Everything posted by Deinonychus
2008 Picture thread
That's a nice Venator-class ship...but it's got to be a stickers Sure wouldn't mind shelling out another $300 for a UCS scale ship like that though.
Problems with Indy sets
...oh lord I hope you're just yanking our chains...
Happy birthday, me!
This all seems familiar somehow...
Wasted bandwidth in here defending Megabloks. The level of LEGO brand-loyalty is astounding. So much so that, for some members, it has morphed into irredeemable brand-snobbery. Even mentioning Megabloks as something other then Bricks from Hell will get you marginalized as some sort of perverted kook around these parts. Which, in the long run, is a positive for Megabok enjoyers. That just makes it easier to find good stuff on the shelves, like the forthcoming Probuilder Leopard II tank I won't even try to defend the "Megafigs" though. They actually are garbage
Man in a canoe
Awwww...I was duped by the topic title Seriously's amazing how just the small inclusion of the bazooka makes that a hundred times more sinister
- Member Titles - Questions and Answers
Lego instruction changes
God I hope so...I need a new sig image I kind of like the newer style of manual. I recently rebuilt some of my older sets and damned if I didn't miss quite a few parts because I didn't notice them added to a certain step. But I totally see them getting way out of hand if they continue any further. The no-mix-bad-grass page is a little annoying, and I'm starting to fill my file cabinet up with the newer instructions. Especially since even $40 sets now come with 2 books
Show your devotion to the hobby
I'll just name my kid Stud So...wait...don't they have to write the kid's name as LEGO? And what happens when other people name their kids that...can we not refer to them a LEGOs?
Starwars4J Unbanned?
0h n0es! c0nspiracy!!!111!!11
TTfig scene: Anglo-Zulu war
Rorke's Drift? Nice work there. That's putting some accessories to good use
Action IV Cargo Transport
That's great! Out of all the Star Wars freighters and capital ships I'd never dream of building an Action IV, but that one is very cool and I'm glad you decided to share.
Tower MOC - Not bad Tower MOC with big friggin' wheels - Awesome! I've always said that you can make anything look 100% cooler just by adding big LEGO wheels. Once again I'm proven correct
Pics of the Agents Line
AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY CRAP! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wub: ...yes, I just totally dorked-out seeing that set. Damn, but Doctor Inferno makes Ogel look like a rank amateur now. That has got to be one of the coolest LEGO playscenes I've ever seen. That is what last year's Hoth Echo Base set should have been built like
What is this..."dusting"? I recently had to retire my Forbidden Island pirate set from display, and it had so much dust on it that it kind of looked like the whole thing was built in light gray bricks. Besides, if you dust your display shelves how can you tell where to put something back when it gets moved?
Lego or Legos?
- How to restore peeling stickers
I've got that problem a lot on some of my older Star Wars models. The best thing I've found to do is to carefully press them down as flat as possible. You've got to be gentle and try not to break off any crumbly bits. Then get a high-quality, crystal clear packing tape. cut a piece just a little larger then your sticker and slowly apply over the top, being careful to press out any air bubbles before they get trapped. Seems to work for me- 2008 Picture thread
Outstanding! I love that Spider Droid. Neither set looks as big or as expensive as I feared, so that's a good thing. And as much as I like unique and asymmetrical ships, the Twilight looks pretty boring. Rogue Shadow is a much better ship. Still, I'm looking forward to purchasing both- Look what was left on my desk this morning...
I hate you All I had sitting on my desk this morning was more of the usual paperwork- Lego "Twilight"
Well, that's settled- Pieces you have TOO much of?
Honestly, I can't think of a one. I might from time to tie think "Another one of these? I have enough of these.". But then inevitably I start building something and never have enough of those and have to hit up Bricklink Although I could do without those little things the rubber bands come wrapped around. I've never used them for anything but I just can't bring myself to throw them away!- New Space MOC - Beware the B.O.H.R.O.C.
You sir, are a freaking genius. Like the MOCs and I love the text. I always get a kick out of MOCs being used as a basis for great storytelling.- Star wars MEGABLOKS looks like an old LEGO Star Wars MOC before the actual license provided us with all those specialized bricks. Love it- Review - Agents 8635 Mobile Command Center
Great Review, thanks! That's one hell of a set. I think LEGO has reached a certain kind of peak with the design, cleverness, and fun of this one. I'm so relieved that Agents seems to be shaping up to be even better then I thought it was going to be...and I thought it was going to be cool to begin with. Agent "Charge"? Not only does he look like Dash Justice, but he has the name of one of Dash's Alpha Team squadmates? I call shenanigans!- Agents Mission 5: Turbo Car Chase - set #8634
I knew something looked weird with that paragraph, but spellcheck gave me the go-ahead so I didn't think more of it- Review: 7886 Batman - The Batcycle: Harley Quinn's Hammer Truck
Sure... Yeah...yeah you like that don't you...Harley is a dirty girl... Gentlemen please put your hands together for our main stage feature, Harley Quinn!!! Ain't she a beauty guys? Harley is working hard for you up there, so make sure to show your appreciation by tipping well! EVERYBODY SCREAM!!!!!!!!!! CENSORED FOR YOUNG EYES Alright...give it up for Harley!!!! - How to restore peeling stickers
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