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Eurobricks Citizen
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  1. Thing with acolyte and to a degree andor, is that the series are focused on characters and most lego sets are ships or locations. I really liked acolyte, but I am not sure what they could make a set out of aside a duel type set.
  2. This thing I haven't seen has ruined everything.
  3. Same. I Don't even bother anymore. It also made it impossible to find any tattoo artists doing may the 4th as all the top posts were from years ago.
  4. Luke minifig in the mech doesnt have dual molded legs :(
  5. I don't think we are yet to hear anything other than what you've stated. It could be announced later or tomorrow. They usually have a points deal and I don't know why they wouldn't...
  6. They were the only good thing in that whole series in my opinion
  7. In the discussion of anniversary minifigs, don't forget that lego often include barely related characters in sets. Lando in am a-wing set a few years back for instance. So its possible that nein numb, for instance is just a tangentially related normal minifig in a set.
  8. Thank the maker! Saved from the boring 'boo the sequels' debate. Diorama is strong. Called it on the quote.
  9. Maybe the podrace diorama quote?
  10. That would be an amazing troll from lego.
  11. This has to happen.
  12. There's no real evidence its skad at all really. I'm finding the arguments for saw or ezra more convincing. Hoping for saw personally.
  13. Why disappointing? I get not enjoying something, or not being interested or excited in something, but why disappointed? Don't watch it.
  14. Exactly my feelings. I've never personally understood what people were after with the arena. It's certainly iconic, but not an interesting or reasonable build in my opinion.
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