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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Has anyone ordered the SY368 Avengers Headquarters lab? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/2016-New-SY368-1521Pcs-Superhero-Avenger-Headquarters-Model-Building-Kits-Iron-Man-Minifigure-Blocks-Bricks-Compatible/32743936999.html?spm=2114.30010208.3.172.pHO7N6&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_4_10056_10065_10068_10055_10067_10054_10069_10059_9914_418_10073_10017_10070_10060_10061_10052_10062_10053_10050_10051,searchweb201603_3&btsid=6ca4b15e-d395-415e-9517-60e80e028a70 Does anyone have the instructions for it? Or know where they can be found. Thanks Bobacox
  2. What is the brand of the shelf brackets. They look great.
  3. Has anyone bought SY368 the big lab? Are there any instructions out there for it? Any reviews?
  4. That is part of what I was wondering on the ZHBO figures. It looks like either some companies are selling under different names or something. Oh yea the SY's was SY179. those Star Wars Decool sets are from a LEGO book.
  5. Has anyone heard of this company. ZHBO Mainly Iron Man Figures. They are either a company renamed or they are copying someone else. Aliexpress links. This seller is expensive but the first to show them. ZB201 ZB202 ZB203 ZB204 ZB210 ZB211 The biggest one is this one. An Actual female Rescue 1717
  6. Yea I would think that it is Gimini/Starboost but none of them match. Not even LEGO. Suits should be grey down the middle of waist with a triangle Arc Reactor Not the Same. It kind of looks like the Superior Iron Man Armor below but not exactly. Repaint of Mark IV Repaint but closer to what the figure looks like Here is what I think. It is not Superior Iron Man (Should have a white mask and Lego calls it Space Armor) Gemini/Starboost are both call Sub-Orbital. Not Space. I don't think the LEGO armor is Gemini/Starboost. I think it is an unused concept/future armor. But basically there is NOT a Iron Man armor in the comics or movies that matches the Lego Figure,What does everyone think?
  7. Know it is a old picture. But what version of Iron Man would that be?
  8. Ok I just verified with the seller on the Jarvis set that they are STICKERS. Most defiantly not worth it.
  9. Where did you find the picture and have you seen them on Aliexpress?
  10. One of the sellers on the site was online last night to chat. I asked about the way they are arranged and let them know it was confusing. They have redone it today. But if you ordered the old way you were getting 8 with each. There was one for around $23 and it was all 16 heroes and all the clash ones.
  11. Actually like that Rhino is pretty plain. Looks like it would be a pretty good base for some customs.
  12. I've ordered some of those Trans and blue trans figures. Have not gotten them yet. I'll post when I get them.
  13. We need to all list our extra figures for sell or trade to help fill each others gaps.
  14. I'm actually a bricklink reseller. www.pitdroids-legos.com I normally don't go much above retail when I sell if any. I do it to pay for the addiction. lol I don't have an issue with the bootleg figures as I've probably spent over $100.00 on them so far. Now if I have a choice of real LEGO or the bootleg I go with the LEGO every time. This is why I have no interest in the Guardians figures. But anything LEGO is not making is awesome. I also don't have a issue with reporting eBay sellers that are claiming they are real LEGO when they are not to take advantage of people that don't know any better. Shut them down. But other sellers leave them alone. You have to be honest. I've bought from both eBay and Aliexpress. I've had no issues so far with either. I actually wish Decool or SY would make Star Wars figures that LEGO has not made. Blue below are ones I'm keeping The others I may list on eBay soon or use for my own customs. Decool Phoenix Blue Wolverine Movie Joker Black Widow Spider-man Captain America Punisher Bullseye Electro Red Skull Task Master Falcon Hulkbuster Fantastic Four (Blue) Odin Green Arrow Winter Soldier Phoenix Fantastic Four (white) Shazam Red Hulk (Big) Thing (Big Blue Shorts) All Decool Ironmen (keep only Non LEGO) League of Legends set (Not Arrived yet) Venom (Big) (Not Arrived yet) SY Young Justice Set Lantern Set All SY Ironmen (keep only Non LEGO) SY303 Iron Man Set SY304 Iron Man Set New Fantastic Four Set Captain America Set (keep only Non LEGO) Superman Set (keep only Non LEGO) His Avenger’ s Set (manly for Hulk) (keep only Non LEGO) SWAT (All 8 Different ones) (Not Arrived yet) LELE SWAT Set DOLL (Not Arrived yet) Taskmaster Martian Manhunter Falcon Punisher Red Skull Dark Phoenix Powerman Flash Watching New LELE SWAT Decool X-men set with Storm, Magneto, Wolverine, Batman , Catwoman, Batman Zur-En-Arrh LELE Spider-man SY Spider-man Dargo set with spiderman 2, nick fury, Deadpool Decool Modern War Set Sorry I rambled a little. haha
  15. those hurt my eyes.
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