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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Kepheus replied to Oky's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Very well done, very creative! But I very much doubt they will turn any MB MOC into an Ideas set. In this case I hope to be wrong, though :-)
  2. Kepheus replied to kaelthas's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Great review, love the Chewie parts! Hm, they really made a life-size(?) porg set... I thought they were rather annoying and totally unnecessary, though obviously delicious, when watching the movie. Clearly I‘m not part of the target group :)
  3. Exactly my thoughts. Way too clumsy. Looking at the sheer design I cannot imagine spending 350 € for this set.
  4. Luckily, you're right. After finishing the chassis, it's mostly just black. Some orange, green and yellow liftarms show through but that's nothing compared to the fruit salad before the last stages of the chassis. Plus the chassis has impressive dimensions and weight. Working on the upper body now with 250 pages to go...
  5. @Jim, great review, as always, thanks a lot! Mine was delivered last Friday, luckily getting it for 188 €. At the moment I'm still building the chassis, almost throught the first book. It sure is a fun build and I'm looking forward to another 430 pages of page turning excitement. Really, TLG, two books with 680 pages combined?!? The steps are at times so easy one could expect the set to be aimed at ages 6+. What bothers me most is the (in my eyes) unnecessary variety of part colors... after the first chapter the model already contains parts from 11 colors like a Duplo set hommage. Why not use 3L pins with bush in light bluish gray instead of orange? Why yellow axles? Two colors for 1L pin connectors, 6L thin liftarms in yellow where no mistake seems possible and so on... Different colors help to distinguish parts in a complex building process. But 680 pages plus this multitude of colors seems like an overkill to me. All complaints aside this is a large beast that's very rewarding to build. As a Lego technic model it comes close enough to real rough-terrain cranes like Liebherr LRT.
  6. I received my Falcon yesterday surprisingly from a local Lego store after ordering on Monday. Surprisingly TLC didn't ship it from the usual location.
  7. Thanks, again, for a great and much appreciated review, Jim! I like your review so much more than the actual set ;-} I'm still having trouble understanding this model... the color schemes inside and especially outside... unfinished look... the price... I'm rather disappointed by all major technic models this year - in contrast to buying all last year. Using easy to build color schemes could be useful to broaden the customer base for large technic models. And save one or two christmas evenings. Still, I'm no fan of this development as seen with modular buildings, too. From almost architectural models clearly addressed to AFOLs now we get "playfulness" in expense of detailed buildings.
  8. Outstanding set from the model itself to the box and the instruction book. And of course the number of parts. The only fly in the ointment is they didn't use 20769 as set number ;-)
  9. Interesting idea and very well realised, too! I think it would also work as a three-story building next to regular modulars.
  10. Outstanding review, thanks for your effort! I just begun building this set. Though I'm impressed by the sheer size and the multitude of details that's also my main problem with the set: Whereas GG, FB and GE were models directed at adults, since at least DO playability and colorfulness seem to be more important to TLG. A development which makes this line less special than it was. As my children are having fun playing with GG, FB and GE as they are, I'd rather have "modulars for adults".
  11. Great review and very helpful renders. I agree, this model is very impressive from an enginering point of view. Though I still like the 8043 gearbox and overall set much more. To me, the BWE will always be an eyesore. Too colorful, too much yellow. It doesn't look at all like the real thing. I don't like the use of so many yellow and red axles for no good reason. Plus there's a huge gap between the gearbox and the superstructure where you see the three axles running through. That said, I bought two sets, built one and will use the other as parts donor. There's no way to get these many liftarms, 5x7 and a ton of other useful parts at this price - especially, if there's a 20% discount. Best set ever ;-) @nguyengiangoc: Same here. The filter mechanism really depends on being fed very slowly by the upper conveyor. And even then about 20% of the small pieces were processed incorrectly. All in all the B model is a very nice idea, but really doesn't offer too much.
  12. LuxorV, thanks for a great review! Excellent pictures. I was already planning on buying this set but now I'm really looking forward to Dec 1st!
  13. Thanks for all the hard work with the models and the instructions! I'm trying to get the missing parts to build the carrier MkIII with the superstructure V2. The carrier MkIII uses "Technic, Steering Arm Small" for steering the front and rear axles (instructions p.9 and p.23): https://alpha.brickl...page?P=6571#T=C As these are very difficult and/or expensive to get in Germany, does anyone see a solution w/o using these Steering Arms and still maintain the functionality?
  14. Guyliane, and iconic it is! :-) Impressive Eiffel tower! Do you happen to have more pics of the build and some close-ups, especially how you solved the stability problem?
  15. Thanks a lot for the review, mostlytechnic! Nice to see the B and C builds up close. This set has a lot of nice parts and even some nice desgin... but looking at the A build I can't shake the feeling that's something missing or wrong. On top it's not even easy to play with. It's just one of the weaker members of the great family of Creator houses, thinking of the Family House and Seaside House.
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