Everything posted by Drock
Review - 6062 - Battering Ram
Wow, thanks for the memories. This was my first castle set. I am the same age as you so I must have been around 7 too. I can still vividly remember buying this at K-mart with my paper route money. Anyway, I probably still have it downstairs in my tub o' old castle. You've isnpired me to go and build it again.
What are you listening to?
Current Song is "Homeboy" by Maceo Parker
The Visual Dictionary
Nothing. I guess you just quoted me by accident.
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
Only what I've read a few pages back
The Visual Dictionary
Searching for Minifig-less Death Star
I saw one on Bricklink for $335. Don't know how low you want to get it.
The Visual Dictionary
Cool, thanks.
The Visual Dictionary
Hey KimT, how much do you have to mutilate the front of the book to get the minifigure out?
Yavin IV 'sketch'
Nah, I really have no interest. I'm more into just vehicles, not playsets/excuses to sell lots of minifigs. But I think I'm one of the few who has no interest in the Endor set either.
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
It wouldn't surprise me, since they made such a big deal out of him in the commercials leading up to the season finale. Maybe Ziro as well? They have the Jabba mold already, gathering dust.
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
I'm not sure if he's left his office in the TV show. It still could be a CW set though.
What are you listening to?
How does it compare to their other stuff? Megadeth lost me after Cryptic Writings, but I recently bought The System has failed and United Abominations. They are alright, but I know we'll never get the mid 80s back.
The most "wanted" LEGO Star Wars villain
Lesser or fake (EU)? Anyway, this is my favorite: Darth Vader in (mostly) human form. So much anger and sadness.
Best 2009 SW set?
I voted for the Republic Attack Shuttle. I like all the detailed play features, and it's a nice looking ship. With the weak OT sets this year (they seem to be good on minifigs but little else), I've been collecting a lot of clone wars sets. I may change my mind once I see the Tantive IV though. The pictures look like it will be good.
[Review] 4483 AT-AT
Here is a nice one by sigpro AT-AT I think it's minifig scale. If not, it's much bigger than the official LEGO one.
The Quest for R2
I saw this. Maybe homage to the scene in Attack of the Clones where Anakin's shadow kind of looks like Darth Vader. George Lucas said that was pure coincidence and he never intended it that way or noticed it.
What did you buy today?
Have been having a bad week so I had to do some therapuetic lego shopping. I just bought the 8016 Hyena Droid Bomber, but it still felt good. $20 well spent.
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
Couldn't they just use the clone face?
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Wow, thanks for the news. That sounds like a lot of unnecessary minifigs, probably just to justify jacking up the price. In your opinion, is the vehicle an improvement over the 2006 Slave I?
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Interesting. Palpatine's Shuttle - Would this be the same as an Imperial Shuttle I wonder? I don't remember the Chancellor toting around in a shuttle during the clone wars. Slave I - Boba or Jango is the big question, I guess. I can't see it being Jango's, since LEGO doesn't seem to be making anymore Attack of the Clones sets, but we've already had two Boba Slave Is (the last one not that long ago). I would get one if this is real, since I missed 6209. Clone Turbo Tank - Sweetness
- Which set should I buy?
The Visual Dictionary
Looking at, Regular vs. Library I have no idea why the Library would be more expensive though.
The Visual Dictionary
Yes, but I've read that there is a regular version of the book and a library version of the book. The library version will not include the minifig. So make sure you don't order one that says library edition (assuming you want the fig).
What are you listening to?
"Sorceress" by Return to Forever
Congrats Svelte!
Congrats, Svelte. I don't have much else to say that hasn't already been said in this thread, but keep up the good work you've done in your other roles.
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