Everything posted by Big Cam
- LEGO 6285 Black Seas Barracuda Wallpaper - in sizes upto 2560 x 1600
Database Issue
I just checked your link, it's not valid. You get that message when the link doesn't exist.
Do you have a MOC that has not been indexed?
I'll index this right now. It looks like AC got to it since you posted here.
- Forum skins -- Comments and Issues
Can't Edit Pre-Upgrade Posts?
That may be a new restriction on that forum. Are you able to edit a post in the sales forum that was made after the upgrade? If the answer is no then it's not an upgrade issue.
- EB Members Title Archive
Happy Birthday Rick!
Happy Birthday Rick! Chocolate wine in green wine glasses is the best.
- No More Elrond Minifigures Available?!?
EB SW Xmas raffle 2012
I almost didn't make it. Mines very Simple, Han got Leia the perfect gift, but wasn't sure which one she'd like so he bought them all.
- Review: 79001 Escape from Mirkwood Spiders
- Review: 79002 Attack of the Wargs
Lego Mirkwood Elf Guardian Polybag @ Toys R us
I received my order today but I'm on hold with customer service right now. I ordered and paid for 5 but only got 4. I look forward to the battle ahead of me. Good news, this elf has a double sided face. The one you see and an angry face.
Forum creation requests
There is no need to take any side, nothing is at stake here. All I meant by that is that Polish Guy is serious. I know him in person and he is a big LEGO fan but also appreciates other brick brands. Sometimes we get requests for things from new people who are mad at how something works, or upset we don't have the exact forum they bare looking for. Polish Guy truly appreciates these non LEGO brands so I know he only has the best intentions with this request. That's all I was saying.
- EB Members Title Archive
The promotion of Admiral Croissant
Congratulations AC, a well deserved promotion.
- Review: 79002 Attack of the Wargs
- UCS TIE Vviper [completed]
Malware alerts
This isn't EB but likely someone's signature. I'll merge it here soon.
- New Lego compatible programmable robot
Lego Mirkwood Elf Guardian Polybag @ Toys R us
So I was in my Toys R US today and they said they didn't have it in stock, but my online order shipped, so that's a plus.
Forum creation requests
Such as??? I assume you mean the latest brick warriors offering? An aftermarket add on designed specifically for LEGO. (Not a LEGO competitor) What were you referring to?
Lego Mirkwood Elf Guardian Polybag @ Toys R us
Dang, I'm glad ordered yesterday. Hmm, it seams this probably wasn't supposed to go up for sale at all. It's going to be a promo giveaway with Hobbit sets. According to my toys r us email my order is confirmed, and the item is shown as in stock. I hope they don't cancel on me.
Forum creation requests
If it was anyone else I'd shout NO, but I know you have good intentions, and you know your stuff. I think you have good reasons but I think it still comes down to the fact that we are a LEGO site and to expand even to one forum specifically for say clone brands or nanobricks or whatever will kind of change our purpose. They are allowed in the community forum because that's where everything non-LEGO goes. Although it's not called such, it is EB's off topic forum. All forums have one, and they are a necessity. Ultimately this comes down to the Admins since they would have to actually create the new forum. Let's wait and see how this discussion goes but I'm afraid I think I know the answer.
Tournament of Retribution III Avatar Authorization
Of course I'm up for grabs. The head is Luke from Jabba's sail barge, any Luke head will do. Then the legs torso and hat are Captain Barbosa from I believe the Isle De Merta set, with an orange flame in the hat, and a hook. The chrome lightsaber is optional.
- REVIEW: 3300014 2012 Christmas Set
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