Everything posted by nixedbricks
EB Xmas Raffle 2014 - Your Ideal Christmas Gift entry thread
My first time to join this. This is my phone which, with no reason, died recently. So hopefully this Christmas, I could get a new phone. Phone by nixtron1, on Flickr
RAFFLE: Exclusive day tickets for NYC ComicCON (Thursday, October 9)
Very good reason for a roadtrip to NY and also my wife's birthday te day after the event. :)
Turtle Contest - Entry Thread
B1 Turtle B1 Turtle by nixtron1, on Flickr
[HSH] Cat A - Blacktron Mansion
nice! congrats! i want one!
Future Star Wars Sets
I want an updated version of Zam Wesell. More sets with new/updated jedis/siths and bounty hunters.
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
May the 4th purchases: 75040 Grievous' Bike, 75016 Spider Droid, 75015 Tank Droid, plus Darth Revan + poster. I should have gotten the mandalorian fighter, after a couple of hours, sold out.
Future Star Wars Minifigs
Jedi Twins Tiplee and Tiplar Jedi Oppo Rancisis Jedi Yarael Poof Jedi Yaddle Jedi Depa Billaba Jedi Jocasta Nu Jedi Adi Gallia Jedi Coleman Kcaj Nightsisters I love jedis
Vote for your favourite Category 7A entries
26) Bride Entry (Build by lisqr) - 2 pts 2) Grandma's Visitor Entry (Build by sgeureka) - 1 pt
Hello! My name is nixedbricks
I'm an AFOL from the Philippines. I love Star Wars minifigures. I love Blacktron 1 theme.
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