Everything posted by CommanderFox
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
Yeah, we are all thinking of you guys in Christchurch! Hope your all safe! My prayers go out to you all! CF
[MOD][LDD] Tantive IV
Very nice hga09! I really like the proportions of the ship, the engines are fine i think. CF
huhuhu! Now this is something I might have a chance in! Looks good Stash! Thank you and anyone else who was involved! CF
Clone Conflict: Round 1: Game 3
Move TX-130 from J8 to J7. Anakin from I5 to H5. AT-OT from J4 to I4. AT-RT from H4 to G4. Speeder Bike from G5 to G6. CF
Little Deaths: EB server issues
Raises his cup of tea to the master scouter! Yeah it was alittle inconvenient but hey, EB's back, and thats all that really matters. CF
Single Pane Star Wars Funnies
Some great ones guys! Man I love this topic when it comes to a laugh! CF
Grattis Ras 74
Happy birthday my title master. Hope you have a étonnant day. CF
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Looks interesting. I must say, I not a big fan of Ani's expression and then the goggles, looks a bit crowded. Still its tolerable. CF
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Yeah just noticed that now, sorry. You can't keep up with this topic when there are new pics of the sets. CF
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Browsing the net for more pics and I found this close up of Ki-Adi Mundi and the Geonosian. If this has been posted before, sorry. Where I found it, there are some other close ups - Here. Mundi's head piece looks alittle weird, but he's still cool. CF
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Commander CODY!! Yuss yuss yuss! Thanks for the amazing pics grogall! Ki-Adi-Mundi and the geonosisan look wonderful! CF
Clone Conflict Discussion
Sounds great! Looking forward to it ADHO! CF
My MOC Lego SW Advent Calender
A cool idea Muddy! I love some of the mini's you have done, especially: Tx-130, Vulture Droid, Obi-Wans Delta 7 and Anakins Delta 6. So you are going to do a few more of these? I look forward to seeing what you do next! CF
[MOC] T-16 Skyhopper
Great Moc Doc! Love the built up middle wing and cockpit. The Snot is great! The bottom with the gun is pretty cool. Looks spot on with the source pic! CF
What are you listening to?
Good techno-trance if your into that? CF
[MOC] Obi Wans Eta-2 Jsf
Nice BrickArtist! The greebles on the wings are nice! And the guns are much better! As Doc said, the cockpit sits a bit high but its okay. Ultimate Space Battle was the one set I wanted bad, I still want it bad, but its too expensive now. Im thinking maybe of getting the parts off BL sometime soon, so may try your version for the guns which I really like. Keep it up! CF
Single Pane Star Wars Funnies
Love it Luxor Keep up the groaners Cloney, can't get enough of laughing over em! CF
Announcing the Winners of the Harry Potter Winter Break Contest
Congrats you lucky dogs! Some spectacular entries, I was blown away with clark's entry, you really deserved that number 1 spot! Thanks to the staff for organizing this incredible competition and for the great prizes lego! CF
[MOC] The Mutation
Very nice Doc! Loving the snot effect especially round the back. The way you did the mutation is cool, though im not sure about ahsoka's lekku. Keep it up! CF
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
No, the battle of naboo is not one of the exclusives. These two are: Mace's Starfighter Battle Of Geonosis They will most likely be Warehouse or ToyWorld Exclusives. CF
Single Pane Star Wars Funnies
some really great ones guys! Keep it up all! CF
[MOC]: Clone jungle patrol
Yeah, that about sums it up. Its a good start, but I reckon you can improve on it. Add some more bush shrub-scenerey (so it really looks like they're in the jungle), maybe some enemies attacking? CF
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
I wonder if they have anything else on sale. Anyone seen or heard anything about the two SW exclusives? Im desperate to get my hands on both of them! CF
UCS NU-class Republic Attack Shuttle
It looks incredible cavegod! The scale pic really puts it in the WOWer book! The two shuttles look excellent together! CF
MOC - WW-676 Repulsorlift Sled
Looked through the first page... looked okay at first...slowly got better...but now its great! The front looks a tad bit empty (not enough aerodynamics! ) but thats what it looks like on the diagram. Keep it up and hopefully this is a start to seeing more mocs here from you? CF
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