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Big Cam

Eurobricks Fellows
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Everything posted by Big Cam

  1. Regardless of the price hike, I think in want one of these. Great review MB, I love this fig.
  2. Big Cam replied to Tazmaniac's post in a topic in Community
    I didn't know you were older than me. Happy Birthday neighbor. Stop by and I'll buy you a beer.
  3. The rules state that if you can justify your theme then we are OK with it. Why don't you set up a scene where some islanders are disguised as soldiers and they ambush soldiers dressed the same. Your text would be key to making it work, but it's understandable that everyone doesn't have every type of LEGO.
  4. This is one of those scenarios where we do not deem it necessary to change it. I've given you more information in your PM.
  5. Big Cam replied to ACPin's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    As always a I'm intrigued. Is this just a tie fighter, or a tie tank, or a tie army, or maybe an entire death star and this is a close up of a hangar. I can't wait to see.
  6. Big Cam replied to WhiteFang's post in a topic in Community
    Despises internet cache I gave this to myself because it was the reason my latest review went without pictures for a few hours. Still a little dorky I'm assuming Shadows since he once made me a grand dork, but I'm not sure what sparked it, probably just me being a dork somewhere.
  7. None of the history regulators are RA teachers.
  8. I'll see if I can't get you this picture after work. I've got about 8 hours to go.
  9. I usually do not take detailed pictures of the inventory. I could probably take a picture of the inventory in the instructions. It's not on brick link because it has not been released yet. I got this straight from TLG. Yes that's correct.
  10. Thank you I've made that correction. Yes this came straight from Billund.
  11. I think I fixed the pictures in the 79001 review, so be sure to check that out as well. Thanks for the comments everyone.
  12. OK, Really sorry guys, I believe I go the issue fixed. Let me know if the deeplinks still don't work. All the nice comments really show what a great community we have even when things don't work to their most convenient level.
  13. Sorry guys I'm working on it.
  14. I've added that to the minifigure section. Also I noticed Flickr is having some issue, please be patient.
  15. Flickr did have a little server hiccup. I freaked out because they didn't show up on my phone but they do now. Sadly I can't do anything about that. Hopefully this doesn't last too long.
  16. Christmas came early this year for me as I was selected to review a few upcoming Hobbit set. According to my latest LEGO magazine these are available for purchase Nov. 27th, so here is an early preview. BASIC INFORMATION: Set Name: Attack of the Wargs Set Number: 79002 Pieces: 400 Minifigs: 5 + 2 animals Price: $49.99 USD, $59.99 CAD Theme: The Hobbit Year Released: 2012 RESOURCES: (high res pics available here) THE REVIEW: The Box Front: LEGO has a way of showing absolutely every feature of their sets in one picture. I don't know how they do it. I love LEGO box art so much that I have saved every LEGO box I've ever bought since coming back to LEGO in adulthood. This one does not disappoint I love how TLG is able to show all the features in action, like the fire being thrown from the trees and the small catapult. This is a good box! Back: Again what more can I say than look at the beautiful pictures that show every fun aspect of this set. The flick fire bombs, the catapult, the Wargs. I also like something i don't recall seeing before, and that is a section on the back showing just the weapons. I decided to do this in my review as well because I thought the weapon selection was worth it's own shot, apparently TLG did to. Side: The side of the box actually has a lot of empty space. there is the standard box with a "to scale" minifigure and that's about it. No worries though as the front and back of the box make up for it ten fold. Instructions: Per standard operating procedure, the image on the front of the instructions is the same as the front of the box. A great scene worth being repeated. instead of the usual random page of the instructions I'll show you something I absolutely love. Figures page: At the end of the instruction manual is this spread of all the minifigures in the what I assume is the first run of Hobbit sets. There is a little box for you to check off when you have one and they have gone as far as listing the set number that the figure comes in. Awesome! Instructions Preview page: As if the last page wasn't enough, you also get a nice preview of some of the larger sets in the Hobbit line. Both of these have quickly made my short list. Remember there are high res pictures at my flickr account. Instruction Preview page 2: Minifigures Front: From left to right we have Bifur the Dwarf, Thorin Oakshield, Hunter Orc, Yazneg, and another Hunter Orc. As in my other review, I'm not a big fan of the small legs, but they are necessary to get the size of the Dwarf just right. The torsos could easily be used in other historic themes, such as the Lord of the Rings, of Pirates of the Caribbean. Back: There is back printing on all figures, I removed most headpieces to show the printing on the back of the heads, or the other faces on the Dwarfs. I like Yazneg's chest piece, it reminds me of something you'd see on a prison guard in some old beat up prison. Bilfur with no beard and back printing: Per the special request I have taken a picture of Bilfur without his beard and in the process reminded myself I left out his back printing. Weapons: The weapons selection is pretty standard for a Historic theme. We get one of the newer style spears with the printed end. One of the large swords that was made popular in the Prince of Persia line, and some standard issue axes, a sword and bow. I don't mean to downplay the pieces as they fit the set perfectly, but there is nothing here we haven't seen before. The Wargs Front: Here is my favorite picture form this review. The new wolves which are known as Wargs. You get one of each color, white and grey. The white one looks much more sinister with the coloring around the eyes. The mouths open and close, there is a double dot system that allows the mouth to either remain closed or open. (see below) Mouth Hinge: You can see the large indentation which is for the main hinge, but above it there are 2 very small indentations and these click when you open or close the mouth. I think it's a nice feature as the mouth stays in the position you put it in, unless of course you want the mouth half closed. Side view: The legs do not move, and they have the double stud just like a horse does and the saddles fit them just like a horse. The set does come with color matched bricks to fill in the Warg if you don't want to have the saddle on. Pieces: Bag 1 Parts bag 1 contains most of the minifigures, some nice trans orange studs, some flames, and the pieces to construct the rock form that the Warg can howl on. Bag 1 build 1: The first structure you build is the base for the rock form. There is a small bone and skull from some poor soul who probably crossed a Warg. A nice mixture of light grey and dark grey. Bag 1 Build 2: We now snap on the actual perch that the Warg can attach to. With the Wargs having non-movable legs this is a nice place for the animal to be perched. Bag 1 Build 2: Next we snap on the small catapult. There are 2, 1 stud round bricks that act as projectiles. I will show how the catapult works later, but ti's very basic. Load up the catapult and press down on the opposite side. Bag 1 Build 4: Next you build two small fires which confused me for a moment when building. I assumed they were meant to be projectiles used in the catapult. It turns out they are just there as fire. Personally I think they'd make great fire bombs, and they do fit in the catapults holder. Catapult Operation: By placing one of the round bricks in the catapult and pressing down, the projectile will fly into the tree we will build later and presumably start a fire. Pieces Bag 2: This will be the last bag picture because I managed to forget to take a picture of the parts in bag 3. The pieces in bag 3 are similar to bag one as they only extend the height of the tree. Bag 2 build 1: Here we have the base of the tree. The center of the tree is on a turntable brick. The base starts pretty small, but the tree grows. Bag 2 Build 2: Layer two of the tree starts to branch out literally and like the layer below it, the center piece is on a turntable brick, Bag 2 build 3: The 3rd layer of the tree is shown here. If you can spot the forward facing stud, then you've found a flick fire feature of this tree. I'll go over this later. Bag 2 Build 4: Now the 3rd layer has been added and the tree is starting to take shape. The forward facing stud is more noticeable. I must say the leaf color combination looks great. Bag 3 Build 1: Unfortunately I don't have the parts picture of bag 3 but it is basically the same as bag 2, brown and green tree pieces. The 4th and final layer is shown and this also has a flick fire feature, you can spot it by the red technic brick holding the pin. Final Tree: With the 4th layer on top, the tree is now complete and looks great. It really reminds me of some of the great MOC tree's I see all over Eurobricks. The 1st and second levels can swivel on the turntable pieces, but the rotation is limited, so it's almost a moot point, at least when you have the minifigures in the tree. Complete Set: We now have the full set in all it's glory. It doesn't look like much, but the tree is actually pretty large. I was pleased with the size of this set in total. In this picture the tree is straight and the small fire pieces are placed strategically on the tree. The top left blue flame and lower right orange flame are in front of the flick fire pins so you can launch a fire bomb on any incoming Orcs. Complete Set alternate view: In this view, I have slightly moved the middle section of the tree as you can see by the now crooked brick and the flick fire fire bombs have been launched onto one of the Orcs. You can see the two flick fire pins clearly now. Totals: Design: 9/10 I really liked the design of this set. The Wargs are just fantastic and I like the large tree structure you get. I often am amazed at the foliage creations I see in custom MOC's and this tree reminds me of some of those creations. TLG really did a good job designing this tree. The rock formation basically serves the purpose of a perch for the Warg and that's about it. For the price point this set is at, I think a base plate would have really solidified this set and is within reason for this set, unlike my request on the 79001 set. Overall just judging design, I think this set was designed well. Parts: 8/10 I ranked the parts an 8 because I feel that for the money it seems like you should have gotten just a little bit more. Licensed sets usually do carry a higher price tag which is understandable with licensing fees and all. I'm a sucker for trans pieces so TLG won me over there. I have also been building up a collection of greens and browns since they are so useful in any MOC depicting the outdoors. I like the parts in this set but your mileage may vary. Build: 9/10 I usually factor in the difficulty of the build and how well a set is actually constructed. There was nothing difficult about this build yet I appreciate the rotating center of the tree, even though it does't turn that much. The rock piece is more of a piece to just look at but I like that they included something for the new Warg animals. The tree leaves do make this tree a little fragile but if you're careful the set will stay in tack. Minifigs: 9/10 The minifigs in this set are great. They look good, they have nice printing and you get 5 plus the two Wargs. The Wargs alone make this set a desirable one. I'd suspect these guys will fetch a premium until they are released in more sets. The minifigures are equipped nicely with a range of weapons and you get a good mix of good guys and bad guys. The beard piece on Bifur is similar to Hagrid's hairpiece but it's slightly different and I believe it is a new mold. Overall the figures really make this set worth it. Playability: 8/10 I love the playability features that TLG always manage to fit into their sets even in the smaller ones or odd shaped ones like the tree for example. If you take the minifigures out of the way the tree can rotate all the way around although I'm not sure why it rotates, I'm guessing the movie might clear that up. As much as flick fire type items have their lovers and haters, I really like these ones because you can attach the flame pieces to the tree so they don't fall out until you actuate the flick. I think a base plate would make this set a 10/10, but that's just my personal wish that LEGO would bring back the base plate in numbers. Overall it fits in well with the Lord of the Rings sets and other Hobbit sets, it would actually go very well with 79001. Escape from Mirkwood Spiders Price: 8/10 Granted I received this set as a review unit and I'm ever grateful to TLG for being so generous, the retail price on this set seems just a little high. In terms of piece per dollar, it's pretty spot on with any other licensed theme. I think since there isn't a vehicle or something besides the tree, it seems like it may be lacking. When there are a lot of small pieces, the set sometimes looks smaller than it is. The minifigures really do help justify the price though. Total: 51/60 At 85% this is a good score. Regardless of any minor gripes I may have, the set is great. I love the tree and how big it turns out to be. The minifigures and Wargs and the main reason to pick this set up. As of right now this is the only set that contains the Wargs and they are awesome. At 400 pieces the price is actually right on, but there are a lot of smaller pieces so it may seam misleading. This set fits right in line with the Lord of the Rings sets and if it wasn't for the Hobbit on the box and the unfamiliar characters, you'd think it was. As for the big question, should you buy it or not. I'd say if you like the series then yes. If you are on the fence then the minifigures may be the dealbreaker, as none of the parts are super rare or in any extra ordinary colors. The Hobbit line is looking to be as good as the previous Lord of the Rings sets and i look forward to seeing the rest of the first wave sets as well as future waves. Thanks for reading.
  17. Christmas came early this year for me as I was selected to review a few upcoming Hobbit set. According to my latest LEGO magazine these are available for purchase Nov. 27th, so here is an early preview. BASIC INFORMATION: Set Name: Escape from Mirkwood Spiders Set Number: 79001 Pieces: 298 Minifigs: 4 Price: $29.99 USD, $34.99 CAD Theme: The Hobbit Year Released: 2012 RESOURCES: (high res pics available here) THE REVIEW: The Box Front: In typical LEGO form the box is fun. It shows all the aspects of the set and it is exciting. The surroundings are similar to The Lord of the Rings boxes as you'd expect. One special thing to note is the red label indicating that this is a Special Preview Set. This is not a sticker, it is actually part of the print on the box. Back: There is a lot going on the back of the box, which is great because that means you get a lot for your money in this set. The box pictures do a better job than I could of showing how to free the dwarfs from the webs, and how the mini spiders can jump out via a flick fire type lever. There is also a section for the weapons, a picture showcasing the glow in the dark pieces on the spiders and mushrooms. Side: The side of the box features one of the figures in actual size, which is common among LEGO sets with minifigures in them. The writing is the title of the movie in many different languages. There is also a phrase that says "Kili the Dwarf" in a multiple of languages. Instructions The instructions display the same image as the box which is standard LEGO procedure, but again being that this is a special preview set, it has the phrase "Special The Hobbit Trilogy Preview Set!" This was also printed on the instructions like the box. Very interesting, plus I think this is a good hint to the fact that we will get sets from all 3 films. All Pieces I am one of those who bypasses the numbered bags for the good old pile of bricks approach. I think this is because this is how it was when I was a kid. I like how dark these sets in terms of pieces. The dark red is something I have practically none of, so it's a welcoming color to my collection. Weapons Pieces I chose to show the weapons separately because I was pleasantly surprised with how many weapons you get for the size of the set. The dagger might look familiar as it's the same piece found in the Prince of Persia sets. Extra Pieces As always we jump forward in time to show the extra pieces in this set. I was quite surprised to see one of the printed daggers coming in as an extra piece. Besides the dagger we get a few nice dark red pieces and some teeth and a bone. All pieces i welcome as they are not the most usual of pieces. Minifigures Front: From left to right we have Legolas Greenleaf, Tauriel, Fili the Dwarf, and Kili the Dwarf. I am pleased with the quality and amount of printing on these figures. I've never been a fan of the small legs since they don't bend but they really do position the dwarfs at the right height so it's hard to complain. Alternate faces: I applaud TLG for giving every figure in this set a two sided face, I love the emotion they are putting into minifigures these days. Back: I really like the hairpiece on the dwarfs , it's long yet it doesn't fall straight down, it's almost like it's waiving in the wind a little bit. Conveniently this allows for the arrow quiver to fit under the hair if you so choose. Build Process Spider Build: It starts off with a small 4x2 base. Nice dark brown with 4 legs spots open, wait don't spiders have 8? They certainly do, the tooth piece works very well as a skinny spider leg. A few steps later and we are done. The two white studs glow in the dark. I like how the abdomen was not forgotten and this really looks like a spider. LEGO has come a long way and the newer sets just keep getting better and better. Rinse and Repeat The set comes with two Mirkwood spiders which are identical. Two is always better than one though. Building the set, structure 1 The first few steps yield us a black and red rock like structure that houses one of the bows and some bones from a previous kill. The dark red really goes well with the black. The skull is the regular skeleton skull. Building the Set, Structure 2 We are starting to build the second larger structure and the technic piece with the red piece on it will later be used to eject the spider onto any passers by. I apologize for my horrible fingerprint on the 2x1 cheese slope. I feel so embarrassed. Building the Set, Structure 2.1 More dark red, black and some dark browns. The technic pic is so this piece can combine with the main structure soon. Is the leaf in dark red new? If not I don't have any and I love them! Structure 2 When you snap the two pieces together you get a rock structure similar to the first one but larger and with a few more features. I think a growing theme in the Hobbit line will be mushrooms, the white stud at the base glows in the dark. Right under the mushrooms is where the small spider is able to be launched out with a flick fire motion. Structure 2 alternate view On the back side of this structure we have the brown release lever which breaks the structure down to release the dwarfs from the spiders web. Spider launch feature The red pin can be flicked like a flick fire missile and the spider under the mushrooms will fly at any un-suspecting passer by. The spider isn't all that hidden, but it has a nice little home to live in until it's time to attack. Complete Set Here we have the whole set together. This set layout reminds me of the Ewok Attack Set from the Star Wars line this year. It has a small structure and the focus is on the minifigures. Here the dwarfs have been spun into webs by the Mirkwood Spiders. The netting is very thing and I think does a good job of resembling webbing. next I'll show you how to get those poor dwarfs down. By pulling the brown pin out the majority of the structure will fall down, giving access to the trapped dwarfs. The top portion swings down on the technic pin and the dwarfs are now accessible. Hooray! Final: The set overall is a great addition to any Lord of the Rings set, or future Hobbit set. I think the pieces that come in this set are in some unique colors and I like the generous offerings of minifigures. Lets hit the totals. Design: 8/10 I like how it looks. The darker colors really fit the theme. I obviously have not seen the movie yet, but being that it's the same theme as Lord of the Rings, I think they did a good job with the figures, weapons and creatures. It really has that Lord of the Rings feel. As much as these types of sets would be good in numbers or to compliment a larger scene, I sometimes find myself looking for more. I know we are within a certain price point here, but a base plate would be fantastic. Parts: 8/10 I give this an 8 because I feel like it has some not so normal parts and some really nice dark red pieces. This is the kind of set that when broken down, is still a good set. This is because of the pieces. Sets like this that don't have a lot of mass but have a lot of details are usually good parts sets. Build: 8/10 I'm sticking with the 8 ranking because this is a little fragile when building. It's not like it falls apart in your hands, but there isn't a main study piece or structure to build off of. You definitely need a flat sturdy surface for this build. The instructions were great as are most of TLG's offerings, I did however find myself having to backtrack a few times because I had misplaced a piece, or forgotten it all together. This may be because I'm getting old, but when I went back, I was surprised where the piece was. I wouldn't put too much weight on this since it very well could have just been my error. Minifigs: 9/10 I love the details on these minifigures. The printing on the legs really gives their outfits hat extra needed flare. The hair pieces are great, although the elf ones cannot really be re-used, unless you are creating an elf character. With that said, since TLG was going for an elf character, they nailed it. The ears line up just right, although you can't turn their heads otherwise their ears will not line up. Also a 10 escaped this category because short minifigures still have stationary legs. This has to be one of my biggest complaints about LEGO period. It bothers some more than others, but I would love to see legs that are short but can still move like regular fig's legs. Granted the height of the legs for the dwarfs is pretty spot on. Playability: 8/10 Even though this set has some great features, it feels like it's lacking overall structure. I know it's a stretch especially in the $20 range, but some sort of base plate would have helped this set out a lot. The spider webs are a nice touch, but to me these seem like more of a display option that a play one. The flick fire spider and the pin to drop the structure down are the kinds of features that LEGO has been incorporating into sets for years now. It's these small details that make the set what it is and in my eyes a play set. Price: 8/10 At $30 I think this worth buying. It seams a little expensive but when you get down to the nitty gritty, it's not. You get 4 very nicely detailed minifigures, some great weapons, some cool pieces in dark red as well as other nice parts that can be used for MOC'ing, almost 300 pieces in total. It's a stretch but I would have loved a base plate in this set to tie the two structures together. Total: 49/60 82% is not bad, not at all. My overall view on this set is positive. If you liked the Lord of the Rings line, you'll like this set as well. It has a good balance of minifigures, parts, and features. I'm sure some of my minor complaints will be null if you collect the entire line and build a big scene out of them. I try to judge sets by themselves but sometimes it helps to look at the bigger picture. Whether you only buy this set, or collect all of the Hobbit line, this is a good buy. The set is priced accordingly with other LEGO licensed sets. So again if you get nothing else from this review than the last sentence, I say this is a BUY!!
  18. Please don't tell our members what to do, you are not part of the staff. I appreciate what you did here, this was a good refresher on what we know, but being that every member has the same rights as everyone else, just because it's old news doesn't mean they can't post it. We should be setting examples by politely informing them that it has been posted before. Yooha's response may not have been the most appropriate but it sounds like there are deeper issues if you dislike the site so much. No one is forcing you to be here. With that said I apologize for how he responded and I think you did due diligence by looking back a few pages. These threads get so big that no one can be expected to read all of it.
  19. A fantastic review of a set you can't even buy yet.
  20. Maybe the board remembers what you do and ditches the last thing. Very weird. Also darkdragons explanation makes sense. I'm on my phone so the RTE is off by default.
  21. This mind of response doesn't add much to the conversation. Even if it's old news let's offer constructive advice or comments.
  22. Big Cam replied to WhiteFang's post in a topic in Community
    I agree, I saw your post after mine, my mistake. Let's keep private discussion private though.
  23. I went to your post and I added a : after the words The conclusion right by the videos and I saved it and the videos are still embedded. I did notice that when I edited it, I didn't see the media tags around the URLs, yet they still show as embedded, I'd assume this is due to the new software. Test Yup, you don't need the media tags, I had copied your videos in case I screwed up your post. I just pasted the URL here.
  24. I took the 6 posts above mine from the 2012 thread, poured some Rum on them and they became their own thread.
  25. Big Cam replied to Piranha's post in a topic in LEGO Pirates
    OK guys, I finally gave d and the 2013 topic is up. http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=75862
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