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  1. What about small and well hidden wheels just to demonstrate the moving of my creation (like if i have a boat with a motor and when the propeller turns, the "invisible" wheels make the creation move -because we all know that a propeller wouldn't move a boat lying on the table- and it's much cooler if a creation moves (swims)around..)
  2. @Holodoc - Why i used RobotC? Actually it's the only programming language for NXT which I know how to deal with. I learned it last year in a "summer school of robotics", where we played with Lego Mindstorms for a week. And I also don't like the original Lego NXT software very much. I prefer code-writing rather than putting those blocks together.
  3. Hello there! I'm new to this forum and I 'd love to introduce you one of my creations. Using Lego Mindstorms NXT, I created a Lego loom, that actually makes textiles out of wool. It's my second loom, and is a bit faster and smoother than the first one. In the project i used 3 NXT motors. The first motor moves shuttle left and right, through the shed between the green warps. The second motor moves the green warps up and down, to change their position and the third motor presses weft together. It uses no sensors. The program is written in RobotC and is very simple. It only tells the motors how many rotations they should turn, and that's all. The structure of a loom itself is a bit more complicated. You'll probably understand it by watchig the video , but if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask.It took me about one looooong afternoon to build it, and a lot more afternoons, to finish details and to make it work. The picture of the loom: other pictures here video video of my first Lego loom
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