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Banned Outlaws
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  1. (question deleted, feel free to delete this post as I can't figure out how)
  2. Thanks Lemming, that picture is really a perfect illustration of what I had in mind. Although I'm trying to envision how to do a full minifig-scale one... (wouldn't be too hard I think) As to the clone gunners, as I understand it they operate the bigger weapons and drive things, so I've used mine in the cockpit and guns of the AT-TE and AT-AP, and I am thinking about the guns on the Republic gunship (although that is currently populated with Phase-II clones). Also the little clone walkers can be re-jigged to one seaters and they make sence for those (and 1 per BP too). I have to admit that the clone walkers are a bit puny next to the AT-RT (which is also way cooler). So it is hard to keep them around as part of a display. I should do another battle pack alternate build with the bits from the clone walkers. I have a few from the Imperial dropship/Rebel scout speeder/Phase II clone BP sets that I need to post at some point first tho.
  3. I know, which is why I want a 20% off Lego sale at the big red shed when I'm near one that has it in stock. (Sundays typically) the friends & families deals are often for a weekdays it seems and the one in down doesn't have any. Here's hoping there's one between now and Christmas. Also the 5 limit is a bit odd Winter Toy Shop as I can't imagine that you'd want more then 5 even if your building a 'winter wonderland'. It's probably related to keeping it a S@H exclusive so that people buy it from there and not ebay/tradme etc.
  4. I was out at K-mart Porirua tonight and I couldn't see any LAAT/AT-OT or Death stars, although I do have t say it looked like they had tidied away a lot of stuff (possibly for a reorganise). So I guess they are either all gone or packed away for now... hmmm.... If anyone spies the death star out there again let me know. Also, Farmers out there didn't hardly any smaller star wars sets (<$100), so no 30% off purchases for me. (What I really want is a Home one on sale...)
  5. I'm glad to hear it! Now if only I can scavenge enough parts from my current display sets to make both it'd make a cool little diorama. I really want to do a rebel set to face off against, but my wife has already given me grief for the time I've spent on this . As an incentive for people to vote for me, I'll do it if I win a prize Thanks! That was the thing with making the re-design; to make the gun different and still cool in my mind required more detail and thus more pieces which means sacrificing components (i.e. the generator). I also wanted enough things on the gun to give the officer something to do! (thus the control panel on the side) Your complements are appreciated on the note of why 4 different minifigures, it was important to me that every fig in the set had a role. The scout to spot for the gun, the gunner to shoot it, the officer to co-ordinate the attack and manage the guns power generator, and the heavy trooper to protect it from assault. Taking any one figure out and duplicating another takes something away from the playability to my mind. Also I really wanted to build a battle pack that would compliment the existing sets that Lego have done. We've had a stormie pack and the scout speeder bike set (now well OOP), but we haven't had any imperial support set which is what I wanted this to be. Support figures shouldn't be as common as the ones in the other sets but buying multiple sets should be encouraged for army building (to a similar amount as the stormie packs one may have purchased), so more variety maintains the rarity of each figure while encouraging you to buy more of them.
  6. Well, for those that think it wasn't original enough for their tastes, here's a complete redesign of the set: Piece count and figure selection remain the same. I still like the original gun, but this one is cute too. There is no generator attached to this one and it is more of an AA style gun. It would suit a echo base size set best with a few other bits and pieces in the set IMO. Additional images [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ]
  7. I'm assuming that first comment is about originality not that you don't like it? I admit that inspiration and core of this was the gun from my AT-TE (Stated, but not so explicitly as you may have required, above). I didn't realize, as this is the first MOC I've posted and I was in a rush, that the similarity police would be on my case I figure there's a lot of MOC's that use ideas/parts from other sets to create something new, with their own reason for being, which I hope is what I've done here. And I thought it was sufficiently original to be considered a new custom Similarities aside, is it ultimately something that you would want to buy if Lego made it. That's what is important to me. I really like the aesthetic of the AT-TE gun and feel that the heavily cut down gun (about 1/2 the size) works well here in combination with the anti-aircraft/artillery gun feel created by adding the side seat, turret base and power generator/regulator. All of which I think add to the feel of a support weapon, behind the main line. This gun would now look silly on top of the AT-TE but would look perfect along side it (which to my mind is a plus). With a limited number of pieces it is an excellent way to do the gun barrel with the spring, the main barrel and the muzzle silencer and the slide guide all to give a sense of recoil from the blast of the gun. The top of the gun I have modified several times but keep coming back to the AT-TE design because I really like it for the bulk it creates as it makes it feel solid and centered (with only 4 pieces). The seat structure is completely new, and the gun pivots from the front, not the back as the AT-TE one does. I used the swivel plate as it has the height wanted and I like the click lock which gives a much sturdier feel, as well as helping keep the piece count down. Every piece I have used has been considered as to why that piece, does it compliment the concept, and is the overall balance right. My first cut was about 10 pieces over, so I'd love to be able to greeble it some more and make it a bit bigger & more detailed but there's a piece count to be complied with. I'm Happy if there's some constructive criticism that would make it better, but the similarities to the AT-TE are intentional.
  8. Thanks. I kind of like the red, it becomes a bit bland without it I think. Also I was considering an alternative selection of minifigures which would have made it republic: Republic Artillery Battery Minifigures (option 1) Republic Artillery Battery Minifigures (option 2) and some other ideas were: Imperial Artillery Battery Minifigures (Alternate Option 1) Imperial Artillery Battery Minifigures (Alternate Option 2) P.S. I've edited my first post with a piece count and a few more notes on the minifigs at the end.
  9. Imperial Artillery Battery S@H Description: Imperial forces prepare to bombard the Rebel defenses with their Artillery, The forward scout observes the rebel base, While the commander locks in the target and relays the order to attack. The gunner swivels the gun into position and commences fire while the heavy trooper prepares for the counterattack. There is no such thing as too much firepower, build your army today with the Imperial Artillery Battery and destroy the rebel base... includes Imperial Artillery Gun, power generator, Imperial gunner, Stromtrooper with pauldron, Imperial Officer, and Imperial Scout Trooper. Pieces: 69 (excluding minifigures but including Accessories and Helmets/Hair) Box Art: Minifigs: Sides: Inspiration: I really like the big guns Lego has been making on the clone wars vehicles, and thought they would be great on their own. Also I really want Lego to make and imperial gunner minifig, I have had to make do with a pilot. I want those helmets in Lego. Brickshelf Folder (when public) (includes some alternate thoughts on minifigures (also linked in post below) and a couple of additional images) What I really want for the imperial gunner is this guy here and here in lego I thought the tie pilot was the best substitute at short notice (although the links above show the other ideas I had). Also the gunner and the trooper would have fleshie heads under their helmets, which could be interchanged with the officers head to make a number of different looking officers from the same pack, both with and without helmets.
  10. Top 5: 1.Imperial Shuttle by Baronsat 2.Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter - by DutchRebel 3.z74 Speederbike by Lars 4.AT-RT Walker by Lars 5.Imperial Shuttle by Rufus
  11. if anyone sees the V19 in Wellington at that price ($75) I'd like to know... Do you know if it's a special or an end of line price reduction?
  12. When I first saw the previews of the MMV i said "I have just seen the coolest Lego set ever" so I know how you feel. I just don't know where I'll put it as it doesn't really go with all the star wars sets I have. I also really want the A-wing and the mini-figures from Home One, and possibly the A-wing more then the minifigures. I have a "b", an "x" , and a "y" wing so it's a big void in my collection. What kind of price did you get for your sets? I'm been very tempted by another endor too, possibly without the minifigures (largly for the AT-ST and the speeder bikes), but it'd have to be less then $100 all up and so far they've been a bit more then that on TM but not really selling. If anyone has one....
  13. I think your right, as that had just recently occurred to me. The other thought is saving up for a RBR... but I don't think they'll be in stores till next year given it's not in the latest catalog and TLG's history with exclusive sets, so I may be ok to hold out. Now I need a 20% off sale at the warehouse when I'm near one and the wife is in a good mood (as she is usually with me when I'm near any of the warehouses likely to have a home one). MMV is also not really in keeping with what I've been collecting but I love castle and it's soooo cool.
  14. - Farmers Cuba Mall had 2x Echo base yesterday, and is otherwise quite well stocked (and 20% off as stated already). - Toyworld Balance St (Wellington) has Medieval Market ~$200, Death Star ~$899, and Space Police and looks well stocked. - Moore-Wilsons has Space police, and has just been re-stocked recently. (I ran into the Lego rep there and asked him whether we would ever see the magnet sets in stores here, but he didn't know that they existed so hopefully I may have changed that...) I'm really undecided now about what I'd buy (if anything). I want Medieval market and home one, but I'm not sure which if I could only choose one.
  15. Modelcrafts & Hobbies in Wellington said they could get it but it was ~$8 per A4 which seemed a bit steep. Available in white and clear tho I'm not sure what they stock if any. If you find a source I'd like to know.
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