Everything posted by Tabris
6277 Imperial Trading Post Remake
The trade post has been one of my all time favorite sets. Yours looks even better that the original one. Awesome job.
Welcome to - Major Changes Coming!
I was about to say, this has to be an April fool's joke. Well done, for a moment you got me.
Modular Madness - Voting: Category 1: Mini Addition
1.George G. - 2 12.moctown - 3
Modular Madness - Voting: Category 2: Parks and Rec
2.L-space -1 6.ego_legis_legere - 2 16.Sid Sidious - 1 24.Bernd - 1
Modular Madness - Voting: Category 3: Classic Modular
21.Domino39 - 1 25.Snaillad - 1 27.Myko - 1 29.Kristel - 1 36.Bernd -1
Vote for your favourite Category 1 entries
Terrific job guys. Here is my vote: 14) Arkham City (Build by Fianat) => 3 points
Vote for your favourite Category 2 entries
Great job everyone. I specially like Skrytsson's MOC 11) Croc’s sewer (Build by Skrytsson) => 3 points Good luck
UCS Sandcrawler MOC
Outstanding job. You captured every detail of the real thing. Very impressive.
MOC: One big MOC!
Amazing work Hoexbroe. The level of detail is outstanding. You really are a master ship builder, as you have demonstrated with your previous MOCs. Shame I couldn't make it to Mungia. Maybe next time.
Dwarven Clan Wars (MOC)
Outstanding MOC. The color scheme and level of detail is awesome. I love the dwarf statue. Great job.
Stand a chance to win a random Series 3 minifigures
Congratulations to the lucky winners.
REVIEW: 10219 Maersk Train
Thanks for the review KimT. I can't wait to get my hands on that beauty. :blush
Talking Skull Promotion - WINNERS, your address please
I finally received my prize today. Thanks a lot for such an awesome game.
MOC: We need more flame units!
Very funny MOC ISC. My favorite part is the turkey nose. How did you make Mr.Potato's arms?
REVIEW: 8804 LEGO Minifigures Series 4
Great review WhiteFang, thanks a lot. Can't wait to get my hands on those minifigs..
Barracuda's Quarters
Very inspiring MOC SlyOwl. I am always looking forward to your creations. In this particular case, your scene is splendid. The level of detail is outstanding. I specially like the stuffed native’s head. It adds a voodoo like atmosphere. Great work mate.
Number Four Raffle... Winners!
Congratulations to the lucky ones.
TOWN: New Mannum Town Centre
It looks great lightningtiger, but without villagers it looks a bit empty
Matrix APU
Great creation IcedCOffee. I love how you made the different textures of your APU. It looks so real.
Ocean wave
Very nice effect. Great idea.
MOC: Four City Vehicles
Nice car collection L@go. They all look great, but I must say that my favorite is the Sport Coupé. It is so sleek
Big space diorama
OMG, that is a huge collection. Lucky you. Welcome to EB. Please share with is your diorama once it is complete.
My T-47 Snowspeeder
Very nice and realistic design. I love it.
MOC: Flintholm Station
Very nice MOC. The station roof looks great. The winter landscape is a great choice. It distinguishes it from other MOCs. Great job.
MOC: Bachelor's Pad
Welcome iamFLIP! You have created a beautiful MOC. From the facade to the interior, everything looks great. The color combination in the exterior is very appropriate. The pool table is great, and the handcuffs detail is hilarious. I'm a conformist!.
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