Spyrius shuttles
You have a spy there or how do you know? We're considering building a device that could do that The escort ships are ment to be more like hovercrafts, but I'll try octagonal canopies - Blacktron style
Spyrius shuttles
There are three ships I'd like to present here today. All of them are in Spyrius theme. A - 05 - Diplomat This ship serves to transport important persons with comfort and speed. Construction in very boxy, simple windshield and two large engines. No wings this time. There is cockpit for pilot and one more fig (navigator probably) and room for four more figs with table and comminication panel. In rear section is some maintenance room wit droid. Ship is equipped with satelites and laser-gun on roof. Brickshelf gallery here A - 06 - Sabrefigter Theese twins were built to protect the A-05 on more dangerous missions. Construction idea was to build something very slim and strong too. Podracer of Temto Pagalies (SW-E1) was mine inspiration. Fighters are heavily equipped with various guns, satelite and antenna. Brickshelf gallery here Pictures:
Spacerunner started following Space race MOCs , Spyrius shuttles , MOC: Space police - Patrol ship #12 and 2 others
Space race MOCs
Thaks for replies Swords and hallebards are there for the same reason as shovels and glass cups It just looked nice to me. Why did you pick White flame? It's the smallest and smoothest one. I myself love it's rotors. There can be another fig lying behind cockpit. Thanks, I've seen your Wipeout ship on Brickshelf few weeks ago - that's just wow! I really like the dark red there and stickers. It's a bit higher level of building.
Space race MOCs
Here's my latest MOC - racing spaceship. I call it "Axeline" but that's just because I didn't came up with more suitable name... Races are held on special racetracks on planets or in zero gravity space. There are obstacles, jumps, asteroids... to make it more atractive and watchable. This is one-pilot ship powered with two engines in rear section. I wanted it to look really fast, space dragster, but to make some greeble details too. I built a little hangar with maintenance droids and some equipment too. Brickshelf gallery is here. Gallery of the rest of my space racers is here. I'm looking forward to your comments and ideas. And I hope there will be some challengers with their own race ships Enjoy pictures: Pictures of underside and crew, other space racers:
MOCs: my post-apocalyptic models
That is tank with petrol. But everyone can imagine whatever he wants inside The cart idea is from "The Postman" movie. I just added crossbows and swords. Medieval Post-Apoc is something I'm really intrested, I'd like to make some more models in this theme. Red magnifying glass came out when I was taking a "Lego break" (2002 - 2007) and I first noticed it on Nannan's Black Fantasy MOCs (I believe you guys know what I'm talking about. google if you don't - wonderfull stuff). At first I thought he made it himself. Some time later I was told it came in Alpha Team series. Last month I bought two of them and this is first moc I used it About planning other mocs... of course I do. But there aren't any post-apoc on my mind right now
MOCs: my post-apocalyptic models
that is not possible, except the last car, they are all already disassembled.
MOCs: my post-apocalyptic models
I'd like to show you some of my older works from post-apocalyptic theme. the whole gallery is here. Let's do it in order I built them: Chopper This one could by sci-fi, but I prefer to put it in this theme. Inspirated by Half Life 2 chopper (the rotor behind cockpit). It represents the hi-tech world and it carries various weapons. Chariot scout Inspirated by "The Postman" movie. They often used half a car dragged by a horse. This one is much modificated. It represents destroyed world where just a little of technical stuff remains used and people use horses rather then cars. And meelee weapons are used again Petrol truck This one is not inspirated by "Mad Max 2" movie. I haven't even seen it when I built this. World is using petrol again and it's being stolen, so it has to be protected! It is built in same style as Chariot scout is. Steampunk plane This isn't actually post-apoc., it's my first steampunk attempt. Wings can be bent in many positions. There is nothing more to say anout this, enjoy pictures. Desert rider This is typical post-apoc. vehicle (for me). It is a modification of contemporary car, equipped with weapons, satelite, antenna and :skull:. Behind seats is plenty of useful stuff (rope, barrel, crossbow). I built this just few days ago. Hope you'll like my models :)
It's nice to see an original *-wing This moc looks really fine to me, I like interior too - that's something I often miis on original Star Wars sets
Orc Battlewagon and orc bikes - WH 40k
Those are some outstanding post-apocalyptic MOCs Great design and realization. Bikes are really cool I'm not a Warhammer fan but I like post-apocalyptic stuff and looks to me like. Lugpol rules - again
MOC: Space police - Patrol ship #12
This idea came to my mind too, but I didn't like it when I tried it. And I don't even have this many white tiles to cover all three wingtops an all four panels. IMHO that would be a terrible waste of space
Theme review: Spyrius
That would be great! I'm looking forward to it Is somewhere here list of all space themes review?
Theme review: Spyrius
WOW, it's nice to see someone noticed my own MOCs Unfortunately there are only few MOCs dedicated to Spyrius on Brickshelf. Just to make things right: 1) Togaran is my former nick I used on Brickshelf. 2) G-01-Base was renamed to G-01-Tower 3) Models under last link are mine too, Jindroush took pictures and made a gallery from this event in Brno, that's why it's in his gallery. There is no need of correction. When I was young I thought that TrRed is used to better fit with black/red color scheme of robots. If you try, you would have seen that TrDarkBlue really doesn't look very well on robots. I agree with overusing TrNeonGreen - Since it was invented it was used on both M:Tron and Blacktron (1990, 1991 - two years in a row) and since 1994 is it used on every space theme - Exploriens, Ufo, Insectoids For me, this corner panel is one of symbols of Lego space, not juniorization. Used ever since Futuron and I still hope it will come back one day... Interesting review Algernon, you've done great job. I reall ylike Spyrius color theme and vehicles. In my opinion, the Robo Guardian is the best set. Compared to space themes released before Spyrius, it's a weak one, Lunar Launch Site could have been made much better (look at Ice Planet base!) and it doesn't have any huge ship. But guys - there are robots! and that totally got me. Here is a picture of nearly completed collection:
MOC: Space police - Patrol ship #12
That's just the way I like it no torn off figs hands and stuff like that. I don't say it looks bad, I just think it isn't the way it should be... Only Space police pieces used to build this are TrRed panels and canopy windscreens. But I must agree - Space police (both I. and II.) are wonderful series. I'm curious about SP3 I don't understand what You mean - add more interior or add more things into interior? to Asuka: No, there isn't any "magic satchel" technology There should probably be more technic stuff, like engines and other things, but the walls are really thick (more than I am used to build) so I decided to use interior for figs. This is small ship to use some rooms for engines only, but when I'll build bigger one, I won't forget Anyway thanks for great comments!
MOC: Spyrius models
To the previous replies: Yep, there is a space vegetable garden - like I said - this is biological research facility, trying to improve features of space energo bush. (the red one might be just it!) WOW, thanks a lot for this link. A great "tree" of space reviews was hidden there I still didn't finsh reading those. I'm a Spyrius fan, but there are few things I disagree with - like that they are thieves. That is the reason why I made my own Spyrius fraction who left the planet. I'm trying to keep classical architecture and colours of original Spyrius and "golden ages of Lego space", but ships often had to be changed... Thanks for all the graeat comments
MOC Blacktron 3 Tank
Really nice looking vehicle! Great "tank in tank" idea I wish to see more Blacktron 3 vehicles and ships. But what's that cyborg Indy doing there?
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