Everything posted by Hound Knight
Castle sets 2008/2009
I don't know about "we" but I sure do.
SigFig Artworks
It's actually not as long as I thought it would be. Thanks Forresto, that's a big help.
SigFig Artworks
You're welcome, sorry 'bout the wait.
What cutting tool is good for Lego customization?
Do you have Sears where you live? They have quite a good selection of power tools.
SigFig Artworks
Right click on the image, and select "copy image location". That'll be the URL. Lol, I hadn't noticed that!
SigFig Artworks
Is it too big to upload now?
SigFig Artworks
The blurry picture that he took from a moving car.
SigFig Artworks
DJ Force! (May your tears cease to fall) Millacol88! Emperor Claudius Rome! JCC1004! Enjoy!
SigFig Artworks
Woah, rapid sig-fig changing!
SP3 ship upgrades.
Ooh, those are sweet man! I for one can tell a lot of difference betwixt the originals and your MOCs. Keep up the good work.
Castle sets 2008/2009
Lets hope this wizard is available in the U.S., unlike the last one. I am eagerly awaiting the unveiling of the new castle sets.
The Penguin's Castle Minifigures..... )
Great work on all of these Mr. Penguin! I love the painted dwarf beard, I may have to try that on some of my dwarves.
SigFig Artworks
Good, thanks. I should probably do that person's who was going to flood the thread with tears soon too.
Lord of the Rings Creations
I love your Nazgûl! Did you make those ragged robes? Here're my LOTR 'figs: Aragorn son of Arathorn: Gandalf the White: Legolas Greenleaf of the Woodland Realm: King Theoden of Rohan:
SigFig Artworks
Now I just need to figure out who's been waiting the longest...
Thank ye kindly! Those are BrickForge Goblin Swords.
All Hail the Dwarven Lords!
Thanks y'all! He grew from a maggot, like the dwarves in ancient German legends.
All Hail the Dwarven Lords!
Well, I just watched all the movies again I've always loved Middle Earth. Hound Strider? H'mmm...
All Hail the Dwarven Lords!
The one on the far right in the last picture is Hundiravliten, aforenamed Gewki, the maggot dwarf. Enjoy!
What cutting tool is good for Lego customization?
A Dremel/ rotary tool is the way to go.
(Sickle technique credit goes to Gecko.) Enjoy!
Swedish chef WIP
Lookin' good! What kind of paint are you planning to use? I'd recommend Testors/Model Master Enamel paint if you can find it.
SigFig Artworks
/whispers "Yes." I'll begin again with the sigfig drawings soon, I'm starting to have more time for stuff other than school/chores. Oh, and Striker, it's a beagle mix.
Swedish chef WIP
Wow, it looks great so far! A BrickForge cleaver would go nicely with him in my opinion. (Pic=Link)
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