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Commander Assassin

Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by Commander Assassin

  1. So it has been a week and I've been checking Amazon multiple times per day. Does anyone know how much longer until it will be available for only $35?
  2. I got an Amazon gift card for my birthday about a month ago and I've thinking of what to get with the money and I've decided that I want to buy the DeLorean. (I don't buy very much Lego these days) I know that it is only $35 on lego.com but right now on Amazon the cheapest is $55 from a 3rd party seller which is too much for me because the giftcard is only $25 and I wouldn't be willing to pay $55 for it. Will it go down in price eventually or will there be a first party seller on Amazon selling it in the future? Thanks.
  3. I have heard from more than one source that it is new War Machine armor. Warner Bros wanted Batman Forever to be a lot less darken than Batman Returns which is probably why Burton didn't want to return as director. I bet that if WB let Burton direct it he wanted to, he would have taken the job as director and we would have watched a much different Batman Forever movie.
  4. They are part of the same set. According to rumors it will come with Bane, Batman, and Gordon.
  5. Hulk_Smash, was the Tumbler larger than this one? Link I really hope not, but you did mention it being around the same size as the 2008 Tumbler.
  6. Did anyone else see the DKR footage from the MTV awards show? I saw it online but it looks like Warner Bros has taken it down. It is a new trailer that is about 1:20 long, but I don't know if WB will ever release it to the public or not. It showed some new footage, including Bane's lair and cars stacked up in front of a tunnel. Based off of that scene and the scene of the bridges collapsing, I'd say that Bane wants to seperate Gotham from everyone else. I seriously can't wait for July 20.
  7. This sounds great! Unfortunately I am out of town that weekend, will there be a World War Brick in 2013? I'm bummed out that I can't be there, but this is a great opportunity for people to hang out outside of the crowded rooms of the Westin.
  8. Ok sorry, I didn't see the other thread until someone mentioned it. Oh, now I remember.
  9. I just realized this, I don't know why I thought that. And I don't remember Black Widow flying the quinjet either, but I'll take your guys' word for it.
  10. I got back from The Avengers a few hours ago. Where was Captain America's motorcycle in the movie? Also, I think that Fury should've replaced Iron Man in the Cosmic Cube Breakout set. And why is Hawkeye driving the plane and quinjet in the Lego sets?
  11. I am counting down the days! This movie looks great, I didn't really think that Nolan could outdo TDK, but judging on the trailer he could very well pull it off! Time to get my tickets to see it in IMAX at midnight...
  12. That yellow castle is such a great classic set! Too bad I didn't start getting into Legos until the '90s. It is amazing how far Lego has come in the past 30 years!
  13. Is it safe to say that we won't be getting any DKR sets this year? This is pretty disappointing since I really wanted a Nolan's Bane minifig, and minifig scale Tumblers and Batpods. I guess it is always possible that Lego would release sets based on the movie either in the fall or in January, but wouldn't it be logical to release them at the same time as the movie? Oh well, Lego probably figures that the movie will boost Lego Batman sales anyway, even if there isn't a specific set based off of it. The new visual dictionary looks cool though, I looked through the SW one with my little cousin and I was surprised at some of the little-known information that they had in there, and also the lack of some info.
  14. How did this get missed? This is great! I saw this on Reddit a couple days ago, and it is a gem!
  15. I'm not a huge fan of black/light bley together. All I'm saying is that I would rather see a remake of the original Lego Doc Ock again rather than this new one, I'm not trying to put down the artists that designed Doc Ock to look this way.
  16. Not sure if you guys have seen this yet. My apologies if you have, I just browsed the last few pictures and didn't see it, so I decided to post it. IMO the new Doc Ock is terrible, a huge step down from the original.
  17. Great job! I voted for you a month or two ago when you posted it. It is amazing how many votes this got just in the past few days!
  18. I can't say that I am too familiar with the world of Harry Potter, but I can tell that you did a superb job and I instantly recognized some of the locations from Lego sets. Great work!
  19. Thanks for the input, I will try more gold and greebling on my next Steampunk MOC!
  20. Have there been any rumors on sets based off of The Dark Knight Rises? The movies comes out in only 4 months, and I would've thought that we had seen pictures by now. I read on The Dark Knight Rises' wikipedia page that Lego is set to release at least one set based on the movie, but I didn't find any references that confirmed that information.
  21. Great work! I will be supporting you on CUUSOO!
  22. While browsing IGN, I noticed this article. Many apologies if this has already been posted, but I think that I would have heard of this before if it was already posted here. Also I'm not sure if Licensed is the best forum, but I figured that it would be ok since it is a license with Minecraft. So I don't know if you guys are excited, but I can't wait!
  23. Is it the design on the top or bottom? Also do you have any other Brickarms prototypes?
  24. Haves: I also have about 6 Stormtroopers with the printed mouth and I have a 24 karat gold Brickarms bazooka and M6 rocket Wants: Brickarms V2 AC8. I am not interested in a normal AC8 or a V3, I only want the V2 on the top. Brickarms Flamethrower. This is extremely rare so I'm not sure if any of you have it Brickarms V1 Ppsh Basically I'm just looking for old Brickarms prototypes -- I am not that interested in any new ones that you can/could buy online. Mostly just ones that you might've gotten from old BrickWorlds, BrickCons, or BrickFairs! I collect old prototypes so it would be great if one of you had something that I want so we could make a deal. Thanks!
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