Everything posted by Deinonychus
Indiana Jones Brickmaster promo
My little Brickmaster Indy jeep arrived today and it's a very cool little set. It'd be a nice jeep even without Dr. Jones sitting in it. It makes me a little nostalgic or the days when LEGO made little sets like that regularly instead of packing them in with another vehicle to fit into a higher price-point. Indiana didn't come with his shoulder bag, which is fine. Personally, Id have preferred some sort of little treasure cargo of some sort instead of the whip he does come with
Post pictures of your pets!
Seems the pic in my old post is kaput No matter, probably time for a more current picture of my cat Mara Jade anyhow
The three most memorable moments in a video game for you
Ah...easy... Beating Super Mario Brothers Getting Super Mario Brothers 3 About 2/3 of the way through Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. - "WHAT!?! I'm WHO!?!"
What New Themes or Sets would you like TLG to make?
Seconded. Also going along with the Pirates thing...some sort of Space Pirates or Air Pirates (like Crimson Skies) theme would be pretty cool As far as licenses go...I think we have enough for the time being and I would personally like LEGO to continue to be very careful and deliberate with it's license choices
Questions and Concerns for TLG
As far as quality, distribution, and case assortments go I don't have any issues. But I do have issues with the packaging. It seems ever since the boxes have changed from the "pizza box" style, where they opened via a top flap to the recloseable, side-access "cereal box" style the instruction books have been bent, crushed, accordionated, and just generally mangled. I'm not sure if this is due to the boxes, or the packing process or what, but it is the one area that I have seen a substantial dip in quality. Other then that, I've got nuthin'
Is your member number a set number?
BAH! I got nuthin'
Star Wars Brickmaster Exclusive
AH! A little Mini-Juggy! That's way better then anything I thought it could be. I can't wait. I'm just glad they didn't do some sort of pandering little Minifig vehicle. Although a take-off on one of the old Kenner Mini-Rigs would be cool
Everything you ever wanted to know
Actually, for once I wasn't being sarcastic there. It seems the goal is for LEGO in-house themes and play patterns to be relatively free of modern military influences and realistic guns. But to do justice to the licenses, they'll make guns that correspond to what is pre-established in those franchises, like the Star Wars blasters or the handgun and machine gun weapons of the Batman line. It's sort of an end-run around the rule, but it works I'm surprised nobody has wet themselves over this yet...
Everything you ever wanted to know
Interesting stuff There...that explains the guns in the Agents sets. It all makes perfect sense to me
Looking Towards a New Horizon
Aw nuts... Guess I'm not gonna be able to join up. But I can still read it at least
Video through the LEGO Vault
Great video The Johnny Cash song playing in the background was almost insidious for it's combined emotional impact. It's amazing how seeing clean, fresh, boxed sets as recent as those first Star Wars sets can still release a wave of nostalgia. I'd be afraid to touch anything in there. Well, afraid, and I'd refrain just out of pure respect and reverence
Space Marine
So, $3.50 to kit-out a Minifig as a Spartan eh? SOLD!
- Member Titles - Questions and Answers
TLC Customer service is really good
UPDATE! My request to Hasbro netted me an email response on the 17th telling me how they're sending me a mailing label so that I can box up my broken toy, drive to my post office, and send it back to them so they can exchange it for another of the same toy or one of equal value. My request to LEGO resulted in a package today (21st) containing a replacement for my broken piece, plus three more of the same part, I guess in case the others in the set break. LEGO wins again!
Lego Death Star 10188 - Pics at last!
All of us when we were that age
New Agents Tidbits
Now this is just my educated guess... For the past several years Target has had an endcap display around Christmas time of sets at the $50 US pricepoint. Since the Dep Sea Quest set is their exclusive, and it looks about the size of a $50 set, I'd wager that is the price it'll be.
New Agents Tidbits
From the LEGO Kid's Inner Circle (Don't ask )
7886 Batcycle: Harley's Hammer Truck review
HAW! Nice work. I always enjoy a review that gives me a chuckle
Lego Death Star 10188 - Pics at last!
Sure, the price is on the high-end of the scale for piece count, but still reasonable. How is $400 for 3803 pieces much different then $40 for 392 pieces? The oil aspect can't be ignored either. What if processed ABS plastic has a proportionally equal price increase with processed gasoline? We'd be staring at a $1000 set. So count your lucky stars
Oh hell, political and religious discussions are a bad idea with full-grown adults 90% of the time
Eh...had it been shopped a little better I think I'd have laughed. Nice attempt though Now I wanna see Makuain
What's Up!
Deino puts $5 down on shenanigans! ...hi by the way
Lego Death Star 10188 - Pics at last!
I have a cloaca...and it's spectacular So anyway, back to the set. I wonder about shipping. Hopefully this'll have it's own dedicated master shipper boxes like the Falcon did. And it looks like here in the US it'll be around $25 for the freight. It's probably better to wait on any pre-orders and just buy the thing after Thanksgiving when they usually start their free shipping promotion for $99 or over orders. That, or pick it up in a LEGO retail store. Then you get stamps on your loyalty card...lots of 'em!
Lego Death Star 10188 - Pics at last!
Wow...I went from "fool" to "money waster" in one post. Care to belittle my manhood while you're on a roll?
Lego Death Star 10188 - Pics at last!
Oh, that's offense taken
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