Everything posted by AhabDarab
Would you open a MISB SYSTEM Pirate set?
It depends on the set and why I bought it. I have opened several MISB older sets. Generally if I'm investing, I'll buy gold or stocks. Ahab out.....
Any reason for Pick-A-Brick online over Bricklink?
Prices can vary. Most times prices are cheaper on bricklink, but not always. Quantity and quality also give the nod to the online pick-a-brick. As with anything else, doing your homework will pay off in the long run. Ahab out............
Talking Skull Promotion - Prizes
PRIZE#15 - Vessel Looks like it is already gone though. If I have another I'll edit and post it here. Ahab out............
REVIEW: 2260 Ice Dragon Attack
I was really hoping for dragons along the line of what I have seen in the Ninjago animation, similar to the fantasy dragons. Theese look too much like an Exo Force set to me. Great parts though and thanks for the review. Ahab out...........
2011 NINJAGO sets
I found this at my favorite Lego store today. I have seen no mention of it, so I took a few photos. No need for a review here, what you see is what you get( 1 arena, 1 minifig, and 1 spinner) $14.99 USD plus tax Ahab out................
Elf torso decals
Great work ED-209. I hope you don't mind if I use these in my BrickQuest games. Thanks Ahab out..................
Will the switch to natural-flesh-toned Pirates will be permanent?
I have tried the yellow Sharpie trick, and it turned out far better than I expected. Ahab out..............
- Evil Stevie's Pirate Game
2011 Atlantis sets
Yes they are. I held the Angler Fish set in my hand at a TRU near Chicago a few hours ago. Ahab out.............
Pharaoh's Quest 2011
I just wanted to add that I picked up the Staff set at a local TRU today. It was $9.99 US dollars. Ahab out...............
Journey To The Afterlife!
Great idea for a MOC. AHab out.............
Black Friday 2010 (US)
Thanksgiving is an American holiday, so Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving) is basicly USA only. However, there might be similar events in other countries that I am unaware of. Ahab out.............
Let’s go Cosplay! - Minifig Customization Workshop Contest 2010
3 points= Minion/Optimus Prime Outstanding work! Ahab out................
The Passing of Dan Jezek
Thank you Dan. You made my life happier through your creation. Ahab out.................
Minifigures Series 2 Box Arrangement & Distribution
I agree with everyone else. I believe you bought from an honest seller. Ahab out.................
MOC: Japanese temple
Great job. I really like everything. Outstanding job on the roof, gong, detail work, adding the bicycle & visitor kneeling, ect, ect.................. WOW. Ahab out................
Discount at TRU
Thanks for the info. Guess it's time for the x-mas shopping to begin. Ahab out..............
Collectible Minifigs: What's your favorite new part mold?
I was split between the skater hair and the ray gun in series 1. In series 2, despite my love for the spartan I had to vote for the sombrero. My wild west gun fighter game needed a little help from south of the border. Ahab out................
(MOC) Battle of Roswell
There was a similar scene in "Joe Kidd", starring Clint Eastwood. People should stop building saloons over old railroad tracks. (edit-I almost forgot to say it, great MOC! I'm glad we can edit ) Ahab out..................
Are the new Kindoms sets Wizard and Jester available in U.S. stores?
I'm in Chicago. They were in TRUs and the Lego stores months ago. It seems like you just had bad luck on timing. I still see them pop up at TRU from time to time. Incase anyone reading this does not know, TRU is Toys R Us. Ahab out....................................
Castle Sets 2010
Actually, some of those terms are copyrighted and/or registered. I know that the term orc is owned by Tolkien's estate and the term ork is owned by Games Workshop. In the late 70's Gary Gygax was sued by Tolkien's estate. Gygax and TSR games lost the case. In the settlement, Dungeons and Dragons changed the names ent and hobit to treant and halfling. In the case of the term orc, I believe payment was made. (It has been a while since I have discussed this, please correct any facts that might be out of place.) Ahab out....................
ESPG has disappeared!
Good news. On a total fluke I was able to get Steve Jackson's direct e-mail address. He wrote back to me very quickly. Needless to say, all is now well. ESPG isn't going anywhere. All links now work again except the one on BrickWiki, which simply needs to be changed. So set sail at your leisure and plunder to your hearts content. Steve Jackson rocks! Ahab out....................
ESPG has disappeared!
Immediately after my reply to this thread I sent an e-mail to Steve Jackson Games asking for any assistance they could give me. I have yet to hear from them. Is there anyone out there who downloaded the rule in the past who would be so kind to send them to me? If so please send me a PM or post in this thread. Thanks you in advance for your trouble. Ahab out..................
Petition for Western returning
Signed Ahab out....................
ESPG has disappeared!
If anyone knows how to get a copy of these rules, please let me know. I had been meaning to download them for years, but never did. I would need the regular rules and the campaign rules. Argh! Ahab out....................
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