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David Thomsen

Banned Outlaws
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Everything posted by David Thomsen

  1. David Thomsen replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in Special LEGO Themes
    Park house looks... okay. I understand these Creator buildings often have halves with two different sets of colours, but in this instance I think it would have looked better with a consistent scheme across both halves. Kind of wish I could see what the house looks like on the other side, or folded together. I don't think the bases will align when folded together?
  2. David Thomsen replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in Special LEGO Themes
    While I think your recolourings look cool, they look a bit too militarised for the Lego aesthetic. They kind of remind me of something Mega Blocks would produce. Does anyone have any idea when we'll see the remainder of the sets? I especially want to see the final version of House on Park Street.
  3. I hate seeing lists like this because when I see them I always think that the final list has been leaked But I had to highlight this one... as a Pirate collector, I'd especially love to see a female Pirate Captain... it's something we haven't had yet, and we've already seen a female Bluecoat Soldier. It'd prefer to see a female Pirate Captain in a full set, but getting one as a CMF would be just as good.
  4. For some reason I was absolutely convinced we'd already had a circus strongman, and was wondering why no one was talking about it being a repeat. I think I was conflating the weightlifter and ringmaster from S2. For the weights, I assume they'd just use the same weights that the weightlifter used? Although black baby heads would be interesting, and more in line with circus dumbbells.
  5. David Thomsen replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in Special LEGO Themes
    With a look at the preliminary images for 10703, I think the piece selection is optimised around a few smaller models, like most Classic sets seem to be... small yellow house with red roof tiles seems to be the most useful build, and there are some grey castle building pieces which is interesting. I think if you got several of this set you might actually be able to build some decent, sizeable buildings. Generic small coloured piece packs don't interest me though. I get the feeling they might be good for Secret Santa gifts at the office party.
  6. David Thomsen replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in Special LEGO Themes
    You've seen preliminary pictures? I can't find those anywhere... Could you describe the 10703 Creative Building one? Like, how many different colours. I'd love to have something with only a couple of different colour wall pieces with matching windows, and a couple of different colours of roof tiles, so that a coherent building could be built, rather than the sort of rainbow assortment of other Classic sets.
  7. David Thomsen replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in Special LEGO Themes
    This actually sounds pretty cool. I haven't bought any of the Classic boxes yet because the pieces are too... generic? Kind of like the opposite of the over-specialised pieces you get in other sets. I look at them and think, if I try to construct anything meaningful with the bricks in these sets, it's going to turn into rainbow-coloured nonsense very quickly. So getting a huge amount of semi-specialised pieces not focussed around any particular build would be pretty amazing, and maybe the most 'true' Lego set I've seen in a long time. (By my own definition of 'true' Lego)
  8. This is exactly my problem, and one of the things that inspired me to create this topic. I've read a lot of people complaining that the Imperial Flagship is a bad set. Really? For a set made by a toy company and not an MOC master-builder, I think it's actually pretty amazing. We give the Lego we enjoyed as children a free pass because of our nostalgic attachment to them, and now as adults we seem to have unrealistic expectations from a toy company. I'm willing to look at Lego with the same love as the child I used to be. I feel the same way... I'm not sure what Staslegomaster heard, but I'm taking this with a huge pinch of salt for now. They're making a NinjaGo movie, but NinjaGo is pretty much an evergreen theme at this point, and has a huge amount of mythology behind it. Pirates have only had about two years of releases in the last two decades, and there are no stories behind it.
  9. Is this the one mentioned in the "A 'Lego Pirates' Movie" thread by CaptainRoger? Or something official? Because I can't find any reference to this on Google or anywhere.
  10. I was just going but the distance between Pirates II (2009) and Pirates III (2015). Next would be Pirates IV (2021) if they continue that pattern. I tend to disregard 'rumours', unless there are enough sources. I have heard nothing about a Lego Pirate movie! What is your source for that? Would it be Classic Pirate themed, or more like crazy steampunk themed like Metalbeard? Incidentally in 'forecast' of what we might expect in the future, I almost made a joke about a Batman-themed pirate ship... turns out this is actually a thing! Batman Pirate Ship
  11. The 'Pirates theme getting worse' topic has been floating at the top of the Pirates forum for quite some time now... basically I just wanted to start a topic where people only talk about the things they like about the modern Pirates theme, and what they look forward to in the future. So I'll start I guess... Modern bricks! One example is the 'brick' brick used in the 2015 Soldier sets. While I have fond memories of of the printed brick pattern in sets like Sabre Island, nothing beats actually building those patterns out of proper Lego pieces. And while I had my reservations about the new bandanna piece, I admit it adds some variety to my pirate headgear. And then there's things like bottles and telescopes, which didn't exist in classic Pirates. Modern torso back-printing! I really appreciate this extra detail. Faster updates! Some of the classic torsos from 1989 were still being used five or more years later. Not so with the updates between 2009 and 2015 Pirates, where all new torsos were being used. (And mostly new faces, I think). Modularity! I really enjoy being able to connect several of the 2015 sets together to make larger sets. D2C sets. Okay, there has only been one of these so far, the Imperial Flagship... but the scale of it totally makes up for not having had the BSB as a kid. And I don't care what the haters say, I love every part of my IF. Even if the next Pirates line is in 2021 or something, I'm looking forward to seeing what new innovations and ideas between now and then keep things fresh and new. Who knows... maybe we'll get a female Pirate captain, or an all female Pirate crew. The future's so bright, I have to put on my sunglasses.
  12. I thought the same thing as well when I saw the set... the only things I could make out from that set which were special were the minifigs and the sail, but they're not useful to my theme. Moana appears to be holding some kind of printed tile, maybe a map, but I suspect it'll be based around something in the movie. The 'palm trees' seem to be basic columns, which I'd never use for palm trees. There is also Moana's Island Adventure, so I'll wait to see if that has anything to offer. (the brickset article seems to suggest leaked images are available, but I can't seem to find them)
  13. I noticed that in the new modular building set 10255 Assembly Square, there's a parrot with new yellow and blue colouring... in the PotC films, Mr. Cotton has a parrot with yellow and blue colouring... coincidence?
  14. This is my understanding of the terminology: D2C: Direct To Consumer, large 16+ age sets that are often available only through the online store for several months before they go to the stores, and then only to selected stores. UCS: Ultimate Collector Series, generally D2C in the Star Wars range with a special label. A lot of people call D2C sets UCS sets, but they're not quite the same thing. This POTC set will be a D2C set, unless for some reason they give it a UCS tag.
  15. David Thomsen replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in Special LEGO Themes
    The Creator theme has been producing a sort of mini-modular subtheme for the last three years now, with these sets: 31026: Bike Shop & Cafe 31036: Toy & Grocery Shop 31050: Corner Deli It's great for people like me who enjoy being able to expand their street every year, but can't afford the time/space/money for the proper modular series.
  16. David Thomsen replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in Special LEGO Themes
    I've found some preliminary pics on Reddit, is that what people are looking at? I'm only really interested in the townhouse. It's hard to tell, but the front door section does look a bit thin... I guess they needed space for those steps. And it appears to also have one of those odd extra corner plate bits like the sandwich shop had, I wonder if that means it can also be displayed in three different ways: fully open, half closed with the corner part filling in the wedge, and fully closed. That's a neat way to make the set a bit more flexible. I wish I could see better how those windows are built, because they almost look like they're using a new piece? Maybe one that'll also be used with the next Modular building... Well, it's not quite what I expected but it'll make a good addition to my Creator town.
  17. Thanks for sharing this! As a fan of both Lego and G1 Transformers, I really appreciate this.
  18. Maybe branded is the wrong word... more like proprietary? Since this is the POTC thread I'm sure someone will have more knowledge about this though...
  19. I'm pretty sure I read that they couldn't use it with generic Pirate sets because they made it specifically for the POTC sets, and that made it a 'branded item', like trying to use a batarang in a Modular Building or something. I may be wrong about this, though. They didn't use the monkey either, so it might just be a design decision.
  20. I think I'll wait until I see the ship before ordering additional characters, if I got an old Barbossa and then there's a new Barbossa I'd just put the old one in storage anyway, or cannibalise him for parts. I expect this set will have a pretty extensive crew. Maybe not Death Star extensive, but the Imperial Flagship had nine characters, so at least that many. It'll be nice to see the licensed POTC parts again, like the sword sheath. It was so frustrated when we didn't get them with the 2015 pirates.
  21. David Thomsen replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in Special LEGO Themes
    So just to clarify, the City House is definitely compatible in style to the previous pseudo-modular buildings of the Creator range?
  22. There's also various different Hogwartses. I don't think there's a UCS Hogwarts but definitely there have been versions at different scales. I feel like the Black Pearl makes sense. It'll have been in five POTC films and its one of the most iconic vehicles Lego have the license for. I doubt they'd make a UCS ship set for something in the fifth film, we saw the classic Ghostbusters fire department headquarters in UCS form, not the Chinese shop from the latest version. It'll be something we've seen before. I'm not so keen on such a monochromatic ship either, though. It would have to have sails that more closely imitate the sails from the film, because the plain black sails of the previous BP set make it look like a Megablocks set to me.
  23. I didn't get any of the original POTC sets, partly because I just didn't enjoy the fourth film, partly because I knew it would be a short lived theme. Possibly regretting that now. Based on the Ghostbusters pattern, I think we'll see a UCS ship and maybe a smaller more affordable set? Like, maybe the ship will be the Black Pearl of the entire franchise, and the smaller set will be based on the fifth film. I probably won't get this set if it's the Flying Dutchman... it's too gimmicky, like Metalbeard's ship. I could imagine myself getting the set if it's the Black Pearl, and will definitely get it if it's a generic ship that will fit in with my yellow pirates. The BP probably won't fit with my other Pirate ships, but if it really is larger than the IF, and if it's good enough, I'll probably want to own it for itself. It's good to see that they're continuing to release at least one sailing ship of some sort every year, eventually we'll get back to a good classic pirate ship.
  24. Regarding a 30th anniversary celebration of some sort, I don't think that's likely, just because Lego haven't shown any inclination to celebrate the 30th anniversary of things. Look at the classic Yellow Castle from 1978 - the 30th anniversary of that would have been in 2008, but nothing from that year celebrates its anniversary, and that's a hugely iconic set. Pretty much every year is the 20th, 25th, 30th anniversary of something. Anyway, regarding the topic of 'Pirates theme getting worse', I don't think it is, really. I think the sets are just different, and have a high quality in a different way. The 2009 and 2015 Pirate sets were just products of their time, as the 1989 Pirates were. I really enjoy both, and because I can't get hold of the original Pirate sets at a decent price, I'm quite content with the more recent sets.
  25. David Thomsen replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in Special LEGO Themes
    Any idea when we might be getting names for these numbers? I'm trying to decide whether to buy some sets right now and it depends on what we might get in the future...
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