Everything posted by Deinonychus
Lego Death Star 10188 - Pics at last!
That was IG-88B, Boba Fett made sure he was down for the count. There's also nothing stopping us from giving this guy a new IG designation. It's not as if we have to stick to any sort of cannon or continuity when there are three Luke Skywalkers in the Death Star
Lego Death Star 10188 - Pics at last!
So, just an IG-series Assassin Droid. Cool Roughly 16" by 16"...that'll take up some shelf space
I can has bucket?
Thanks for the Plan B, I'll keep that in mind And welcome to EB, glad I could lure you in with my goofy request
I can has bucket?
Does anyone have the barrel/bucket from any of these three Bionicle piece sets they'd be willing to part with for a small fee? 8711 8715 6638 I like to keep my Bionicle parts in them, and I've filled up the five I already have.
Lego Death Star 10188 - Pics at last!
The hell? DSII only has 3417 pieces. The Falcon, the biggest LEGO set ever, has 5195 and clocks in at $500
Lego Death Star 10188 - Pics at last!
There's that, and it's also a good display set. You can go ahead and populate that thing with all sorts of other Minifigs beside the ones it comes with. It's also a nice way to have several little cinema scenes in one piece, which is nice. This has got to be the best set of this nature that LEGO has produced for Star Wars. Cloud City was pretty good, but Jabba's Palace was abysmal. That Final Duel set for Revenge of the Sith was pretty pointless, so, if nothing else, this will be a good Minifig display shelf
Lego Death Star 10188 - Pics at last!
I don't recall anyone else mentioning the fact that it spins on its base. So what are the thoughts on that? I think it's a great way to keep that big sphere accessible from all sides, but that just screams to be displayed somewhere that has enough room to spin it freely, especially with the superlaser beam tacked on. Sure as hell beats a UCS-style stand for this set. Probably a little sturdier as well.
Lego Death Star 10188 - Pics at last!
when I'm not drinking...yes As to what's under the mean the thing beside the Trash Compactor? I think that's one of those point-defense laser cannons that you see being fired from the battlestation's interior during the trench battle in the movie.
Lego Death Star 10188 - Pics at last!
Pretty much...we try not it infuriate LEGO over here...too much Well with the piece-count where it is at 3803, plus the usual licensing mark-up and the HUGE number of Minifigs, I think $400 is pretty close if not right on target. I hope you're right though
Lego Death Star 10188 - Pics at last!
"Right-click, Save-as" is your friend kids
Lego Death Star 10188 - Pics at last!
It's also possible that these aren't the final figures in the set, but only preliminary images. If they're already in the LEGO cache that makes it less likely, but also possible. Still, all the rest of the awesome in this set sort of offsets a couple of sub-par hats
Lego Death Star 10188 - Pics at last!
So what you're saying is that Star Wars LEGO collecting is a Sisyphean task of the greatest magnitude. I can't argue. After the ISD, DSII, Falcon, and now's almost like we're being killed with what we desire
Lego Death Star 10188 - Pics at last!
I'm wondering if this is a nod to the Expanded Universe where IG-88 uploaded himself into the Death Star II computer, taking the weapon over just before the Alliance blew it up
Lego Death Star 10188 - Pics at last!
Oh now that is cool! My bank account and shelf capacity are already crying in pain, but that has got to be the most downright neat Star Wars set ever. Instead of being a boring, linear cinema scene or another near-dead-accurate UCS creation we've got a fun playset type thing with a boatload of Minifigs and tons of clever little constructions and features. It's kind of a shame that it's coming out this year, because this would have surely been perfect to capture the spirit of LEGO Star Wars for the big 10th anniversary next year. 100% Win!
Space Marine
Can't wait! I've been trying to keep my toy collecting confined to LEGO recently and have had to pass on all the great McFarlane SPARTANs because of that, and a lack of display space, but these in several colors would be absolutely perfect! Too damn bad I'm gonna miss out on the steel variant. Any chance of some Orbital Drop Shock Troopers eventually?
Price drop on Star Justice and Space Skulls - S@H
Years of collecting other action figures and toys has given me a complex. I'm scared to death that if I don't buy something the very first time I see it, that I'll never find it again and I'll have to either do without or pay a boatload for it on ebay. Even though I know LEGO stocks stuff, even exclusives, pretty well and has multiple channels through which to purchase products, I still get all fidgety and nervous when I leave something for later. I got my sets at the same LEGO store and, despite already hauling nearly $500 worth of stuff to the register, I just couldn't leave them on the shelf
TLC Customer service is really good
Should be interesting... I just placed two customer service requests about ten minutes apart. One to LEGO and one to Hasbro. I'm curious to see how this turns out in a head-to-head examination. I kind-of have a feeling on how this will shake out though
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Since I changed my wallpaper for the first time in more then 6 months... ZOMBIE PIKACHU!
20 year olds
Now that I've thought about it a little bit... These sort of labels are really not needed here, internally, in the LEGO Fan community. We're all LEGO fans and the distinction of AFOL is only really needed out there where someone who is not a child buying and building a LEGO set has to be explained to the dumb-masses. You know..the sort of people who still think video games and comic books are still made exclusively for kids and who refer to action figures as "dolls" Because if we start having to assign distinctions to the "FOL" abreviation it'll never end. AFOL, TFOL, KFOL (Kid), MFOL (Male), FFOL (Female), BFOL (Black), WFOL (White), OFOL (Oriental), DFOL (Dinosaur), HFOL (Handicapped), RFOL (Redhead), GFOL (Gay), LFOL (Lazy), IFOL (Insane), etc, etc...
20 year olds
Absolutely Now get off my damn lawn!!!!
TLC Customer service is really good
Once I emailed customer service to see if they had any suggestions for preserving the stickers on my UCS Blockade Runner...I never heard back from them, but a couple weeks later I received a brand new sticker sheet in the mail. That was pretty cool. Ever since, whenever I've been missing parts in new sets or I've bought a set that didn't come with something I expected (Mecha-1's legs from Striking Venom) they've always hooked me up. I love 'em
20 year olds
Anyone under 25 is a YPFOL Young Punk Fan Of LEGO
Price drop on Star Justice and Space Skulls - S@H
Yeah, it is sort of disheartening to see them marked-down so quickly. I was sort of hoping they'd spin that theming off into a regular series. I'm still not sure if the sets are worth full price. I've been building Space Skulls on and off this whole week and haven't gotten very much done. Haven't even popped the seals on Star Justice yet.
Price drop on Star Justice and Space Skulls - S@H
Well on US Shop At Home they're $70 each. If I'd have waited six weeks I coulda saved myself $60
Space Marine
HAW! That's probably the best minifig SPARTAN I've ever seen. I'd buy one of those in a heartbeat. Sort of gives me an idea as to what an actual LEGO Halo line would look like.
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