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David Thomsen

Banned Outlaws
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Everything posted by David Thomsen

  1. I'm with THERIZE on the Lamborghini Countach, it's my absolute favourite car when I was a kid. I had it in Micro Machine and Transformer forms, always in red, although if they make a Lego model I would be happy with black or white, since those seem to be the most iconic colours for it to be in and we already have a red Ferrari. My other picks are down to fandom.. a DeLorean (Back to the Future) or a Ferrari 308 (Magnum P.I.). Other than that, I'm not really that interested in modern cars, so I'm likely to be happy with anything more than 25 years old. Have there been any rumours about what the Expert Creator licensed car is going to be this year? I have looked into the archives and this time last year we already know that it was going to be a Ferrari F40 for 2015. Does anyone know if we're going to get a licensed car at all?
  2. Wasn't quite sure where to post this, so I'll put it here... apparently Collectible Minifigures S16 has a 'Scallywag Pirate', so that's at least one set to add to my collection this year... Presumably he'll just be a generic pirate in the way that the Collectible Minifigure Pirate Captain was a generic Pirate Captain. I'm expecting striped top, bandanna, cutlass, the works.
  3. David Thomsen replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in Special LEGO Themes
    I'm actually really impressed at how they made a two story building out of an RV. If you had told me that there was going to be a Creator set where the primary build was an RV and the second a two-story building, I would have said you were making things up. But there it is.
  4. David Thomsen replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in Special LEGO Themes
    http://brickset.com/...r-city-bionicle Some more details here. Apparently the RV can be rebuilt into some sort of house? And there I'm using the words in the article, 'some sort of house'. I'm super curious, how do you rebuild an RV with a boat and a brick-built bear into any sort of house? Shame that there isn't one where a house is the primary model though, I've been waiting for another substantial Family Home for a while now. Having said that, I am excited for the RV, especially since it apparently comes with minifigs and is minifig compatible. I've always thought that the 'Creator with minifigs' concept could be extended beyond buildings into things like vehicles.
  5. It's not bad, I can't wait to see it in a more natural colour in a Pirate set, even if that is going to be four years away... I guess that's why we didn't have any monkeys in 2015, the new mould just wasn't ready yet.
  6. I'd like to see those sails better, I can barely make out what shape they are. Potentially useful, maybe for some kind of castaway raft. Doubt they'd work well on a full sized ship.
  7. For the perspective of 'if I were still a kid' these sets are pretty cool, but there's only a couple of things here that interest me now, the dark green bandanna, the dark green epaulettes and possibly some minifig heads, although it's hard to make them out and I think some of them might be ones I already have. Just not keen on the new cutlass, sadly. I hope when they bring back classic pirates they use the original cutlass, or some acceptable modification of it. It's good to see that other pieces like pistols, muskets and monkeys are still around, although it makes me wonder why the 2015 pirates didn't include any monkeys.
  8. I don't follow other themes very much, but apparently NinjaGo is having some kind of ninjas vs. pirates theme next year... does anyone have any information on what this might mean to pirate fans? It's hard to find out much information, it seems to be futuristic pirates or something (why does everything have to be futuristic at the moment?) so I doubt the sets are going to fit in with my collection, still there there might be some useful accessories and bits. I think I saw something where the new bandanna is in green, for example.
  9. Despite (or maybe because of) being a huge Back to the Future fan I didn't buy the original DeLorean. I'm not sure I'd want a D2C DeLorean like this, I prefer my vehicles to be minifigure scale, but the release of the new Ghostbusters HQ makes me wonder if they will continue the BTTF theme in some way. Ideally I'd like to see a remake of the DeLorean in some way that would make me want to actually by it. My dream set is something like the Twin Pines mall, with Doc Brown's truck, a new DeLorean that can fit inside it, and maybe The Libyans with their VW Kombi, which Lego have already made a larger version of... also maybe some Twin Pines Mall features like two pine trees, a "Twin Pines Mall" sign and that booth that Marty crashes into. I'm not sure if this could get produced though since it would involve two car licenses in one set, which I don't think Lego can do. Still, even with just the truck and the DeLorean and some mall accessories, I'd definitely buy this set.
  10. Just looking back at when the Imperial Flagship was first seen, it was the 3rd of October 2009 at BrickCon... we've had BrickCon at the same date this year and no sign of any kind of D2C Pirate set for next year. I don't think this proves we won't see one, but unless we see something in the next month, I guess we're just not getting anything like the Imperial Flagship next year. Other sets in other themes, like the Kingdoms Joust, were also announced in early October.
  11. I'm quite happy too. When I was a kid I was at the mercy of what my parents could afford for me, so I never had large pirate sets, only small and medium... now I can buy what I like, so I have all pirate sets since 2009. Also, while the Pirate themes haven't lasted more than a year, that's fine with me because I don't want to buy an entire theme of Lego every year. And in between, every couple of Collectible Minifigures sets have included some Pirate themed figure, just to keep me always interested. And if I'm really nostalgic for sets from my childhood, I can just bricklink them. :)
  12. I wasn't really expecting to see Pirates in the new listings so wasn't disappointed. But don't forget that these sets don't include D2C sets, so we might still see some kind of exclusive Pirate ship or building.
  13. I feel like Lego give 'sanitised' versions of these elements. Like, the Nazis in Indiana Jones didn't have any swastikas. The cannibals were glorified Islanders with cartoon bone accessories. The Temple of Doom set featured zero burning hearts. A Serial Killer, though... I have a very hard time sanitising this for the Legoverse.
  14. Ha, the skull detail is pretty cool but it blows away my plans to give this guy a tricorn and make him a dock worker rather than a pirate, like the guys from the Imperial Trading Post.
  15. I don't mind the occasional themed set, but for me it's becoming too common. We're going directly from a Simpsons theme into a Halloween theme. So between this year and last year we had two Simpsons themes, a Halloween theme and a Movie theme. That's fully two thirds of the sets. Oh well. At least the mermaid from the Movie theme and the zombie pirate from the Halloween theme kind of fit in with my Pirate collection anyway.
  16. Another look at the exclusive Pirate set in the August Store Calendar. He appears to have this head which hasn't been in any Pirate sets yet. Pretty sure those are the new style chrome coins.
  17. Actually it's kind of weird that 'Revolutionary Soldier' was an army-building figure but they didn't give him any kind of opposite. Pretty much every figure kind of figure that can have an opposite does have one. Knight has evil knight. Wizard has evil wizard. Cowboys and Indians. Spaceman and Space Villain. How come Revolutionary Soldier never got... I don't know... Colonial Soldier or something? Unless his rival is the Pirate Captain? But then why call him Revolutionary Soldier and not Soldier?
  18. It just occurred to me that while a lot of male minifigs have a female equivalent, there is one exception that needs to be fixed. We still need to see a... FEMALE SWASHBUCKLER Gender: Female Torso print: Frilly blouse with waistcoat. Headgear: Custom hat with hair like the one worn by Angelica or Red Harrington but with a hat similar to the swashbuckler's and a plume. Facial expression: Confident female, like Intergalactic Girl but with red lips. Legs: Black Accessories: Épée and maybe jewel.
  19. That picture has been around for a long time and at least one of them (the skeleton) seems to have had a minor redesign, I've only seen this image of four final ones though and the other three seem to be the same, with the addition of a skirt to the witch and a cape to the vampire. But the zombie pirate does look quite final, just needs the addition of a sword (or some other kind of zombie pirate appropriate weapon). If you swap out the hands and the head for yellow ones he could possibly make him into some kind of really unfortunate pirate captain, although I think the grey spots on his coat are meant to be his skin. I'll be leaving him as he is, though - my Pirate theme is supernatural-friendly. :) I really hope that some time they have just a generic pirate though who isn't a captain. So far we've had one pirate captain, one swashbuckler and now a zombie captain. And the swashbuckler kind of stands out from the rest of the Pirates. Actually, you know what would be cool? A female swashbuckler.
  20. Don't forget that you get this set for free with another purchase. You're not paying anything for it, it's just a bonus and from that perspective it's actually a neat little set, especially since it has a new torso. I doubt they'd resurrect extinct 'retro' pieces just for a freebie. And anything that potentially introduces Pirates to new people is a welcome addition.
  21. I don't think it'll be the old coins on a sprue, just the revised loose coins. But at least they're coins, meaning that they're not entirely out of production. Still a mystery, though... If the coins were available, why not use them? Maybe they just had to make a choice and black tricorns and gold coins were at the bottom of the list.
  22. This is fantastic. Portal is my favourite game and Lego is my most favourite toy. Pity I don't have any kind of console and won't be getting one specifically to play this game. Hopefully there will be some kind of actual set at some point though, because I kind of need a Chell figure.
  23. It looks like they tried to remake a classic set but just didn't have the parts any more. I wonder if this really does mean we'll never see the monkey again. At least it has coins though. The Space one was more true to Classic Space because the classic helmet was the only part not in production. I got that set and the quality wasn't so great, the white of the space torso was kind of off. It makes me dubious about the quality of this new torso (which seems to be a remake of the classic white/blue striped Pirate torso) but I'll definitely be getting this set anyway. Or at least... sourcing the torso.
  24. Portal 2 Lego Universe set has been confirmed. My life is now complete.
  25. Unfortunately the largest Creator home this year, the 31038, seems to have traded size for the 'Changing Seasons' gimmick. Actually, it has almost twice as much pieces as the 31036 Beach Hut, but that doesn't seem to have been translated into any kind of bulk. I suspect that because of the nature of the set, none of the builds use all of the pieces at once. I'd love to see a revisitation of the 'Model' houses of years ago, but it would be very expensive to have a full-sized house AND fill it with the minifig furniture that all sets come with now. Just look at how expensive the Simpsons house was.
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