Everything posted by exxtrooper
- Blaine the Mono
[MOC] Titanfall: BROCK
That gun is absolutely sweet looking nice job.
Lego Nexo Knights TV Series Discussion
It's bothering me a bit that there seems to be a lot of different monsters and characters on the evil side, but almost every episode we've seen so far has been the exact same monsters. Glad to see something new finally though, interested to see how they'll incorporate characters to come. Haven't followed any of these lego series before, are we likely to see all 20 episodes this year or is there a planned break at some point?
Star Wars Constraction 2015 Discussion
Seeing as he's based of this: I would say he's pretty much dead on accurate, I think the people who are dissatisfied are comparing him to the movie version, which is not what he's based of.
- Destiny characters: Warlock, Titan and Hunter
Destiny characters: Warlock, Titan and Hunter
I can see your point but mid-through my project I found it a lot more easy to just make my own characters for the sake of variety, I do have about three of every class at this point not posted yet so I'm sure they'll be closer to what you have in mind. Thanks for the feedback though much appreciated!
Destiny characters: Warlock, Titan and Hunter
Characters based on the new upcoming sci-fi FPS RPG MMO made by Bungie. Here we have an entire fire team consisting of a Warlock mage, Titan brute and a Hunter assassin. Weapons are modified Brickarms weapons, Helmets are modified TLG parts and the pauldrons are made by Brickforge. The decals are designed and printed by me, while I've used paper decals for 4 years, these right here are produced with my newly imported vinyl sticker sheets. They have a glossy finish, more vibrant colors, durable, water resistant and makes me able to make sharper decals. I am very much satisfied with the result. Thanks for reading. Be sure to check out my flickr for higher resolution pictures!
- Bionicle 2015 Discussion
- Bionicle 2015 Discussion
- Bionicle 2015 Discussion
- Bionicle 2015 Discussion
- Bionicle 2015 Discussion
- Bionicle 2015 Discussion
- Bionicle 2015 Discussion
Saber Scorpion's Decals Review
Thank you very much for taking time to answer all my questions in a conclusive manner, I very much appreciate it! It was very nice to get some proper insight into the production value of these decals. And appreciate even more as this is no longer your interest but you took the time to do so either way.
Saber Scorpion's Decals Review
I don't mean to necropost this, but I am quite curious about SS's decals and mostly all other reviews I've come across is badly filmed reviews on youtube by minors, and he is very reluctant to answer questions himself in a very conclusive manner. So I have a couple of questions regarding the decals: 1. Are they grainy in any type of sense? Similar to this picture if you look closely you can see it has a bit of grainy-ness to it, this is because of the paper material. I know you said it's not grainy, but is this because of a plastic material or a high-end printer by the looks of it? 2. The decals are as stated of the glossy kind, but how exactly does the material feel? Does it feel like it is mostly made of paper or plastic? 3. I've heard it's not that durable, are there any noticable white-ness to the edges of the decals? 4. Has any of the colors of the decals worn of a significant amount over time? As mentioned some colors turned green after exposure to sunlight/light (I presume). And if so, has this become a significant problem in your opinion? 5. How are the decals over a non-flat surface, such as arms and a headpiece, do they stick pretty good or get worn off after a while? Other than the questions, thank you for this in-depth review. The designs and decals do look to be of respectable quality.
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
That's interesting, it does make sense to use the original toas to catch the nostalgic audience, and it is by far the most recognizable lineup, we'll see how it plays out in the long-run. I just hope that pohatu is brown. In terms of the story, I don't understand why no one ever thought of the story just stretching out in already concluded segments. Always dreamed of having lots of Mata nui sets of the different matoran villages, machines and other instruments. TLG has done this with Star Wars for years, with mixed results.
Making Decals for LEGO Train MOCs
*Sorry for the necropost bump here, but I'm rather curious about this and would appreciate if anyone could answer. Do you need a special kind of printer to print on this glossy vinyl photo sticker paper?
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
Now we just have to wait. I don't mean to be off-topic here or derail this thread in any shape or form, but I really thought I'd see Half Life 3 before I saw Bionicle returning. Exciting times, though a bit letdown that TLG put another strike on my flickr stream, but it helped as conclusive evidence so there's that.
- Bionicle 2015 Discussion
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
I've posted this on other sites, but this is related nonetheless: Though all jokes and witty-ness aside I am really excited for this, while we can't be completely certain, I do enjoy seeing every single bionicle-related community forum, imageboard and alike suddenly blowing up like this. Like Aanchir has mentioned, I can't recall any lego community for that matter ever being hit by a leak of THIS magnitude. The handful of people who do know the truth I do respect the decision and willpower it takes to not freely make anything "worse" for the sake of TLG, and even slightly contributing to the discussion. The entire lego community pretty much turned into one M. Night Shyamalan movie over night, the happening itself is actually quite interesting. Though clearly not the case, I'm gonna take that as a compliment. For the record, I'm not that clever, and have a too big mouth to have ever been a part of something sneaky.
- Bionicle 2015 Discussion
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
I know, and I'm on the same page here, from most point of views so far this far more legitimate than a simple hoax. The reason behind the clarification was the messages regarding contact information, which was a request I'm unable to fulfill as evidenced. Take into account this has happend before, Dano had a flickr account for over 5 years on flickr. Almost every year he was the first to post leaked images and news regarding lego themes, it was more or less the second purpose of his stream. Though in 2011 or so (I think it was? don't quote me on that) his entire stream got taken down by flickr staff for posting such images. The only thing in his stream was leaked images and his own creations, nothing else that could contribute to any sort of reason as to why his stream would be taken down. This is why he goes by that name for that matter, I linked to his second account for the curious. Every since then leaked images of the most brutal kind at least has been taken down regularly, which is one reason why I stopped posting them, though sort of went out of my shell for a minute there to post Bionicle as I was quite excited there. I don't want anymore strikes on my stream so didn't even question the demand, I'm glad my stream is still up and running after almost 6 years. This is the reason why I do think it's very legitimate, or more the big spark as to why I started believing. Also half life 3 confirmed.
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
^A wild trooper appears! To clarify, I was notified by flickr staff to take the picture down. I've been contacted by flickr staff before in terms of taking down images, they actually have very strict guidelines as to what you're allowed to post on there, they just lack regular moderation which is usually why request happens more often than action. The notification I got was very similar to the messages I've gotten in the past, procedure was pretty much identical. Therefore I have no sort of contact information from whom wished the image should be taken down, I just did as they said as the last thing I'd want to happen is to have my entire stream taken down. Just wanted to clarify this, I got messages asking about contact information.
- Bionicle 2015 Discussion
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