Everything posted by m'kheyl
Norman style church for Medieval Marketplace
Great work, it's beautiful. Cold on the outside and warm on the inside Your village looks so cool, do you plan to make some decorated baseplates to link all your houses ? And now to think I've had the MMP for over a month and still not even opened
Ideas for new Classic Castle sets
I think another human knights faction would be a bit redundant since they would need the same kind of sets as the curret knights, castle, drawbridge and so on. That's why I'd love some kind of "new age" Forestmen (or elves if you will). The theme would then have "pure fantasy" and "realistic" sets (current line) and a semi-fantasy/pseudo-realistic subtheme. Though I agree Templars or Teutonic Knights with Brickforge-like helmets would be pretty badass
What's your ethnicity?
@Eilif, I'm not sure about Switzerland but in France there's no ethnic data except the place of birth that may give away part of one's origins As for me I'm half French and half Arab (that's my better half )
Middle Ages vs Fantasy?
Well I wouldn't mind if it is not too obvious, that is if the minifigs don't have heads with huge molded ears or things like that. So if there's a new Elves line with well done sets that look half way fantasy/classic, I would definitely buy it. The classic Forestmen sets have become pretty hard to come by, and although they're still great their age is kind of showing. And I'd love brown trees instead of black
Middle Ages vs Fantasy?
I agree 100% with Blueandwhite, the current line is very good for both "types" of castle fans. Personnally I just avoid the "pure Fantasy" sets and I'm fine with the more "classic" ones. It's good to see that Forestmen are so popular, I'd love to see them back too. I have the MMP (still not opened) and I'm waiting better finances to get King's Castle Siege, and I think Forestmen (and women) would be perfect opponents for my new knights
Middle Ages vs Fantasy?
I really dislike the whole fantasy thing, but on the other hand I think that the "fantasy era" knights minifigs are the most beautiful castle fig ever produced. I bought the Medieval Market Place and I intend to buy the King's Castle Siege & the upcoming Drawbridge Defense, but none of the pure fantasy sets. I will leave the skeletons & fancy things in the box, and I'll have my new knights fight against good old forestmen & black falcons About the design, I thought the same about the castle, but after looking at the pieces inventory it's not that far from classic castles and I'm sure the 973 pieces would allow some pretty cool alternate models with a classic feel to them
"The Perfect MOC"
Tough question, there's so many things to do. At the moment I'd love to build a remake of the 6054 Forestmen's Hideout in brown and bricks only, no large wall pieces. With the same base size as the Medieval Market Place houses and plenty of little details. This, and a playset version of USS Discovery in the movie Space Odyssey, inspired by this picture: I kind of started in LDD, I'm a slow worker but you get the idea Basically it would open on the side for the "playset" thing, and would be totally studless to give a feel of the "cleanlyness" in the movie.
Which set should I buy?
Another dilemma here... Should I buy a good old Metroliner in good shape for about 200 bucks, or should I save that money to buy the Emerald Night + some rails + all the motor and RC gear ? The Metroliner is a real great classic which I drooled on in the catalogs back then. On the other hand the Emerald Night is without a doubt a classic-to-be but I'm not too hot about the whole RC-battery train system. Maybe a Emerald Night + some 9V rails & motor to toss in the tender, mmmm...
How long have you been collecting LEGO?
I remember when I opened my first basic set sometime in 1985. Recently I spent some time checking boxarts but I just can't remember which set it was Then I had several basic and small town sets but the first set that I can remember clearly enough is this one Telephone Booth Anyway, 2010 will be my 25th year collecting lego's (dark age notwithstanding ), I hope there'll be some masterpieces on the catalog to mark it
10194 Emerald Night (Exclusive 2009)
This set got me thinking, how about lego trains going digital ? A modern decoder could fit in a 2*4 brick, which can easily be integrated in a model. The whole digital thing is a bit costy at first but totally worth it once you have 2 trains or more and if you're serious about it. I know I'd sell all my marklin stuff right away and get some lego trains instead PS: I know it's doable for 9V trains but I'd love some genuine lego digital system without "getting my hands dirty"
How much is your collection worth?
According to Peeron I have a whopping 15 sets (13 uniques), 4641 pieces, 64 minifigs, all that for $530. Since I have mostly oldies bought on ebay/bricklink I think it's more like 700/800 USD. That's not much but I'm wondering if it's not too much already
Planet SN-01
It made me instantly think about the "Petit Prince" book Very nice creation, beautiful
Top 3 Best\Worst Themes
It's real tough to isolate 3 themes out of the general awesomeness of LEGO's Anyway here's mine... Best: -Pirates - my all time favourite -Western - not many sets but they were all really really good, really underrated I think. -Castle - I wasn't much into it but my girlfriend and the new Castle Town Square made me change my mind, and IMO the most beautiful MOCs are made around that theme. Worst: -Bionicle - doesn't look much like lego -Sport - uh well... -Recent years Space - they just look weird to me I do agree with some posters about Star Wars... I find many of the sets beautiful, but hardly creative nor playable, mostly just good to sit on a shelf and that's not quite the idea I have of Lego's. Kind of a love/hate thing Re Technics, I really loved the old sets which were build for the Technics "mini" figures, these packed a lot of fun for little boys (and girls) who love playing with huge badass cars/planes/submarines and whatnot And City is in a league of its own, it's kind of the backbone of LEGO.
Which Official Pirate LEGO Sets Do You Have?
I don't have any of the new sets yet, I'm trying to complete my 1989/91 collection first So far I have: -6235 Buried Treasure -6255 Pirate Comic -6257 Castaway's Raft -6260 Shipwreck Island -6265 Sabre Island (without box) -6267 Lagoon Lock-Up x3 (only 2 boxed and only one with the plastic trays and all, I love this set) -6270 Forbidden Island -6276 Eldorado Fortress -6278 Enchanted Island (a bit out of place I know) -6285 Black Sea Barracuda, not yet in the mail but soon Now I need a Carribean Clipper and then I'll start getting some new sets to build a "red" army
2009 Sets Speculation
With its 2 hull sections the BB is priced 85€ on S@H, I guess they could easily add a third hull section + 2 canons without going much higher than ~120€. That would be a pretty cool set I think and very affordable. Let's hope that the BB sells well
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
I was a bit disappointed at first because I had imagined "mid scale" to be somewhere between the 4504 and the UCS, with minifigs and interior etc etc... But finally I like that Falcon, the design is really nice and I think the mid scale is a very good idea. The 4504 or UCS are great for display or static playset but they're hardly swooshable. This mid Falcon is a perfect "stunt double" for space combats, if the price tag is reasonnable (~40/45$) I'll definitely get it
Ahoi !
Hi to everybody! I've been bitten by the LEGO bug as early as 2 years old (that was in 1985) and my first "Basic" construction set. The first "big" set that I can remember was the Technic plane 8855 which I got for my 5th bday ... I think. Later I got my all time favourite, the Black Sea Barracuda I think I had something like 70 sets in all, Technic, Castle, Pirates (my favourite theme), City... But several years later when I moved from my parents' home and got a work I made one of my biggest mistakes: I told my parents that I had no room to take my LEGO boxes and I wasn't playing with them for a few years anyway, so they could give them to some of their friends who had younger kids, and then I pretty much forgot all about it (that was 7 years ago or so) About one year ago I was killing some time in a TRU and my eye caught some of the new sets, and I thought LEGO were really the awesomest toys I ever had. I called my parents just in case but of course they did as I told them and they had given everything to friends Well almost everything, I still had a small box with most of the instructions of my old sets ... but not a single brick left. And so I went on to check ebay and discovered the wide world of AFOLs, and I have re-bought a handful of the old Pirates sets. And now after a while searching for the good bargain I'm finally waiting a boxed Black Sea Barracuda which should be in the mail some time this week, almost 20 years after I first got it Cheers to everybody, thanks for reading!
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