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Darth Skinyus

Banned Outlaws
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Everything posted by Darth Skinyus

  1. 1.) Halo 3: Beating the level 'Cortana' on Legendary. It took awhile, but I still did it. 2.) Pokemon Platinum: Getting to the Pokemon League in a relatively quick manner. 3.) COD4: Getting 50 No Scope headshots in one game.
  2. These are nice, but this topics over a year old........
  3. THe only small vehicals for the Republic are the AT-RT and the ISP.
  4. I thought that the last one was alright, but I wish that it had some ground action. The next one looks hella good though. One thing that has annoyed me this whole series is that whenever a Clone addresses a female, they call her 'sir.' They aren't sirs!
  5. That is beautiful army you have enlisted there. I hope you get all of the Republic sets from this summer, that would be a force to be reckoned with
  6. Not in my experience. I just put a small dab on a tissue, then rub the minifig peice until the sharpie begins to come off, then use a clean part of the tissue and remove the rest of the sharpie and brasso.
  7. Rubbing alcohol works, but I think that Brasso from the tan bottle works better. Just a small amount and LIGHT rubbing. Do it too hard and you screw the whole thing over.
  8. Ok, I know it works. I have seen it happen, I just don't know why my IP Address keeps failing.
  9. This is kinda on topic, it does pertain to this year I think that there are 2 major waves a year: The Jun/Jul and then the Jan/Dec. The first wave usually 6 Non-Exclusives - usually two Battle Packs, 2 $20, 1 $40, and one $50. But this year we got the battle packs, 1 of the twenties, a thirty, a fifty and a sixty. The second major wave has obscure and random prices.
  10. Ok, I am trying to connect to Xbox live with my dial up connection. I have my PC connected to a phone cord for internets, my router connected to my PC with an Ethernet, and my 360 connected to my router with another ethernet. Every time I test my connection the IP address fails. I manually put my IP, Gateway and the other mask thing. So does anyone here know what's wrong. PS. I think that my router might be too old.
  11. Star Wars is my favorite, yes, but Castle comes in close second.
  12. Ha, I'm watching it right now. It is a great series with a really sweet car. I would love to have a car like KITT.......
  13. Looks pretty good, but it looks to CIS-ish. Maybe you could change it to a red and white color scheme?
  14. Not a bad idea, but I don't think that Avatar sets are still available, and it probably goes for a lot on Ebay or Bricklink.
  15. It's nice how I modded my AT-TE with that thing gone, and put the tunnel in the middle. Guess I should fix that somehow. I also find it cool that LEGO has been planning this since 2007, and was able to keep it secret.
  16. I really like the series. My favorite Episode is 'Hidden Enemy.' I love how they were able to tie that to the movie so well. I hope that they have more Clone Episodes I also can't wait until Ryloth. Does any one know anything about the new Yoda Episode?
  17. Makes sense. Mon Cals are notorious for swimming.
  18. I am new here, but as I have stated in the 'Hello New Member' place, I am a long time lurker. I want to say that these new sets are simply amazing. I knew about them before I joined, but the new LAAT/c and AT-OT is probably the most beautiful set I have ever seen. I am somewhat disappointed at the fact that the Palpatine's Arrest set didn't win. I do like the figs in the Mon Ca set though. Ever since I saw The Return of the Jedi and started collecting LEGO, I wanted an Ackbar. But now that I am not too much of an OT fan, I will just make a Nadahr Vebb with a Mon Cal and make a Bounty Hunter of the other. I also really like the Tank Droid. And the Fett packs are a good addition as well. Greetings from Darth
  19. Hello all! I am new here (obviously), but have looked about the site for awhile. So far, I think that this is the best place to get information on upcoming LEGO sets. Now, I was wondering what the 'My Controls' thing up top was. Is it like my profile? Again, hello all and I hope I have a great time in the community.
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