Everything posted by Deinonychus
City '09?
Strange that all these TRU exclusives haven't shown up on S@H yet. I've got a $5 Brickmaster coupon burning a hole in my pocket
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
I kind of like the new style of Minifig magnet, if these are indeed a new design philosophy. Less a Minifig with a magnet in it's back and more of a full-blown fridge ornament
Does your Power Function smell bad?
That has to be the greatest "out of context" topic title ever But no, never noticed any stench.
Indy 2009 Discussion Thread
Damn my faulty memory I was at work when I posted, so I didn't have access to my vast volumes of useless info, but checking my Lucasfilm Archives book confirms that the plane was a Pilatus P-2 standing-in for a Luftwaffe fighter. I guess my brain just assumed that since it was 1938 it'd be the "TIE Fighter" of the German air forces, especially since the next best candidate, the FW-190 didn't have its first portotype flight until 1939. . Still not impressed though
Indy 2009 Discussion Thread
I'm usually pretty positive and forgiving with early pics...but man, they really crapped out on the Bf-109 I guess I got my hopes up too high on that one
Odd Shop@Home experience
I've had that happen a couple of times. Once it took a whole month for the charge to appear on my account. If it's bothering you, calling will usually get them to ram the charge through. Otherwise, if you wait patiently it'll go through eventually
Free Entry Raffle-Rare Bricks
Free Entry Raffle-Rare Bricks
Ah, what the hell. I'm bound and determined to win a competition or contest on this site that doesn't involve me writing a funny caption for a photo.
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Comparing shots of the BSB SES BB
Thanks a lot. This is just the sort of comparison photoshoot I've been waiting for for a long time. I missed out on the BSB both times it was released and resolved to not skip the BB. I can now see that the two are pretty comparable and now I don't feel so deprived anymore. Now hopefully these new Pirate sets will provide me with a good stand-in for the SES
Possible trouble for used LEGO sales in the US
Yep...seems we've dodged a bullet this time. (which are, coincidentally, made of lead ) A little more info here from good ol' Snopes
Possible trouble for used LEGO sales in the US
Original Story - Since the Consumer Products and Safety Commission is eerily quiet on all this, there's no real clarification as to how far this sort of thing goes, and if online sellers who deal in "collectibles" will be affected...but I don't have a good feeling about this at all EDIT - More Info
Watcha get for Christmas?
Mostly I got a bunch of cool books nobody here would care about, but I did get the 10189 Taj all I need is time to put it together
Winter Skin
Plo Koon looks like Jamie Hyneman!
Eurobricks Advent Calendar 2008
HAW! This is really neat, great job guys!
Mystery FREE Raffle!
As long as it's nothing involving poo, I'm in
The 2009 Pirate LEGO
Way to blow it! Now LEGO Corporate knows the sets are out early and will take steps to rectify the "mistake" :P
The 2009 Pirate LEGO
HAW! I have a trip planned down there next weekend! Pirates ahoy!
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Well I hate other people, so the fact that this isn't an offline single-payer RPG like the first two makes me sad. oh well
Review: 10189 Taj Mahal
I am SO getting this instead of the Death Star now...thanks for the review!
S'funny...I had to explain Fabuland to my Wife tonight. She was in my den and noticed Ricky Raccoon on his Scooter sitting on my shelf and had no idea what his deal was. Part of my explanation went like this. "A bunch of people on Eurobricks are all crazy for it. You know, some of the same people who hate Bionicle and think it's stupid crap...go figure." Just goes to show how LEGO has little niches for everyone
In case anyone is interested... A few years ago there was a Transformers site called Transfandom. Well, that site imploded, but a lot of the core staff is still around and we've started a Transformers blog to serve as a sort of online e-zine The Underbase Online Now, we only have 3 entries so far, but give it a shot, we're brand new
The free Mini V-19 Torrent raffle
Deino want V-19
10200 Customs Garage Now Available
It's a very nice looking set. I'd probably get it had I not already been hit for $200 this Spring with the Space Factory sets. Who knows. Perhaps if they have one assembled and on display at the LEGO store this weekend I may rethink my decision
LEGO reveals new line - Power Miners
Fantastic news! The spirit of Rock Raiders lives on!!! Along with the sort of re-imagining of Alpha Team that is the Agents line I'm really enjoying the in-house themes LEGO has been churning out here as of late. Makes me not miss Exo-Force at all. Now if only they'd redo Dino Attack somehow in a couple of years...
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