Everything posted by Drock
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
Black Zero set looks pretty weak, but that could be pretty well seen in the toy fair pics. I think I'll be picking up the Smallville set and that'll be it from the second half of this year. Disappointing after last year.
REVIEW: 10937 Batman: Arkham Asylum Breakout
That's a fair assesment. The build utilizes some interesting and unique piece combos and techniques. It was refreshing to see a licensed set in which the build was the star and not the minifigs.
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
They made one last year as a limited, random giveaway for people attending ComicCon. It's unknown whether one will be made in an actual set, but probably not.
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
The polybag is on brickset. The calendar? I haven't seen the full pic yet
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
Over in the Star Wars thread, Infernum posted a clipped pic from the May Lego store calendar showing the May 4th Han Solo fig. On the right side it looks like an ad for the Iron Man vs. Fighting Drone polybag set! I guess it's looking like this will be available as a promotion in May. http://www.brickshel...m/May/image.jpg edit: link added, picture removed
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
Do we know that there will be a May promotional figure? Or is it just speculation based on last year? Don't forget, there may be a figure for the Marvel video game preorder, so there is hope...
Lego Brand Store Calendars for 2013
Is there something special that kids get with the Shellraiser building thing? Stickwrs or do ething? I saw it there, but the Brick Specialiats were pretty busy and I didn't have a chance to ask
Set VS Set- Arctic Batman Vs. Mr Freeze: Aquaman on Ice against Spider
Batman. My reason is that the Batboat is unique and edgy and novel in its look and design. The cycle and car are pretty well done, but they just feel like something thsts been been done already in other themes all over.
- Which set should I buy?
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
Nice. Try the MF werewolf's (ripped pants) legs to go with it
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
"Marvel 4" was just the placeholder name for 76007 when set lists were initially leaked. Not saying there couldn't be another set coming, though.
Future Superhero Set Ideas
I think at least one more. Really, about the only Batvehicle left is the Copter, before LEGO starts making up vehicles like the Batbuggy. I'm really hoping for a Batcopter next year. I'm thinking LEGO drags along Batman next year, then focuses on the Justice League movie. IMDB lists a The Flash movie for 2014- is that still happening?
New vs Old gunship
I have the 2008 version and am content with it. The 2013 one has some improvements, but not enough to make me want to upgrade. If I didn't have the 2008 version, the 2013 one would be a must-have. But that's just I. I rarely buy two different versions if the same ship [at the same scale]
Old/New Batman Villain thoughts
I havent seen the old Poison Ivy in person. On pictures, I never noticed the 'one leaf,' but now I can't stop seeing it when I look at the pics. Argh. I agree with most of what you said. I like the new Freeze except for the head. Everyone else gets double sided heads. Why did LEGO miss this opportunity? I don't like the helmet on the old one. I think the Atlantis helmet works very well. Much prefer the clasdic feel of the new Two-Face. Speaking of classic looks, I wish they had made Catwoman purple or even green. :)
LEGO Marvel: The Improvements
Unless I'm mistaken, LEGO doesn't have the licensing rights to make sets based on anything pre-Avengers. I would have liked sets from "Iron Man." And "CA:TFA," but we won't get them. :(
LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
I'm thinking that there will be 3 large trees with a big platform and 2 huts. A net to launch below and trap the heroes. Also will include the throne upon which Threepio sits, fire pits for roasting Luke and Han. Minifigs: Luke with Parka, Han with coat, Leia WITH CMF FOREST MAIDEN HAIR, Artoo, Threepio, Chewwie, 3 adult Ewoks, 1 baby Ewok.
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
Batman's Mask Comparison
All of the white cowls (and any of the black ones from the 2013 sets) are the newer styles
LEGO Batman: Improvements
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, all. Here are mine. 6857 - Funhouse Escape - So this seemed to be the most lucrative of the 2012 DC sets. A fresh idea that wasn't explored in 06-08, retailer exclusive, 5 minifigs in a $40 set (two of whom are exclusive). This is a pretty good set for what it is. I just really hate the Batman vehicle in this set. It's too similar in size/look to the one from the Batcave that was released at the same time. This one is far worse. I just wish that they had done something else for a Bat-vehicle or even given Robin a vehicle. The structure itself is very good, with many little play features and traps for Batman and Robin. 6858 - Catcycle - The catcycle was a little bit plain, but effective I guess. I really liked Batman's jetpack - it's something different, and adds dynamic without adding a lot of pieces/cost. The scenery is a little weak, but it gives the set a little something for building and playing. After I saw the preliminary leaked pictures, I was hoping the black-suited Catwoman was a stand-in, and hoped that LEGO had gone with the classic purple or green-suited Catwoman. Of course, that would probably have gotten people's panties in bigger bunches than the purple/orange Two-Face motif. 6860 - Batcave - The Bruce Wayne/Batman transformation elevator is one of the coolest functions ever. The rest of the Batcave is kind of bland. Batman's computer chair is awful and chintzy. Overall, the cave isn't bad, but It would have been nice to really feel like a dark, dank cave. Not just a hideout in who knows where. I like Bane's drill tank. It adds another play element to the set. 6862 - Power Armor Lex - It's hard to complain. I think this one is nearly perfect for the price. 6863 - Batwing Battle - The Batwing feels so lacking. Not in size, but in its detailing. The "wings" are too straight and not curved at the end. There is no landing gear. Even using the simple three-leg folding gear from the small Star Wars ships would have been better than the Batwing resting on top of the batbomb/batmissile. The Batwing should have had the 'bat fins' on the back of it like the Batmobile and the Batboat. The Jokecopter is passable. I don't like the use of the column for the tail of the copter, but overall it looks okay. 6864 - Two-Face Chase - The best of the first wave. I love that they went with the classic comic Two-Face colors. The Batmobile feels solid and sleek and fun to play with. I do like the bank feature, and that it provides playability out of the box. You have good guys, bad guys, and a scene already in place. 76000 - Arctic Batman - I like the direction that LEGO went with the Bathammer. Nice and sleek, and in plan view it has more of a 'bat' shape to it, like the Batwing. I just think that the yellow is overkill and makes it too 'fake-looking'. That's easy to fix though. I wish Mister Freeze had something to ride in/on. 76001 - Tumbler Chase - Well, I kind of have an unfair bias because I dislike the source material. I've never been fond of the Nolan interpretations of the Bat vehicles. This is the only DC superhero set I haven't bought so far and probably won't buy. Bad source material notwithstanding, the vehicles in this set seem too small and 'dumpy'. I don't really have any suggestions for improvement, as this set needed to have been a $60-70 set in order to be done properly. 10937 - Arkham Asylum Breakout - Refreshing to see LEGO creating a licensed set that doesn't rely so heavily on the minifigures for marketability. The build is fantastic and the awesome details are everywhere. Playability is excellent. I'm just not really 'feeling' $160 when I look at this set. Still, a nice design though.
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
"Iconic" and "Nightwing" usually don't ring together for me. ;) I would be surprised if LEGO makes him, but if they do, I would expect it to be blue like in the board game, just for simplicity.
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
Monster Fighters 2012
scottjs, I built this last week, so it is somewhat fresh in my mind. It does sound like you have everything. Enjoy!
Monster Fighters 2012
I just noticed that on the US S@H, all of the MF sets are listed as "Hard to Find." We'll, except for the Zombies which doesn't show up at all. Is this the precursor to "retiring soon?"
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
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