Everything posted by cei
Lego's ships are all designed as older than the ones we often see in MOCs. They are more akin to galleons of the 17th century than the frigates/man-of-war of the late 18th and early 19th centuries,hence the fore/stern castles, rather than a continuous with a quaterdeck over the rear. The Imperial Flagship follows the same theme, except it has three masts, but the sterncastle is still very evident. One can only assume that Lego are setting their Pirates theme in the Golden Age of Piracy in the late 1600s...
- Creator Expert 10270 Modular
Creator Expert 10270 Modular
So I love it, with a few provisos. Firstly, I really appreciate being able to split in to a 16x32 baseplate for each building, a la Pet Shop, because it provides more flexibility with layouts. The Bookshop looks great next to PR As AllanSmith's image shows, and more places for Lego minigifs to live that aren't tiny apartments are appreciated. Basically more houses please Lego! Love the colours, love the tree. I agree with others that the townhouse is too short though - it definitely needs that second floor. I wonder what it looks like next to the Pet Shop buildings with and without?The backs are plain but I never see those anyway... I'll be buying two or three copies on the 1st Jan!
- 10259 Winter Village Station
[PRESS RELEASE] 75192 - UCS Millennium Falcon 2017
I went to the Cardiff (UK) store. 24 available. Queue got up to 20 in total, so there were 4 available at the end, but there were multiple phone calls from people wanting to come pick them up in the morning, so they'll be all gone by now. 8 more arriving Monday. I arrived 0845 and got number 14, which is surprising to be honest as the store never normally gets this amount of traffic for launches. Earliest arrival was 0700.
10247 Ferris Wheel
Yeah, £150 is fine for the price, I was worried it was going to be £200. The new tree design is amazing. Can't wait to get this!
10247 Ferris Wheel Try here. Nice images!
REVIEW: The Simpsons - Kwik-E-Mart (71016)
Mine is on the way - I'm not collecting Simpsons, but as a set it is unmissable for integrating in to a city layout.
- 29 replies
- Review
- Simpsons
- Kwik-E-Mart
- 71016
+6 more
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Getting started with monorail (how bad an idea is this) . . . .
You've done really well with that haul - the monorail track alone is worth more (9 long straights!), let alone the supports and train baseplates. You've also picked out the important parts you'll likely need - but ensure you get a good motor, not one that is on its way out. I love my monorail. I've got the Airport Shuttle and Transport base, then a still MSIB accessory track pack that I haven't ripped in to yet, then a bunch of bricklink'd track.
- Late 80's - Early 90's airport (extremely unoriginal, but cool
- MOC: Yacht "Sirius"
60051 and 60052 sold out?
Interesting. Argos in the UK just sold off their 60051 stock for £70 (down from £100), so nearly 1/3 off. Could be they're actually gone?
10246 Detective's Office
It's pretty clear from the picture. The 32x32 brown that came with the DO, and then an additional 16x32. I've got two copies of DO, and this looks like a good way to 'fix' it. Any chance of more pictures, Headofprops?
To buy or not to buy: The 60051 Passenger Train
I just snapped one up for a £30 discount in the UK, BNIB. I was wary of buying it full price (I really don't need more R40 curves...) but the discount swayed me. The nosepiece is massively improved over 7897. Rebuilding in brick is possible, but I'm going to live with it as is for a while.
- Jawa Sandcrawler 75059 Help
The real life coast guard in many nations is armed, as they're used for intercepting drug traffickers etc. where some guns come in handy. The US Coast Guard takes this to another level, and their big cutters are very well armed. The newest Legend class has a Bofors 57mm main gun, a Phalanx CIWS, 4 .50 machine guns and 2 7.62mm machine guns all coupled to military grade radar and fire control systems.
Venator Class Republic Attack Cruiser
My Venator had red bridges as the flagship ;) It's been on my shelf for the best part of two years at this point.
- MOC: LCGSS Gepard
Kickstarter: ME Models Tracks for both metal and ABS only track pieces
I got my USPS notification yesterday as well. Should hopefully mean I get my rails in a week or two :) Tempted by R72 curves now...
ME Models Custom Track - A Review
I'm looking forward to getting mine, whenever that is - I ordered ABS in dark grey, mix of straights and R56 curves, so I'm a tad disappointed they're selling it on eBay before filling my order (not with the actual fact of selling extra track, but not filling backer orders first). The R104 curves look like they may have to make it over the sea to the UK at some point as well. Hoping they'll look at an EU distributor rather than massive customs charges on each order.
Kickstarter: ME Models Tracks for both metal and ABS only track pieces
Hi Eric, I know you're probably getting this a lot, but could I get an estimate for my order? Pledge - 10 standard length ABS, 8 half length ABS, 8 double ABS Addon - 8 double length packs Addon - 4 R56 half curve packs Originally backed on 21/04/14. Thanks, Ceri.
Bricklinking Modular Buildings
BnP, easily. Same goes for the dark blue arches for CC.
Review of 31012 Creator Family House
I like the design of this set, but my biggest complaint is the layout of the house. There's the one tiny bedroom and the double height living room area, with the remainder being garage. No kitchen, no bathroom, nothing. I'm looking at my own set trying to work out how to modify it without losing the original design language.
7725 - old train, new bricks
Where did you source the replacement DSS from? I'm hunting for some replacement stickers!
7725 - old train, new bricks
Actually, that's only if images are hosted directly on Eurobricks' server. Hosting elsewhere, such as Flickr, places that load on the image hosting service entirely. Seeing as Eurobricks doesn't host images and you have to use a third party service, then there is no load at all for the Eurobricks servers. So yeah, that argument got shot down fast. The biggest issue is the forum rule that reads "Images no more than 1024x768 or ideally 800x600". In other words, tiny pictures. Dynamic scaling of images is common on many forums, which allows the image to fill the width of the users' browser or to click on a toolbar above the image to scale it to full size.
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