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  1. Shari started following LegoThomas
  2. I only liked Bag End from hobbit. Lotr wins every round. And dont forget Uruk-Hai Army.
  3. I like it. The movie too. What's next? Ghostface Killah? Business suit, fencing mask...
  4. Good to see that it continues! Looking forward to new updates.
  5. http://shop.lego.com/de-DE/Feuerwehr-Hauptquartier-75827
  6. To me it looks like it opens completely. Plus you can take the roof/floor off. Looking forward to January. Better start now saving all my money.
  7. Amazing. Stunning. Massive. I love it.
  8. I really liked the second wave and still do. Sure i would prefer a balrog/witch king over the council of elrond or wizard battle. But I always assumed a third wave was going to come with these sets. Like many at TLG propably did, too.
  9. I tried it. For this scale its way too big and wouldnt fit properly on top.
  10. Hello everybody, this is my first attempt at micro scale. Hope you like it. Modded Orthanc for scale. ;-) Critics and comments are welcome. Ps: sorry for the picture quality.
  11. I was never disappointed with the second wave, because i always thought there would be a third/final wave with all these awesome sets we desperately wanted. Somehow i believe that some people at TLG are with us on that. And then there was PJ...
  12. So? That was what i ment: http://www.wired.com/wp-content/uploads/blogs/geekdad/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/LLOTR-Villains-HR-RGB-1a-Preview.jpg http://www.thosegamers.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/lego-lotr.jpg
  13. Awful news to start the day with. But not new/surprising. Do you guys remember around that time the theme came out? I was just reminiscing about how i imagined future sets to be... What a wasted opportunity and what a big shame.
  14. I just love it. The size is insane and the interior is very nice. Outstanding piece of work. My modded orthanc is only 1 meter high. I am going to study yours for the next two hours.
  15. Good work. Nice displaypiece. I like the elven soldiers. Helms Deep mocs are always a pleasure to me. Plus nice use of the uruk sword for the ladder. ;-)
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