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Capitan Jek

Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by Capitan Jek

  1. Thats an awesome Picture! i couldent help but laugh when i saw it though. haha i was imagening something like this: Vader:well luke we've settled our differences, lets get back to the death star to kill the emperor Luke:yeah dad! thats gonna be great! *lukes hand suddenly pops off) Luke:AHHHHHHHHH!!! Vader: oh my god luke! lets get you to a medical station! *luke falls over edge* Vader:........CRAP! and then the fall causes luke to forget everything so leia just sort of makes something up. haha
  2. District 9! that part where Wikus attempts to cut off his prawn limb! am i right? :)
  3. That Coleman Trebor minifig looks great! as do the others! especialy shaak ti, Aayla Secura and the rebel soldirs :)
  4. Capitan Jek replied to Jar Jar's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    PLO KOON! PLO KOON! PLO KOON!! that would be so awesome!
  5. OMG! he will kill us all! lol i love it. i like the usage of zamor spheres for the eyes. very creepy indeed :) i give it 3 severd thumbs up
  6. awww that walker is so cute!! i hope they will be availible in the US!!
  7. its realy cool! i could just imagen dosens of them rushing into battle with the army! what power miners set did you make it from?
  8. 10.yoda 9.episode 2 clone trooper 8.gredo 7.storm trooper 6.vader 5.ackbar 4.kashyyk trooper 3.kit fisto 2.tuskin rader 1.plo koon!!!whooo yeah!!
  9. thanks! im gunna draw a few others later. mabey ill try baranus or mabey skopio. yeah i origonaly planned for him to be sort of jumping out at you.
  10. cool! the orange/yellow color and the huge sword reminds me of ichigo from bleach i wish they could have made the ignika a bit bigger though. seems a bit small.
  11. this is a drawing of a bionicle set i drew late last year. it took me about an hour and a half to make and i used pencels and blenders to draw it. any criticism is welcome. http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/ToaAznat...icleArt/161.jpg http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/ToaAznat...icleArt/162.jpg http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/ToaAznat...icleArt/163.jpg http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/ToaAznat...icleArt/165.jpg http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/ToaAznat...icleArt/165.jpg http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/ToaAznat...icleArt/166.jpg sorry the pictures are a little blurry the camera i used to take the pictures isnt very good
  12. nice! iv always loved the flying sauser theme! and the figure is great!
  13. cool! i just might pick up a few of these on my next visit to wal-mart!
  14. i wish i had got this back when it was in stores . oh well at least i have the new one.
  15. i realy wish they had made this a set. i would have bought like 5.
  16. MIDI-SCALE: midi scale at-at $30.00 midi-sclae mtt $25.00 midi-scale venator $25.00 midi-scale aat $15.00 midi-scale gunship $20.00 midi-scale at-ot $20.00 midi-scale death star $40.00 midi-scale at-st $10.00 BATTTLE PACKS: bomb squad battle pack: bomb squad troopersX3, assistant droidX1, 4 bombs, 1 speeder. $12.00 jedi battle pack:kel-dor(plo koons species) jedi master X1, human jediX1, human padawanX1, younglingsX2 $12.00 battle droid battle pack:battle droidsX5, super battle droidsX3,darf spider droidX1, mini spider droidX6 $12.00 REGULAR SETS: plo koons starfighter with hyperdrive ring. includes plo koon and astromech droid. $30.00 at-xt. includes clone pioletX1 and 33 clone troopes. $25.00 CR-20 troop carrier. includes clone pioletX2, clone troopers X10, kit fisto. $90.00 clone wars at-st. includes clone gunnerX1, clone pioletX1. at-pt. includes storm trooper pioletX1 UCS SETS: ucs republic attack shuttle. $160.00 ucs Octuptarra combat tri-droid. $160.00 MINI SETS: mini Octuptarra combat tri-droid. $5.00 mini at-xt. $5.00 mini at-at. $5.00 mini jedi starfighter. $5.00 mini aat. $5.00 it would be a dream come true for these to be made.
  17. so awesome!! i might make one!!
  18. Capitan Jek replied to Bossk's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    i saw this on mocpages a few months ago!! you did an exelent job with this diorama!
  19. I love it! this is definintly a great mod to the set! i think he might mean his post not the topic.
  20. death star battle pack: 3 storm troopers, 1 imperial officer, 1 astromech droid, troop transport endor battle pack V1: 3 ewoks,Paploo, 1 glider endor battle pack V2:1 storm trooper,3 scout troopers, 1 speeder hoth battle pack: 4 snow troopers, speeder, turret droid battle pack:2 astromech, 1 protocal droid, 1 gnk droid, jawa,speeder
  21. but the figs would have the chains on them. or are the chains removable?
  22. man plo koon is my favorite jedi!! and you gave him a ship!!yay!
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