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Eurobricks Fellows
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Everything posted by Deinonychus

  1. (considers replacing the T-1 Typhoon's missile pods with huge lipstick tubes and the nose and tail guns with eyeliner pencils)
  2. Well, if you look at the weapon descriptions for the US/Aus/Jap versions, LEGO goes to great lengths to describe how they are all very sci-fi, non-lethal devices...XL-4 Voltaic Launchers, Plarxx Radar Rays, Quintronic Beam Emitters, Sonic Screamers, Z-1 Kinetic Launchers, Cryothermic Cannons, Xenon Multi-Mode Launchers... So really it becomes an allegory for the US and Europe. Where the US will spend billions of dollars to develop high tech, advanced weapons to bring down the dinosaurs in one piece for capture very quicly, Europe will rely on inexpensive, tried and true methods that may take longer, but will result in the dinos being captured in the end just the same. Then again...the downside is that sets like the T-1 Typhoon (Air Tracker) and the Iron Predator (Dino Track Transport) just look sad without all the cannons and rocket pods and such hanging off of them :(
  3. Aw nuts, and I still have a couple days to go :P I'm very eager to crack into this one. My wife brought home the first one last year when the original Trilogy came out on DVD and we both played the crap out of it for several months straight. Also, with it coming out on the same day as Episode III on DVD, gave me just enough of a reason to use some of my vacation time and take all of next week off from work. 7 whole days to do nothing but play. Obsessive? Yeah, probably
  4. YIKES! What is that, the 72 round magazine you have loaded in there? :o Very cool LEGO firearm, looks so good it could be mistaken for the real thing...just remember to stick an orange brick on the barrel if you take it out in public :P
  5. Deinonychus posted a post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Here's a little custom I did a while back but just recently took new pictures of. In case you're not familiar, it's the cargo variation of the Republic Gunship from Attack of the Clones...you may remember seeing one swoop in and drop off an AT-TE Walker during the big battle on Geonosis. The main portions of the Gunship set remain intact, but several details required redesign to match the cargo variant. The dual cockpits had to be reduced to one, the gun pods taken off the wings, the guns removed from the front and capped with Y-Wing engine domes, most of the "Republic Red" bricks replaced with blue, The front end replaced with red bricks (which I had few of in the right shapes...thus the fudging with the round pieces), and the construction of the odd assembly on the dorsal surface...whatever it's supposed to be, I've not seen it explained anywhere. And of course, the closing up of the forward compartment and addition of the cargo clamps. One of these days I'm going to build a little Republic Fighter Tank for it to carry around
  6. Deinonychus replied to languages's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Geez, first those new Mecha sets and now this...is LEGO truly going over to the Dark Side with all this Manga/Anime junk? :P
  7. Deinonychus replied to ApophisV's post in a topic in Community
    Well I guess I'll just switch to the "Angry Deino" Avatar...my sig is scary enough
  8. Deinonychus replied to languages's post in a topic in Forum Information and Help
    I absolutley love the Halloween board skin! Guess I'll crack out the Halloween Sig while we're at it!
  9. Name: Deinonychus Age: 28 State: Florida
  10. Sadly no, that's the only one... ...but ebay is always useful to fix that :)
  11. Actually I had LEGOs since I was very young starting with the basic bricks...but the Pirates showed me that even at the age of twelve I wasn't growing out of them anytime soon. The Pirates also got me looking closer at the entirety of the theme sets and interested in something other then Space. And tonight I managed to assemble the whole set in it's entirety without a single missing piece, it's still just as cool as I remember and is going to look great on the shelf! Thanks again for pointing me to the directions :D
  12. Deinonychus replied to Clone comander Nodra 999's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    I wonder what kind of non-lethal sci-fi names LEGO would come up with for the weapons and guns and such Then again...they do make a wide array of Star Wars weapons of incredible power (I mean, what's more violent then a superlaser that can destroy a planet) , but Star Wars is more of a broadly appealing fantasy epic where Halo's focus is a little more narrow and combat oriented. But little LEGO Orbital Drop Shock Troopers with insertion pods would be neat ;)
  13. It sure is better than Tfans. Ah yes, I was a Mod over there for about a year...shortly after I quit that job it started going rapidly downhill from what I can tell But, last time I looked over there they still had the Deino Smiley, so they're not all bad :P
  14. Mr Deinonychus, congratulations on your first piratical post! Instructions for 6270 Forbidden Island can be found here - go on, relive your memories! It will make you feel good while you're rebuilding it! OUTSTANDING! Thanks a lot...I guess it's time to lug my crate of "older" LEGOs out and get right to it *satis*
  15. YES! Lando in his disguise as Skiff Guard Tamtel Skreej! Lando is the rare case where I approve of the skin tones on Minifigs...because , we can never get enough LEGO Lando :D
  16. I fell in love with 6270 Forbidden Island from the first time I saw it. I mowed a lot of lawns and took out a lot of trash to earn the money to buy that set...it had it all...Pirates, a rowboat, a cannon, treasure chest (with treasure), palm trees, a shark, a parrot, a monkey, a crows nest, jail (with prisoner), a rope bridge, EVERYTHING. I still have all the parts...perhaps I should try to find some instructions or try and rebuild it from the pictures... I always dreamed of expanding into the ships like the Black Seas Barracuda, but never did...and like a dummy I passed it up when it was reissued recently too :(
  17. A little LEGO Sarlacc would rock pretty hard as an add on... Then I could have Minifig Boba Fett continually blast it apart and escape just to cheese off the anti-Expanded Universe purists :P
  18. Deinonychus replied to Jipay's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Oh...they HAVE to do Mr. Freeze...give him a dome like the little Ice Drones that guard Ogel's fortress :^D
  19. I was wondering if they'd ever get a second use out of that Jabba "mini" fig I'm seeing this set as something akin to the Sandcrawler...which is good, the Sandcrawler is an awesome set. Now let the speculation on the included Minifigs begin!
  20. Deinonychus replied to Jipay's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Wow...my wallet just screamed in terror :P I'm just glad we're getting so many villians...this is fantastic news!
  21. Deinonychus replied to jonfett's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    28 over here... When the first Toa came out I had no interest in them what so ever...until I walked into a Toys R Us and they has some assembled and out on the shelf to mess with...from there I was hooked. It doesn't hurt that Bionicle also has a well concieved and well written mythos attached to it either. Even back a couple years ago when I took a break from buying Bionicle sets, I always kept up with the latest storyline developments.
  22. |-D Yes! For once European pacifism works to my evil advantage! And thanks everyone for welcoming me so warmly. This is probably the friendliest damn board I've seen in a while
  23. Deinonychus replied to DoubleT's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    I like the Piraka, it's good to see more enemies for the Toa who aren't insectiod based for the change (Look at the Bohrak, Bohrak-Kal, Vahki, and Visorak...all insectoid in a way) They look like they've got tons of personality and will probably do good things for the narritive. As for seeing them in stores...my experience has been that the next year's sets start trickling into stores around the week before Christmas, so asking someone for one as a gift will probably be folly...but haunting Toys R Us and Wal-Mart toy aisles around that time might just turn you up a few :)
  24. Deinonychus replied to Jipay's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Wow...I can dig it! *wub* From the look of the figure and packaging, it seems that LEGO got the licence to the Comic Batman...which I'm fairly certain the cartoon, comic, and movie are all handled seperatly...which is great because the potential for cool Minifigs and vehicles is limitless! Also, if this is only the comic licence, it'll give us Robin...because if it were the cartoon licence Robin would most probably be under the Teen Titans licence |-/
  25. Deinonychus replied to sam89's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I'd have to say a UCS set is a LEGO set with a more complex design and construction where the finished product leans more towards a "display model" result and focuses less on play value and gimmicks and is meant to appeal to older or more experienced builders. The N-1 Naboo Fighter is a good example. It's clearly smaller and less complex then other UCS sets, but compared to the Minifig-scale one, it is more of an accurate interpretation of the real thing, and it's not set up to have a pilot or acessories...it has a display stand, which hints that it's intended to just sit there. As for Yoda, Cloud City, and Ultimate TIE...that's just organizational laziness I suppose :D
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