Everything posted by Drock
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
Top Ten Super-Heroes Minifigures!
Best 1. Joker Goon- love the jacket 2. Arctic Batman 3. Dr. Doom 4. Magneto 5. Bane (comics) 6. Blue/Gray Batman 7. Wonder Woman 8. Poison Ivy 9. Superman (comics) 10. General Zod Worst: 1. Mandarin 2. Black Widow 3. Superman (MoS) 4. Bane (DKR) 5. Spiderman 6. Lois Lane 7. Batman (DKR)
LEGO Monster Fighters on Clearance
Thanks for the heads up. I guess I need to go to the LEGO store. I'm still missing the Frankenstein set and would like to get it before it goes.
Best non UCS AT-ST produced by LEGO?
I prefer 8038 for the shape of the head. The 7657 just has too big of a chin. It's the Jay Leno of walkers. That said, 7657 will always have a special place in my heart, as it's the first set I bought to bring me [back] into LEGO :)
- Future Superhero Set Ideas
- Future Superhero Set Ideas
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
I don't think so. Kids want superheroes, not people in suits wielding guns.
Future Superhero Set Ideas
Hoping for a Batcopter next year. If its the $20 set it will probably just be the Batcopter chasing a flying villain (Manbat?) or could be a larger set with Scarecrow's plane again. I still want to see Green Lantern; I'm saddened that the cartoon got cancelled. Please bring back some $70-100 sets. The Batcave and Quinjet were cool.
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
^good news on the alarm clocks. My stormtrooper clock may get a friend or two ;)
What's the one set that really pains you for NOT buying it?
The UCS Death Star. I was just getting back into LEGO when it was $150 (about 50% off of RRP IIRC). At that time I was thinking I would never spend that much on a LEGO set. Since then, I've bought three sets at $400 and several other sets over $150. Dropping $150 on a LEGO set now doesn't seem like much.
Lego Brand Store Calendars for 2013
Doesn't say so, howie. I know that for the Hulk polybag last year, I bought a combo of City and Friends and got it.
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
Keep in mind it doesn't mention that your purchase doesn't have to be superheroes. Of course, if that's what you want then rock on. ;) Still waiting for the Robin polybag. Pretty safe to assume that it won't be a LEGO promotion. Maybe it will show up before Christmas at stores. Or maybe it will be like that pesky Quinjet that never made it here
Lego Brand Store Calendars for 2013
Thanks, grogall. I'm most excited about that little Superman bonus minibuild. Probably wont be spending $75 to get Jor-El though. No big loss
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
You'll never be allowed on ameribricks again ;) I will get the game but not sure if I'll keep the fig or sell it. A lot of times I sell the fig to get an "instant discount" on the game. Maybe I'll like it and keep it though
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
see this?
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
Yes, the movie company matters. LEGO doesn't have the rights to next year's X-Men movie. The Wolverine set we got was comic based. Similarly, LEGO didn't have the rights to recent Spidermman movie; Megabloks did. That's why the Spidey sets we got are based on the cartoon.
Press Release 10237 - Tower of Orthanc
Man, that is cool. I'm not really a big LotR collector, but this is great news for those of you who are.
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
Along with the ironic naming of the largest and smallest Man of Steel sets
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
Doesn't/hasn't bothered me either way. I wouldn't even have known about Iron Patriot being in the movie if it weren't for reading LEGO message boards. I guess I will have to wait and see what his role is in the movie before I get upset about his absence.
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
If only.... You could have thwarted Tha Briiiick Shoooow
[REVIEW] 76009 Superman: Black Zero Escape
Nice review, Plissken. Thanks! Yeah, you didn't change my mind either. I have planned on just getting the Smallville set and not the other two. I can do without Lois since there isn't anything that special about the figure. Plus, to me, Lois will always have black hair. I much prefer last year's 6862 Superman, but can't fault LEGO for following the movie look. The pod doesn't look so bad. Not as much of a jumbled mess like I first thought. The command center is meh. How do the flick fires work? Are they fired differently than the usual ones we get? I see they've used the cross-axle like its 2007 Zod's armor is just lovely.
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
It's the same one that was in the Cosmic Cube Escpae set
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
The_Creator, check out this thread:
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
I really like the Smallville set. The Metropolis set is okay but I don't really want another plain car like that. Would benice to have the JL characters, but I don't really like the Injustice styles of characters.
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