Everything posted by CommanderFox
The Youtube thread These guys are awesome. CF
What are you reading?
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer. Pretty good so far. CF
Mafia School: Escape From Isla Paradisa
Oh yeah, Panda was great, some excellent shots there. Sweet! I can be a force ghost! CF
Mafia School: Escape From Isla Paradisa
Good! I wonder if anyone will retrieve my camera and develop the film for evidence. Aww man, I had some lovely shots of colette doing tai chi. maybe don't develop it. CF
Mafia School: Escape From Isla Paradisa
Thanks smittyfan Good luck to you in the next few days, hopefully the odds will even out alittle. So far Town are down 4, Mafia are down 3. Come on guys, make today even up the score! Good job with the water, and I loved it how Crusoe brought me out and I had the Troll HP face on. Yup that answers them all. Looking forward to having a game now with the pro's. CF
Harry Potter: Wizard's Duel - Duelling Club
ooh! A tie! Round 2 sent! CF
Mafia School: Escape From Isla Paradisa
Thanks Sandy, it was a pleasure being under your tutelage! Yes, I hope we can play a mafia together sometime soon as well. So have we 'graduated', can we now play other mafia games? Also, will you be doing other Mafia school games after Isla Paradisa is finished? Will we be able to play in them or is it strictly new recruits like Isla Paradisa was. Thanks again, I had an excellent time and got to know afew members better. CF
Mafia School: Escape From Isla Paradisa
Dang it! I've gone and gotten myself drownded. Good luck townies, may you find the last of the mafia quickly! CF
Mafia School: Escape From Isla Paradisa
sounds good. Welcome Figurative Suspense! Hope you enjoy the island. Woot Woot! Looking forward to it! CF
[REVIEW] 4478 Geonosian Fighter
Good review Blackknight112! I love this set, wish I could find a cheap one. The parts are good, with some lovely printed pieces. The figs are great, I wish TLC had put the geonosians in more sets. The Battle droids are cool with the pinky tan colour and the backpacks, yeah it would be cool if they where on all battle droids. Thanks for the review, and very good pics btw. CF
Mafia School: Escape From Isla Paradisa
Gee, hurry up mafia with your night actions, I can't wait to get going for day five! The suspense is killing me (figuratively speaking. ). CF
Official LEGO Star Wars TV Commercials & Ads
Nice find Oky! Love the battle droids with there sunglasses. I wish lego did these more regularly, they are really fun to watch and a great laugh. CF
Mafia School: Escape From Isla Paradisa
This list of dangerous-vicious monster eaters is getting longer by the post minute, Sandy, looks like you have your work put out for you in creating all these new threats. CF
Clone Wars Y-wing project
Lucky many swamp speeders... No wonder BL is empty of that part! You bought up big! CF
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
Haha, what a lucky collecter! Man would I have loved to get some lego there! Wow, we seem to have gotten a big load of new NZ members! Welcome aboard guys! Hope you enjoy the forums and particularly this topic, its us NZers little 'home' here. @Trainee, yeah, the majority here do BL orders every now and again, its a great way to get parts you need for mocs, or figs-sets-instruction ect. You can sometimes get some nice parts on TradeMe but not often. But yeah, I'd recommend getting an account with BL and doing an order. If the parts you need are in one of the NZ stores, Gelo in particular (who has the biggest range of parts), then you can do regular bank transfer , paypal is what most worldwide stores accept. Hope that helps! CF
Mafia School: Escape From Isla Paradisa
wonderful, im safe now. CF
Mafia School: Escape From Isla Paradisa
That linkadvertisment is taboo smittyfan! The pizza truck will be summoned and we'll all die! CF
Harry Potter: Wizard's Duel - Duelling Club
Cool! Welcome back! DS for round 1 sent! CF
Clone Wars Y-wing project
Thats okay. Yeah, dang that is a rare part. Only 3 of them on BL!. And to top it off, none of the stores ship to me. Oh well, I guess sometime in the future when this part is released in another set making more available and brings the price down, i'll attempt my own red Y-wing. Thanks for your help, and i'm looking forward to seeing the finished squadron! CF
Mafia School: Escape From Isla Paradisa
Yes, my master. Woo ouch for you Dan, death by crowbar. thats gotta hurt! Who would have thought erin would hang herself. I guess its good though, one more mafia down. CF
Clone Wars Y-wing project
Hey Mutley, could you do instructions for both the red Y-wings? Im keen on making one of them/getting parts for one, as both are excellent. If you could that would be great! CF
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 5 discussion
Loving the Dwarf and Gladiator. Cool new Axe piece! CF
ARF Trooper Mis-Print
I really like both of them, even though the left is a misprint, its still very cool. Clones colour there own armour, maybe this particular trooper wanted a completely different helmet style. He must have Personality. Keep it and ask for a replacement from TLC if you want. CF
Dame Elizabeth Taylor had died!
Yeah I noticed that on BBC this morning. RIP Elizabeth. CF
Mafia School: Escape From Isla Paradisa - Day Four
Oh. My. Pixelated. Megablocksy Camera. Come on guys! I go away for a nice hike to get some fab pics of the island scenery for a few hours, and doubt itself sows her terrible distrust in alot of you. Kylan raised an excellent point: Good stuff there Kylan. Danielle, you keep making excuses, saying maybe we should all vote for Erin, first you tryed to put the blame on Colette, now its Erin. Im keeping my vote right where it is. CF
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