Shinkai 6500
Well, I'll try to do it, but you can always use google translator ...
Shinkai 6500
Here you can see my review of the set: In Spanish, of course ...
The Legend of Zelda
Damm! The wind waker is the only Zelda that I haven't played yet. If you talk too much about it, I will have to buy the game and a gamecube pad for my Wiii (No emulators, I'm a purist ). Ocarina of time is the way to go because is the first game in the timeline too ... Well I think that the minish cap, four swords and four sword adventures are situated before ocarina of time, but they aren't relevant in comparison. Aren't they ?
Attack of the quad mini-diorama.
Lord of the brick's stupid talesTM presents: Well, here's my latest and surrealistic MOC, sorry for the dark pics. Seven days ago, the evil medroxiansTM stole a quad prototype from a secret lab. They used it to attack a group of one-eyed bugs and the space police men came to defend them... and that's when the battle begin ! I supose that you can't see the pics very well, so here you have some more of them showing the details... ... And a first person view of the battle . Here you can see the generator of the plasma cannon: Here you have more pics of the quad: That's all folks!
A poe from The legend of Zelda: ocarina of time
Lord of the brick's stupid MOCsTM presents: Poes are weird ghostly creatures from the legend of Zelda videogames. Now you can see one made by me... The cape is from a magnaguard of star wars, it's not a custom. Small and simple. Thanks for watching! Gallery:
My weird fantasy creatures.
This is a real barnacle: In Spain we call them percebes. They're small crustaceans.
My weird fantasy creatures.
Lord of the brick's stupid MOCsTM presents: Well, I'm here again . Last monday I was bored and I created something. The first thing is a giant barnacle (too many imagination...), sorry fotr the bad pics, I need a new camera T_T. I know that barnacles are white, but I don't have many white pieces. The other thing seems to be a demon or something like that. Now you can't see its eyes . A black hinge connects the head to the body. A weird way to join lego pieces... Galleries: I think they aren't public yet. That's all folks!
AT-AT MOC by sigpro
It's great to see your AT-AT here. Now you must show the imperial base
Norman style church for Medieval Marketplace
It's a great addition for the medieval market . The windows are lovely. I want an official TLC church now !
Power Miners in South Europe
I think that all names are a trademark . It makes them more... funny.
Power Miners in South Europe
BlueBardTM those sets are available at the "giraffe store" in Spain. I saw them. They're quite cheap .
Hi, I'm lord of the br¡ck and you not.
I saw them, thank you. These are very interesting .
MOC Scorpenek annihilator droid
That's a very unusual droid ... But the MOC is pretty nice. It's very original.
Cad Bane and Aurra Sing!
The fire fighter breather mask is a fantastic solution . Well done. A lego official minifig of Cad bane would be fantastic...
Space Unicycle
I like it . It's simple and original and looks very useful for other space MOCs.
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