Everything posted by Tabris
The Rum Room
Beautiful MOC TazManiac. So detailed and colorful. It is indeed a nice tribute to Zorro. Great job
Where Gods Worship Ninjas
Great job Karlo. Your building is gorgeous. I can distinguish some characters from Greek mythology, such as Prometheus or Athena. I love how you mixed those characters with others from modern times. The result is comical but at the same time very impressive.
MOC: Battle for the last living tree
Great story and great recreation. Your dead tree is brilliant.I like it a lot.
MontyofMusic's Batcave MOC
Thanks. Your MOC looks great. Lucky you. You have a Joker minifig. I wish I had one. It is too expensive to get nowadays. Anyway, what I like best is your Batmobile. Great job.
MOC: Toronto Fire Station 134
The fire engine looks awesome. Great job so far.
Orient. This exciting world.
WOW, great MOC. You really captured the Arabic architecture. Details and colors are very appropriate. Welcome to the community!
Forestmen Hideout
What a lovely scene. The use of different colors and textures looks great.
Clone Outfitters
Amazing MOC ACPin. There are so many details to look at that I am sure I have missed quiet a lot of them. Great job.
My Harry Potter world!
Welcome to EB. That's an impressive collection you have there. It is a bit overcrowded. Try to add some scenery and terrain. Though you might not have any room left on that table.
The Fort at Isla D'Or
Very clean and smooth creation. Roof technique is very nice. Stairs are definitely awesome.
3677 Red Freight Train
Thanks fo sharing. Train is looking very good.
WIP MOC - Lego City
You really are lucky having such a big table for your city display. Now you have to fill it with buildings and vehicles, which it sure will be an arduous but exciting task.
Kingdoms sales in your area?
Last weekend I saw most of Kingdom sets in my local TRU. But that was in Spain, which is a bit far away from Brazil. You might be able to find some of them in TLG official site.
Winter break: Draco is home
Nice portrait. It really stands out. I like the staircase handrail as well. Good job.
MontyofMusic's Batcave MOC
Resize pictures please.
Diamond Island
Very nice and clean MOC Robinson. I specially like how you made the different water depths using tiles. Brilliant.
Santa-fied AT-ST
Nice. It seems you are an AT fan. All your models look amazing
Steampunk AT-ST
Great MOC. Mechanic assemblies look so real. And the color scheme is very appropiate.
[MOC] Tatooine diorama
Very clean and dynamic MOC. I like it a lot.
The best LEGO sailing ships (minifig illusion scale)
The level of the competition was so high. Congratulations to everyone. You all have done a great job.
POTC at NYTF 2011
Thanks for the pics. Still a long way until May. Too long...
MOC: Escape from Planet Monday
Outstanding MOC aliencat. One of the best town MOCs I have ever seen. I love every single building and detail.
The Fortress Battle
Nice MOC Fives. What an epic battle. I like how you used different minis to add variety to your armies.
MOC: Plasmo's
What an eye-catching MOC ISC. No wonder you are one of my favorite builders
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