Everything posted by Deinonychus
4898 raffle tread
Why English?
Well honestly, if we were showing a positive bias towards the language spoken in America, wouldn't the forum then be in Spanish?
Why English?
Well, English is the international language of aviation, so why can't we make it the international language of message boards? I mean, we really have to do something before "lol wut? OMFG stfu n00b!!!111!1 ur teh suXX0rz!!!!1111!!" fills that role
New Clone Wars Movie
I guess most of the people here are way to young to appreciate the genius of Ziro. A Hutt with Black Sun body paint and a feathered headpiece that sounds like Truman Capote. Goes well with the whole thing about Hutts going through different sexual phases in their lives. I get the feeling Ziro was midway between a male and female phase. Ziro was easily the funniest thing in the movie, way better than the slapstick B-1 Battle Droids
Comic Con Exclusive Raffle
What's with all the whining? It's $5 for a chance at an expensive SDCC exclusive set. I don't care if they buy coke and hookers with the money. Buy-in on!
First pic of Taj Mahal!
5922 pieces!? Youch! Looks very nice though
EB News Presents Dinoscheusin-thingamagy...
You make an "OMFG n00b" joke in the title thread, and you get that title yourself And I'm usually very kind...until the limits of my tolerance for stupidity and pessimism get pushed. Then people discover that Deino has very sharp (verbal) claws
7679 Republic Fighter Tank Review
One question... Do the top panels on the rotating rocket assembly mounted in the skids pop off regularly when you flip them back and forth? The ones on the version I built from the instructions posted online seem to eject with the slightest provocation
Awesome custom Republic Gunship for sale
True Nice collection of parts though
The different prices on LEGO in the US vs. Europe
God...thank you The difference between profit and profit margin just doesn't get through to a lot of people. There is no possible way LEGO would be selling in the US for a profit loss and making up for it with higher EU and Australian prices. They'd be crazy to do so and would be loosing money hand-over-fist. If I recall correctly, from LEGO's annual report, their second largest market is the US. The first being Germany. But even just taking those two markets as an example, the increased profit margin in Germany could never hope to make up for a mass profit loss in the US.
The different prices on LEGO in the US vs. Europe
Yeah, let's hear people bemoan the existence of Megabloks now. It's because they, and other clone brands exist, that your US LEGO prices are so low. Everything in that statement makes absolute sense. I'm probably going to get dog-piled here because I'm in the US and am the beneficiary of the pricing policies, but this is how business works. LEGO is reducing profit margin in the US to make up for it in gross profit in the long term. It's smart, it's savvy, it's how successful companies make money, stay solvent, and keep operating. And as "unfair" as all this may seem, these are, in the end, children's toys we've chosen to collect as grown adults. They are nothing we have to buy. Even less, they aren't something we need to survive. LEGOs are a luxury. We should be thankful we have enough spare cash at the end of the day to afford anything we need beyond the means to get by.
2008 Picture thread
Sounds like speculation based on everything in THIS CLIP. Right down to the non-human CIS commander in the AAT. But you never can tell
- Star Wars sets anyone?
I'm Back!
Who are you again? (Sorry every thread like this is required, by Internet Law, to have a post saying that. I'm just getting it out of the way early )
EB News Presents Dinoscheusin-thingamagy...
Well, what would you like to know? Like I mentioned, Alpha Team was totally new and different when it came out. I've always loved the whole super-spy genre, and Alpha Team fell right into that right away. It also doesn't hurt that all the sets were very affordable and I was able to pick them all up without breaking the bank. I also loved how the Minifigs were individual characters instead of just random themed LEGOmen. They all had their specific character colors and the faces were printed in such a way that you really got a feel that they each had a unique personality. Then there's Ogel and his skeleton Drones. Guy had an entire Goldfinger meets Cobra Commander feel, and who can really resist that? Ogel was also the first real LEGO villain that I recalled being worth anything. Previous LEGO bad guys never seemed that dangerous to me. Ogel struck me as an adversary who, if he wasn't stopped, could do some serious damage. Mission Deep Sea was okay, but not great. Then the line went into hibernation for a few years and came back with the Arctic sets. Those were some great sets for me, even if a lot of fans don't particularly care for them. The whole "dual-mode vehicle" thing harkened back to the MASK toyline of my childhood, and the colors also appealed to me. As a matter of fact, the Ice Blade (4743) is in my top 10 of favorite sets. Arctic also gave me three new team members, and a better Tee Vee fig. Personally, I consider Alpha Team, Dino Attack, and Agents to all be within the same little LEGO sphere. They're all exceptionally trained and specialized teams of LEGO professionals dispatched to protect the LEGO universe from dangers the City Police just can't handle. And storytelling like that is always a winner in my book!
Could I sue Walmart for this?
Where the hell are your parents? Geez...take a lesson people. This is what happens when you don't spank your kids
Bionicle 2009 Images and Discussion
Oh no, the fan bitching in the future is already casting ripples down the ears...MY EARS!
Battle droids with serial numbers?
Sounds to me like you probably got a Quality Control production sample by accident. If you have 130 droids already, I'd totally hang on to it and keep it as a unique curiosity
What book are you reading right now?
Oh yeah, the book far surpasses the movie. It seems sort of slow to build, but once it does, it crashes into one hell of a climax I'm almost done with Fort Pillow by Harry Turtledove. It's a novel about one of the worst slaughters of the American Civil War.
Adam Tucker´s great architecture models now produced by TLG
svelte_corps nailed it...these are great little souvenirs. It would be nice if LEGO continued this sort of thing with other towers worldwide. Then it'd become a nice little collecting challenge. Honestly, I'm shocked and amazed people aren't bitching up a storm in this thread because they don't come with any Clonetroopers with new colored armor
LEGO Collector's Guide & Collector Premium Edition raffle
(looks at list) Well...I've been to Lugnet a couple of times... (chooses)
Which set should I buy?
Pay no attention to these fools and their senseless, narrow-minded brand snobbery. If you like some other plastic interlocking brick building sets that isn't LEGO then more power to you. It just proves you can get enjoyment from many outlets and won't go through life getting all up in bunches over nothing. But to your question... Go for that Enlighten tank...the Cobi one looks sort me. The Enlighten tank looks pretty darn slick. I wish I could find myself one of those I'm curious to know the piece count and the price of that one as well.
How to deal with this?
Sounds like someone needs shut her damn mouth and get in the kitchen to make some sandwiches
Sets On Shelves
Target is preparing for their summer re-set of their toy department. This is when older stock is clearenced out and the shelves are rearranged to accommodate new items. I'd expect a lot of the summer LEGO sets to show up in your Target all at once one day soon. What's there now is a sort of teaser endcap. They did the same thing shortly before Christmas this past year as well.
Indiana Jones Brickmaster promo
Actually, this time the Brickmaster magazine came in the little box with the set, so that was nice getting them both at once. I can't remember what was in the magazine exactly, but I do recall a neat 2-page spread with the new Mars Mission vehicles with cutaway cross section drawings of the innards. That was pretty cool. And yeah, I got the Creator dinosaur on the previous cycle. I'm telling you, I really like getting an exclusive little set in the mail every couple months, it's a lot better then Brickmaster of old where you'd get a small set you could buy from any store every three months.
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