Everything posted by cei
- Review: 10233 Horizon Express
New Option for Dual Motor PF Locomotives
This should be stickied somehow, as it is incredibly useful. I'm going to try the method posted in post #19 on one of my motors.
Review: 10233 Horizon Express
Great, thank you. Think I may have to bite the bullet and accept the HE using both blue and red channels as it'll need three PF components at a minimum (front lights, dual motor). All that remains is either installing a switch, or doing your trick with reversed motors. In regards to the Jacobs, if you're replacing all the bogies on the train (well, passenger cars) you'll be needing to order new parts anyway, so replacing for black shouldn't be an issue, as long as the SNOT parts can be found, whatever they are. By my reckoning: 2 trainsets = 3 Jacobs 3 trainsets = 5 Jacobs You'd then have to take a look at the under-car unit, as they possibly won't be the right length any more. That means buying orange tiles...
- Review: 10233 Horizon Express
- Review: 10233 Horizon Express
Review: 10233 Horizon Express
It's beautiful, and thank you very much for taking a look at the addition of PF as well - I'm going to be trying to fit two motors and the switch in my triple purchase HE (so 2 power cars, 6 passenger) so it'll be interesting fitting all that in. The big gap under the pantograph is suprising - does it look like there is a way to fill the space? The jump up on the first passenger car will also need modifying for 6 passenger car runs, as well as multiple new bogies. Can't wait until this lands at retail.
10233 Horizon Express
Good to see it with a double set this time round, and PF lights! Certainly confirmed my purchase :)
Discontinuation Speculation
It seems to be a bit of an odd set, with a reduced presence at retail. Needless to say I ended up ordering...
Discontinuation Speculation
Ah yes, but I already have one Maersk out and about on my setup, so the second one is pure luxury. However you're right, I'm probably going to open it!
Discontinuation Speculation
True, but Horizon Express looks like a good replacement. I still have a boxed Maersk that I'm not sure what to do with - can either add to the built one, or keep for the future.
10233 Horizon Express
I'm going to be fitting two train motors in to one engine (and hence one IR input), with a switch to reverse the polarity of the rear so the two run in sync. This means you're getting all the traction from one unit, rather than trying to balance two discrete engines at opposite ends of the train. As such, my purchase list has been 1x battery box & charger, 1x IR unit, 2x train motor and then a bunch of lights and extension wires for possible use.
Discontinuation Speculation
Any thoughts on Red Cargo 3677? My local Lego retail stores (2x in London) regularly don't have this in stock when I visit, although S@H in the UK seems to be reliably available. As the most recent cargo set I would hope it hangs around for a fair while, and 7939 is still buyable too. Basically, do I need to snap this up now, or can it wait a few months?
10233 Horizon Express
I think I've decided to buy three sets, using up my £115 of VIP points to offset half of the cost. That should give me the parts to have two engines (I also have the PF parts ready and waiting) and six carriages. My only sticking point is what to do with the third engine unit...
2013 City Sets - Rumours and Discussion
Meh, another year of buying basically no City Lego. I'm fed up to the back teeth of endless Police/Fire rehashes - and no, making Forest Patrol doesn't make it different. I was hopeful that we'd be seeing more actual town buildings, like garages, shops and so forth, not yet more emergency services! Really regret missing out on the transportation sets to be honest, I wanted that tram :(
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Finally picked up the Gungan Sub (if only for Amidala) and Saesee Tin's fighter to complete the collection. This also gave me my third TC-14, and with the additional Sopwith Camel purchase, a whole stack of VIP points.
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
UCS B-Wing with another TC14 'droid thrown in from S@H. Double VIP points takes me up to £80 saved up, so it is nearly time to splurge!
Review: 4429 Helicopter Rescue
Hm, kind of, definitely more HEMS paramedic (Helicopter Emergency Medical Service) than a nurse you would see in a hospital. They're missing a trick here!
Review: 4429 Helicopter Rescue
As a medical student, I love the doctor mini-fig and will absolutely have to buy several to go with my scrub team. However, the rest is just disappointing. No nurse minifig? What is going on with the QRS complex in that ECG logo?
TC-14 Lego Promo
Lego at Westfield Stratford (London) have confirmed the promotion with the same flyer, UK limit is £50. They have circa 200 TC-14s on hand. Oh, I also got a sneak peek at UCS R2-D2 as it has arrived in store stock. UK cost is £150, sales start 1st May.
LEGO 10226 Sopwith Camel
That's just beautiful. I'll definitely be getting one, or two!
Venator Class Republic Attack Cruiser
Probably about £600, entirely purchased from Bricklink. Awesome job. Mine is currently awaiting the last BL order of the upside-down magnet holders and 2x3 wings in bley. I've also noticed the error in the instructions, need to correct it! I've also modified my Venator in to a command cruiser - my bridges are dark red
REVIEW: 9495 Y-Wing (2012)
I think it still is 'far more' screen accurate, with emphasis on the more. It isn't perfect, but then thinks like the sloping forwards are pretty impossible to do at this scale. The connection is still loose, leading to swinging when being swooshed - it's based around a technic pin connection for horizontal plane movement, but there is no friction to hold in place. Fixing in position would be an incredibly easy modification, I think Lego left it in as a play feature more than anything. Oh, and the cannons on a Y-Wing can be fixed to go backwards as well ;)
REVIEW: 9495 Y-Wing (2012)
Block build of the old Y-Wing was better - I'm probably going to rip my new one apart and customise the engine blocks to be more along the old style - combined with the new cockpit and fuselage greebling it may be the winner. The ion cannons on the turret are indeed much better than the old, despite the lack of up/down movement.
REVIEW: 9495 Y-Wing (2012)
It was actually one of things that upset me about it when I built it :(
REVIEW: 9495 Y-Wing (2012)
10134 uses stickers on the cockpit piece to achieve the effect, so I'm somewhat glad Lego haven't reverted back to that.
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