Everything posted by schlangus
EB SW Xmas raffle 2012
My entry. The new elf left Santa holding the bag and changed Christmas forever.
Review: 10228 Haunted House
This set is "dying" to turn into a mansion for The Munsters, complete with a "spot" (green dragon) underneath the staircase, a coffin for grandpa, and the hearse from 9464 parked out front. I don't think this set was intended to fit in with the other modular sets. Its just a coincidence that it shares some similarities with them.
Our Zorro (Dieter) passing away
27 is far too young. He will be remembered always by his kindness and good spirits. Fair winds and following seas
Build-a-fruit raffle competition
A tray of watermelon wedges, anyone?
REVIEW: 7599 Garbage Truck Getaway
Nice review! I like the truck itself , but am not a fan of the minifigs (if you can call them that) or the licensed price premium .
Samurai Dojo
Nice use of the molded baseplates. I really like this MOC. Good job!
The end of LEGO Pirates by mid 2010
I am saddened by this news. That, and the impending doom of castle remove two of my favorite themes I can't say I'm a fan of any licensed themes. Although PoP looks kinda cool, it doesn't make up for the loss of the other two.
Off with her head!
Vive la République!
MOC: Hill House; Homage to the Horror Genre
That's a fantastic MOC. Awesome details. Great job!
What is your SigFig?
Got any fine Dwarven stout laddie?
Petition: We want the Pirates Advent Calender in the United States
I will most certainly not be buying a city advent calendar. They should offer the pirates and/or the castle one to the US, at least by S@H. If they did, I would buy it.
Dalebottom Keep
Great work! Love the details, and the doors you made yourself!
Chrome Darth Vader Raffle
Another raffle, awesome :) Here's my votes. 1. Boba Fett Maxifig Cloud City version by menq 2. F-Wing by Rook 3. Endor Bunker Battle by Copmike and Ras74 4. Republic Interceptor by def 5. Desert AT-ST by Copmike
MOC: Abbey of Saint Rumare
Truly awesome MOC. Nice use of tan and the different grays. And the Gothic spire is just lovely. :thumbup:
Hello, I am Schlangus
Greetings- The name is a latinization of the German word for snake. I identify with the snake for a few reasons. One is that I live in the desert. I like to stay under my cool rock and not get burned by the sun except to eat. For example yesterday the temperature reached 106F, and I only ventured outside to obtain food. The other reason is I occasionally shed my skin for a whole new one and take on a whole new identities and pursuits. Only about five months ago, I have come out of my dark age and taken up LEGO. This is remarkable because I used to shamelessly mock one my best friends for building pirate ship MOCs while he was in college (and beyond) . Now I have deeply and regretfully apologized to him, and we even have visited our local LEGO store together. I am also an unapologetic geek. Where some people have exercise and game rooms, I have a library, which doubles as a space to display LEGO. As an aside, what got me to shed my old skin and come out of my dark age was another geek pursuit, DnD. The other players were using minifigs as game pieces. Some guy had a dwarf minifig, and that did it for me, because I thought it was the coolest thing ever, and haven't stopped buying LEGO since. My favorite LEGO themes are historical. I probably enjoy Castle the most. I am currently building a huge 5x5 (of 32x32 plates) walled city with a keep. Someday I might also like to build a Roman forum, and possibly a Panzer tank. Its great to meet you guys (and girls)! Regards, Schlangus
What next for Pick-a-brick
Mostly, I would like to see more Castle-themed minifig torsos, helms, and child/dwarf legs in other colors besides brown. I would also like to gripe about the pricing which is too high. 0.35USD for a 1x2 brick is ridiculous.
Chrome Darth Vader Raffle (Entries)
Castle Gatehouse MOC
Awesome MOC. I never noticed how anything could attach to the underside of the arches before, like how you have 1x1 round plates. The level of detail is amazing in this MOC. I like the escaping trolls about to descend on the jester 'cause the guards are overstuffed/drunk. Great job!
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