Hi all!
I just wanted to introduce myself quick, my name is Benjamin, 26 years of age and live in The Hague.
During my childhood I was quite the LEGOhead and spent countless hours in my room with my little brother playing.
Mostly I was interested in Space and City, I did have one or the other Forestmen/Knight set.
To name a few of my favourite sets:
6054-1: Forestmen's Hideout (Was really proud of this one at the time, great fun to play with!)
6395-1: Victory Lap Raceway (Also good fun as far as I can remember.)
7745-1: 12 Volt High Speed Train (Happiest B-day of my life!)
6392-1: Airport (Put this one together with my Dad under the Christmas tree.)
6886-1: Galactic Peace Keeper (Was really cool with the retractable wings, this one really got a load of playtime.)
6990-1: Monorail Transport System (My absolute favourite of all time!)
6780-1: Light & Sound XT - Starship (Just plain cool!)
These are just a few amongst a bunch of sets that really stood out to me, I still have all of it packed away in storage.
I hope to find a bunch of nice enthusiasts on here that I can share knowledge with and also have fun discussing LEGO.
My plan is to stack up on some 12 Volt sets that I never got when I was a kid and maybe look into some of the earlier 9 Volt sets.
But Im really in it for the space and plan to get some Blacktron I Sets as soon as possible!
What really got me stoked was http://www.neoclassicspace.com/, some of the models on there are just excellent, to me this is nothing less then art.
So after getting a bit frustrated with not having any LEGO around I went out today and bought the first set since I was about 9 or so.
7673-1: Magnaguard Starfighter (It was on sale and had a bunch of parts that I have never used before.)
Im really looking forward to getting started with this tonight, cant wait to get more sets!