all the super-structure sections and the hull quarters, then remove the inner-structural triangles. From there I seperated the top from the bottom, flipped them over, then clamped them back together and BINGO, no more droop. I also tore down, mixed up, and reassembeled the plates of the hull quarters, but that was more for my own piece of mind then anything else :P
Link- and Picturedead topics.
Okay, I just finished assembling my Death Star II UCS set and the whole thing started leaning slightly towards the "unfinished" side almost from when I started. Now that it's finished, it's still leaning a barely perceptable ammount. So.... Is anyone else having this problem? Are you terrified that thing will decide to just randomly tip over a couple months from now? Although I suppose if it's too bad I can get in there with some spare technic pieces and beef up the central spire abit
Star wars sets we'd like to see
Brilliant! I know the other bust of Darth Maul never did well...but Grevious just lends himself more to LEGO form then Maul or Yoda...I think if LEGO took a chance on that they'd be pleasently surprised
Star wars sets we'd like to see
What we really need is a customizable Jedi Interceptor pack where we get enough of the different colored bricks to make the several different varieties of those we saw in the's be easy scrounging for parts from other sets now except for those bloody solar panels :/ Plus, in the New Essential Chronology it has a picture of Darth Vader in the early days of the Empire in his custom Jedi all black one :')
Star wars sets we'd like to see
Just about anything from the Expanded Universe would suit me. There are dozens of starfighters they could crank out (Assault Gunboat, TIE Defender, E-Wing, A-9, etc ) and I do think there are a couple military walkers we've yet to see in LEGO form. But from the movies, my big wish right now is for a Couruscant Firefighting Speeder with a bunch of little firefighter minifigs, that would be fun as hell :oD
How'd you GET here?
I did a Google search for LEGO 2006 and ended up here...liked the fact that the forum was the Invision Board I'm so familiar with and decided to sign up
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