Everything posted by CommanderFox
Legends of the Wizarding World
WOOOT WOOOT!! I've been hoping something like this would happen! Finally we can change our spells! And new spells?! Sweet! Thanks for the Great update Pedro and ADHO! CF
UCS Sandcrawler
Look at the beast! Looking great cavegod! Yeah, I second Doc's question, about the interior. CF
Wheres the best places to pick up UCS
Welcome to EB thegurumb! You might want to introduce yourself in the Hello My Name Is forum. Im pretty sure this belongs in General Discussion and News or BSTF. You can always try Bricklink. CF
What did you buy today?
Lucky guy! I got Professor Trelawney from the 4757-1 Hogwarts castle 2nd edition for $10 NZD, ($7.16 USD). Cheapest one on BrickLink is NZD $48.45 (USD $34.68)! What a bargain! CF
Mafia School: Escape From Isla Paradisa - Day Three
Hmm, yes, hearing what they have to say sounds like a good cause of action for now. CF
Clone Wars Y-wing project
Wow, Mutley! This is looking great! I actually like the dark red version more then the yellow, looks better imo. Looking forward to seeing what they all look like together! CF
Harry Potter: Wizard's Duel - Duelling Club
Good duel Walter and an excellent comeback in round 2! Thanks for the adjudicating ADHO! Anyone up for a duel? I need one more win to Auror! Maybe a rematch Johann? CF
Mafia School: Escape From Isla Paradisa - Day Three
Oh, okay. CF
Harry Potter: Wizard's Duel - Duelling Club
Stop your slapping with wet cloths! Dear me, what a rubbish round, overconfidence is about right. DS for round 3 sending... CF
Mafia School: Escape From Isla Paradisa - Day Three
This is terrible, two innocents in one night?! We must avenge Raquel and Claudia! What blood?! Yeah, I noticed that as well. CF
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
Sounds good! I might have a look at my local warehouse to see if they have anything decent. CF
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
Okay. I'll have a look over my packet and find the dots. The feeling method is okay, its just the standing there feeling packets for 15 minutes looking like a dork thing that is annoying. Lucky you Callum! Anytime you want to get rid of afew Spartans and Elves, PM me! Out of curiosity, if you have 60 elves, how many spartans do you have? Some sale info to finally post! Farmers: Police Save 20% on the Police Dog Unit - 7285 Now $16. Save 20% on Police Boat - 7287 Now $48. Save $20 on Mobile Police Unit - 7288 Now $70. Creator Save 20% on Robot - 5764 Now $24. Save 20% on Log Cabin - 5766 Now $48. Pretty decent price for not a bad set. Warehouse: Save 20% on Lego City Toys. CF
Harry Potter: Wizard's Duel - Duelling Club
Yeah I know, just confirming it in the topic. DS for round 2 sent! CF
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
Hey all, I picked up a Series 3 Elf last week( !) Man is he a lovely fig! I was wondering if the barcodes on them are all the same. I know there was the dot system for other countrys, but we couldn't see any on nz packets, so I was wondering if the barcodes or one of the codes on the back (there are 2) is an indication for which fig is inside. So what I wanted to do was check with everyone who has an Elf to see if they have the same details as my packet does on their one. It would be great if we could get a Series 3 cheat sheet. Here's my Elf packet details: Item:4611520 Barcode:5702014734722 will try to scan an image of the barcode sometime tonight or tomorrow. If any of you who have other S3 figs are keen, we can get a list worked out and compare. Hopefully that all made sense. CF
Mafia School: Escape From Isla Paradisa
Yeah, I've been wondering about that to. CF
Harry Potter: Wizard's Duel - Duelling Club
DS for round 1 sent! CF
Mafia School: Escape From Isla Paradisa - Day Two
Good point. I hate to say it, but if they are acting dicey even if they are town, its there fault if we convict them. Don't go making silly discreet remarks to start us accusing someone 'with long hair'. We don't want to be lead to a dead end. CF
Mafia School: Escape From Isla Paradisa - Day Two
Maybe she hopes to bluff here way through until every innocent is dead, or believes her bluff. CF
Mafia School: Escape From Isla Paradisa - Day Two
Hmm, I think you may be right about this Raquel. I really don't want to vote out an innocent again. Vote: Colette LeMans (KielDaMan) Sorry Colette, but you have been alittle suspicious and thats all we can go on at the moment. Starting the vote against the chef, voicing your opinion with long speeches, and talking about 'our side'. whose side is that? How can we be sure your aren't being a 'wolf in a sheep herd'? CF
Harry Potter: Wizard's Duel - Duelling Club
Good duel ADHO! Thanks for ADJing Ron! Anyone else up for a duel?? CF
Mafia School: Escape From Isla Paradisa - Day Two
Fishing sounds good, but we can't get to distracted. Remember we need to keep fishing finding information so we can vote someone (and hopefully it will be one of the killers!) off in the next few hours. Yeah, it would be nice if Crusoe would give us more information. CF
Mafia School: Escape From Isla Paradisa - Day Two
Woo! Keith's right! I get out of my bed and the discussion is already rolling! It's terrible that Ravi was a townie, makes me scared we are going to lynch another one and the real culprits will not be caught. I think we should dwell on the happy side though, no one killed in the night. Lets hope we have lots more nights like that, its bad enough with us lynching people to die under mister Crusoe's torture. Im going to have a nice chai latte now. I can see its going to be hard for meals now that we don't have a chef. CF
Harry Potter: Wizard's Duel - Duelling Club
Okay. I didn't know that. Thanks for clearing it up KDM! Round 2 DS sending... CF
MOC: We need more flame units!
Nice ISC! Love Mr potato's expression and the way you did his head. CF
Harry Potter: Wizard's Duel - Duelling Club
I beat you to it. But doesn't my low attack just get blocked by Howards silencio? CF
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