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Sir Wellington

Banned Outlaws
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About Sir Wellington

  • Birthday 01/23/1998

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  1. Very nice looking pack to me. I like how LEGO is releasing the battle backs for various themes.
  2. Great figures! I especially love how you made Queen Victoria's hairpiece, and her dress decal, is amazing!
  3. THE BRICK WARS Part I: How to play How you play is you post Military MOCs supporting whichever side you are a member of. Teams: -Sweden -France (Republic) -Britain -Spain -Netherlands -America -Russia -Austria -Prussia -Portugal -Italy -Maratha Confederacy -Ottoman Empire -Poland - Lithuania -French Monarchy -Pirates So it is like Redcoats vs. Bluecoats but for many differant teams. It is, in general, a back and forth game. But here is the catch, each nation starts out with 100 bricks. Each round it loses, it loses another brick. Once it runs out of bricks, the team is terminated. Rules: -No sexual MOCs, unless called for. -No un-related theme involved MOCs, so no star wars in MOCs. Sign up form: Username: Country: # of Lego Pirate Ships you Have (real amount, no lying): If you already have an army for your country, how many troops does it have?: TEAMS: -Sweden: -France (Republic): -Britain: SirWellington; -Spain: -Netherlands: -America: -Russia: -Austria: -Prussia: -Portugal: -Italy: -Maratha Confederacy: -Ottoman Empire: -Poland - Lithuania: -French Monarchy: -Pirates: The time period for this game is the 17th-19th centurys. Let the wars begin!
  4. Capitalism: A Love Story I idolize Michael Moore after watching that.
  5. Well, lets establish an alliance. I have plans to invade the armada's land.
  6. When you take a quick glance at the Flagship you get the illusion that it has way more than 4 guns. Anyways, the brown stick is like the stick used to fire a cannon, but for ships so you dont jab anybody with oversized firing utensils. My parents promised that they would purchase the ship for me on my Birthday January 23rd, so I have already created my posistion as ruler of the sea. ;) Anyone care to join me?
  7. I am in tears and shock staring at the pictures of this future set. I am amazed and so happy that when the Pirate theme ends, we will still have that new set to admire and hold onto as we did with the others. :) Oh and can someone possibly get a closeup on the Lady Minifigure, I have an eye for fashion.
  8. Its beautiful! You should put it on the Lego factory website, i'd buy it! :)
  9. Thats bloody murder! I can't imagine how you feel. This is why I never liked dogs.
  10. Not to bump the topic, but since the rapier has been released, all we are waiting on is the bayonet. Now was it released at a convention previously? Since I see some people own the bayonet.
  11. What is the name of the piece the women are holding in the last image?
  12. Can you make a Coonskin Cap? http://www.villagehatshop.com/media/thumbs...g&width=375
  13. Im not waiting till I am 23 for Pirates to Return.
  14. I want to start a protest against what is happening. I was sadly not living for the original Pirates Theme, so when this one came I thought I had a chance, now look at the results.
  15. Signed. I fully support this petitition, the upcoming Disney sponsored themes are ridiculous to even take the place of this masterpiece Pirate Theme! Keep the Pirate Theme!
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