Everything posted by Drock
Favorite sets you own?
UCS (these are the only UCSs I have so they win by default): 1. 10179 Millenium Falcon - It's breathtaking 2. 10225 R2-D2 - Something different and he's so cute. 3. 10221 Super Star Destroyer - Cool ship, and unlikely that they would make it in a playset form. Non-UCS: 1.10188 Death Star - Great display piece and fun to play with! 2. 8038 The Battle of Endor - complete playset in a box! 3. 7662 Trade Federation MTT - Feels solid, and I love the droid deployment function.
Lego Ultra Agents 2015
Thanks. makes sense. Only limited shelf space in the stores, but why wouldn't they try to sell what's in warehouses. Shame that this theme didn't do so well. I've really liked it.
DC Comics Cinematic Universe
That trailer looks awful. Not surprised based on Man of Steel - I really don't have any expectations for this film after MoS, though. If not for the names and costumes, there would be little else that indicates this is Superman and Batman. I suppose it could be good for drooling fans of sci-fi action special effects movies, since that is about all that's left.
Lego Ultra Agents 2015
Man, this is sad news. :( I really want the Ocean HQ and the Ultrasonic jet. Any hopes of them sticking around until September? :(
DC Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussions
Thanks, Shib. I just remember GA having the hat in Batman The Brave and the Bold cartoon not too long ago. The hood just seems odd Easy enough to fix though on the figure.
DC Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussions
Why is Green Arrow always in a hood now? Is he not depicted wearing the 'Robin Hood' type hat anymore?
DC Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussions
These look alright, I suppose. The builds just don't seem all that great/exciting to me. Especially the Grodd set. Batmech and Invisible Jet just look pretty bad. Green Lantern's jet I nice. The Javelin looks like it could be decent .
LEGO Ultra Agents 2014
Thanks for sharing, Pigbrick. I love this theme (I'm missing the Toxikita Meltdown and Hurricane Heist but will get them soon). Can't wait to check out the 2015 line!
LEGO Ultra Agents 2014
Was Tremor's armor inspired by Ram Man from Masters of the Universe? ;)
LEGO Ultra Agents 2014
Just put together Mission HQ and I love it. There is so much fun stuff in there. And the mechanism to separate/connect the cab from the trailer is ingenious. Still going to get Toxikita and Hurricane Heist
LEGO Ultra Agents 2014
Earth Wind and Fire (Terra-, Psyclone, Infearno)
Are you a collector, MODer, or MOCer?
Nearly completely a collector. I'm just not very good at MOCing. I fear most of my MOCing would be subject to much mocking ;)
Lego Ultra Agents 2015
I guess we'll never know since it's invisible. ;) I'm surprised there is no water-based/boat set in the second wave. That seems to be a LEGO favorite that was only sort of covered in the first wave with Riverside Raid.
Lego Ultra Agents 2015
Spyclops Infiltration (70166) – 9.99 USD Invizable Gold Getaway (70167) – 19.99 USD Drillex Diamond Job (70168) – 34.99 USD Agent Stealth Patrol (70169) – 49.99 USD UltraCopter vs. AntiMatter (70170) – 69.99 USD
Lego Ultra Agents 2015
Great news! I'm loving the first wave and can't wait to see the new ones. I wonder if Spyclops is the same or if they just reused the name.
DC Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussions
I am most looking forward to the Green Lantern set, but maybe that will change when I see the others. Kind of regretting picking up the Riddler Chase now just for Flash. Hulk smash, thanks for the reports and for patiently answering questions.
LEGO Ultra Agents 2014
Thanks for the feedback on the Toxikita set, guys. I was unsure about it. So far I have Riverside Raid, Infearno, and Tremor Track. Plan on getting Hurricane Heist soon, Mission HQ for Christmas, then will get Toxikita at some point. I just am so impressed with this whole line.
Top 10 Personal best and worst Comic Book films
Best: 1. Guardians of the Galaxy - well played mix between fun and action. 2. Batman - Who knew Mr. Mom would be the best Batman of all time? 3. Superman II - The effects are dated now, but it was a good story and fun to watch. 4. The Avengers - Solid all the way around. 5. Spider-man - Good depiction of the origin story and the characters. 6. Iron Man - Good adaptation into today's world. 7. Batman Begins - I loved seeing the origin story being explored in depth like this. 8. Superman: The Movie - Good movie. Have always liked this one since childhood. 9. Captain America: The First Avenger 10. Batman Returns Worst: 1. Superman IV: The Quest for Peace - Nuclear Man?? 2. Hulk - Weird, and couldn't get into this at all. 3. Batman and Robin - I like to forget that this movie ever happened 4. Man of Steel - Completely botched everything that a Superman movie should be. 5. X-Men: The Last Stand 6. Superman III 7. Batman Forever 8. The Incredible Hulk 9. The Amazing Spiderman 10. Green Lantern
- Which set should I buy?
Ideas for New Action Themes
Would love to see a Greek (or Roman) mythology theme. I see some problems though. 1) the sets would be so heavily-focused upon minifigs and creatures that there wouldn't be a whole lot of possibilities for exciting builds 2) It kind pretty much violates LEGO's "no religious symbols" theme. So sad.
Which set should I buy?
A) Hurricane Heist. I have the three smallest Ultra Agents and I really enjoy the line. B) Mos Eisley Cantina. SW brought me back to LEGO as an adult, but I haven't bought much SW LEGO lately due to so many rehashes. This set looks decent though and not like anything else I have, except that I do have the latest Landspeeder. C) Milano Spaceship Rescue. Didn't plan to get any of the GOTG sets but I absolutely loved the movie so I'm considering it now. I'm not much of a MOCer so individual parts aren't too important to me. I usually build the sets as they are, and my kids and I play with them. I like sets that look good and provide some fun play features, and are sturdy.
Ideas for New Action Themes
That would be great! I was only into Star Wars when Atlantis was out, so I didn't collect any Atlantis. Now, I'm kind of getting burned out on licensed themes. I would welcome a new underwater action theme.
DC Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussions
Last year we heard rumors in early August, when a forumite reported what he had seen in the retailers' catalog
DC Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussions
I love this set. Not really liking the new Batcowl shape, but it's definitely forgivable when everything else is awesome!
Could 2014 Make Lego Fans Bankrupt?
Different strokes and all that... For me, 2014 is pretty cheap.
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