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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by Waler

  1. It's nice to hear that you like it. For colour scheme - I regret that Lego doesn't make 1x3x11 curved panels in green colour. So the body looks dappled but I had no choice. My goal was to make a garbage truck that almost don't need our help to do his work. My first idea was to do that even tailgate and body will be moving remotely by engines but rules of contest limited me up to 4 engines. So the choice fell on pneumatics. @Kumbbl: I usually don't make instructions for my models because this process takes much more time than building from real bricks. It's better to start building something new that I can show up instead of sitting in front of computer for about month making an instruction . Second reason is that when you decide to make instruction for others you have to be sure that everything in your construction is made well, and don't have weak points. I can't say that truck made in 8 days meets this conditions... @robert: It's nice to hear that you took a challenge to make it in virtual world. Could you post here your file? Maybe I can make some fixes to your creation ?
  2. Hello everyone It’s good to have some spare time but better that sitting on the couch is to present one of my last MOCs – Front Loaded Garbage Truck. The truck was made almost three months ago (but I done it from scratch in 8 days!) for our local LUG contest. The goal was to made something up to 2000 pieces and maximum of 4 engines. I thought that front loaded garbage truck could be a nice playable model and I haven’t seen much of them made from Lego. The truck of course fit to rules so it has a four remote functions like: - driving and steering - lifting arms - moving front forks In addition to electric functions there are two pneumatic (with manual pump) – dumping the whole body and opening tailgate. If you want more accurate specification: Weight: 1700g Dimensions: 19 studs wide, 22 studs high, 53 studs long (15.2x17.6x42.4cm) Parts: almost 1900 The truck is designed to emptying big waste bins. Whole process don’t take much time. Lifting functions are motorized so you don’t have to even touch a truck to dump wastes into body. Lifting the arms are operated by L motor connected to two big linear actuators. For moving forks I used a M motor and built a long shaft through arm to connect small LA’s. Each small linear actuator is driven by 6 universal joints. Maybe it don’t sound good but I have to say that everything works fast and fine. First you have to do is drive up to waste bin. Then lift it above body using arms. Meanwhile flap mounted on top of body opens itself and then you roll over waste bin with front forks. When bin is empty simply lower arms and put it onto ground. For driving I used XL motor with total gear reduction 1:1.4 That ratio gives you an opportunity to push truck by hand (and engine will turn). Steering is simply operated by PF Servo. As I said at the beginning there are two pneumatic functions. For opening tailgate I used one small pneumatic cylinder and for lifting body – two big cylinders. Lowering body and tailgate is done by gravity – there is no need to use air pressure. For more playability I made two waste bins – green and red. Maybe this is not a masterpiece but it had to be light. So what say more? I think that movie will say everything that possibly I forgot to write :)
  3. I didn't saw Toy Fair pictures but I think that few weeks before fairs no one would change the whole appearance. Maybe only some details.
  4. The crane have detachable one section so it can be lowered by (probably) 15 studs (as shown on "postage stamps" :)) And there is one PF motor.
  5. It's kind of a truss crane. So that type we have only one: tracked 8288
  6. Leaks about 2H is that will be a big crane and some kind of Mercedes (licensed) truck.
  7. If it is in one loco just connect two PF connectors together (one on top of the second) and then plug it into IR receiver. IR can "carry" few engine at the same port. If this will be two different locomotives you have to switch both IR receivers on the same channel and connect engine to the same port (for example blue). Then both trains will drive at the same time, at the same speed.
  8. At the first time I was trying to put a small turntable but It can't be there. Everything because the worm gear. This connector has a place for an axle on top of it instead of turntable where you have a place for pin. The connector hasn't got that many plastic around X hole than turnable where you have O hole. The worm gear will touch it and won't spin. That is the reason why they used connectors instead of turntable.
  9. Yes, I built mine in about 3 hours. Sorry for those triangle liftarms on top but "flat" 1x5 I have in my MOC's which are on exhibition . For about 2 weeks I will present better replica (with right liftarms and colour scheme). And Dokludi hasn't noticed, that white liftarm where wheels are mounted to is moved relative to the black one for half stud. (and spaces between wheel and white connectors have to be smaller). Further I think that crane is too far from cabin.
  10. @750ACE, @Zblj and @andythenorth: There is that type of truck in real word. For example Western Star: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-TvA_0diWpPg/Ujw_cK_6N-I/AAAAAAAAPCA/1tb0sMUwmrE/s1600/IMG_3449+WStar.jpg And yes, I saw something like that for the first time too . But I thought why not to built something different than others. @Zblj, of course there could be suspension but the main idea was that this truck must be almost indestructable. Why? One answer: Kids. The model was displayed with Volvo as a "moving presentation" and kids could play with this. As you know in them hands everything is possible And working suspension won't help this truck to get more "strong". Beside that truck was driving only on flat surface (table) so there were no need to make a suspension. @Kierna, heh, I didn't know that my colour scheme is used in real vehicle. Good to know. So from the other hand this add a more realism to the truck
  11. I'm glad that you like it @Kayaderosseras I wanted to built a modern truck that would fit to Volvo's design. First idea was to make that second axle could be lifted (4th channel in IR tower was empty) but I thought that blinking lights will be more attractive for visitors (especially kids) than an axle moving 5 mm above the ground
  12. Hi Folks It’s been a long time since I presented my last creation so it’s good time to show something new. Maybe this MOC it is not so fresh (I built it almost 2 months ago) but I think worth to present. The truck was built to my local Lug (LugPol) competition and the goal was that the wining truck will be an accompany to the 42030 Volvo L350F on our Lug exhibition. There was three other trucks built to this contest. But mine got most votes The prize of the contest was outstanding – beside that I received the set for the review, finally I got whole new 42030 for my own! And this is the truck which “made it”: American 4-axle Dump Truck. The truck is fully motorized, it has 2XLs for propulsion, 1 Servo Motor for steering, 2 Medium motors for rising the tipper and hazard lights on top of the roof. The truck weights 2750g, dimensions are: 51,2 x 16,8 x 19,6 cm. It is Powered by two Battery Boxes placed on both sides of the truck. The access is very easy so you can change batteries quickly. In the front there is one pair of PF LEDs and second one is mounted in the rear of the truck. As I mentioned on the roof there are hazard lights. The blinking lights are made from 1x4 Light Brick connected to PF switch which is turned on and off by micromotor. (PF LEDs are connected to the same switch) Rising tipper is operated by two large linear actuators and truck can dump up to 2kg. Drivetrain – only two rear axles are driven – total gear reduction is 1 : 4.2. Enough power to carry and ride with even 7kg of load. Overall appearance you have to judge yourself. I was trying to do my best in two weeks but I think that it’s not bad at all Under the hood you can find V8 engine. And at the end - video.
  13. I'm wondering about enter competition. I have few ideas but first about pneumatic: If I would use it (it is not said that I will use it for sure) how about pneumatic hoses? Is has to be official Lego or I can use a non-lego silicon tube? If it has to be original Lego can I cut it? What about cutting flex tubes? What about using '80, '90 Lego pieces? If set should be done as an official set so no old pieces are included into sets that we have on market shelves.
  14. I read all review, Jim you have done fantastic job I like that kind of reviews with great looking pictures. For me must have are bucket and 4 yellow rims. I like other stuff too but those parts I have few of them (4 servos, 3XLs, 2Ls etc. and tons of yellow liftarms) but despite that great to see XL again. And everything is fine except price... We have to wait for some kind of sales to get it in more resonable price
  15. I wrote directly to Lego Education - I am wondering what they gonna say :) If there won't be any other method I will of course change it. But I think that is kind of oversight. It is just a software and maybe in the future they add those symbols.
  16. Hi there, Yesterday I recived my EV3 Core Set. I decided to connect my EV3 to home network via Netgear WNA1100 wifi dongle. I chosen my wifi ssid name and then I have to type password. In my password there are characters like $ and #. I couldn't find those symbols on EV3 virtual keyboard. What more, when I highlighted any other symbol (excluding letter and numbers) and press middle button nothing happens. Only " _ " symbol works. What is wrong? I have already installed lastest update to my brick (1.03H). Is there any option to enter $ and # characters and fix problem with other symbols which I can't enter?
  17. I've seen all 1h2014 technic sets. First 42020 is small twin rotor helicopter in blue colour. 42021 snowmobile (similar to 8272 but a little bit smaller) in black-lime-white colour scheme. 42022 is a hot-rod with v8. it has 414 parts, roof is black and body is blue. 42023 is a 3 in 1 set. It contain with three small sets - blue (american style) truck, red excavator and yellow loader. 42024 is a already known set. 4025 is the biggest set in 1H. It has power functions. it is a white cargo plane with two rotors (one on each wing) and blue tail. It is above 1300 parts. 42026 and 27 these are pullbacks. First is a orange-black formula one and second is a green (lime) buggy. Currently It is not a good time to show pictures...
  18. Here is the gallery for 42009: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=530005 It contain building sequence new/interesting parts and photos of full model. I don't have much time right now to write a little bit more about crane but I decided to post photos.
  19. Crawler looks great! I hope that few of them will be avaliable in Poland :) Egor, did Designers said you anything if second edition of that Competition will be in future?
  20. Waler replied to iBart's post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
    Hello iBart Zapraszamy na nasz rodziny LugPol, chyba, że już tam jesteś :)
  21. I just already finished building 42009. It is very huge and heavy (as for official set) truck. Everything except outriggers works with satisfying speed. Sometimes the center of boom get stuck but it's just a half of second. I think that is possible to get MK II motorize with XL (or L) engine for purpose and servo for steering. In the front, between two seats there is perfect room for servo and Xl engine you can place instead V8. Stay tuned for many pictures that I made among building and i have to take some outdoor photos (when it stops raining in Warsaw :) )
  22. Umm.. no. The tire is original 62,4 x 20S. On the photo there is only a light reflection and tread seem to be more "deeper" because it is new and shiny :)
  23. Hi, Today I received a 42009 from TLG via my Polish Lug. Here is few pictures that I made presenting the box and bags: Until I don't finish review of Crane Truck no more pictures will be posted. But I'm going to finish as fast as I can :) Gretings from Poland.
  24. Hello Eurobrickers! Today I want to show you old race car from '70 years. I built it almost 3 years ago and from that time car was put in wardrobe until today.It has V6 supercharged engine placed right behind drivers seat, disc brakes on each wheel and big spoiler at the rear. This is only my vision of that kind of car it's not a copy of anything. Functionality is very poor but it has a openable trunk and steerable front wheels It is built mainly from 8258 parts and stickers from Crane Truck were used as well. Diameters: 35 stud lenght, 11 wide and 6 high. Weight about 240g. Gallery: Link to BS gallery: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=529491
  25. I think that B version of 42009 is one of the best alternativ sets that Lego had ever made! Can't wait when 42009 will be available in Poland :)
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