Everything posted by Big Cam
[MOC] A falling comrade - A Hoth story
I really like the trooper in the background that apparently got blasted during this scene. Pretty much that exact scene happened in the movies. Good work. I like how you really froze an action moment.
MOC: Mahmudiye Camii
I think it's really good. The use of all smooth pieces makes it look like the actual LEGO set's they have made recently of buildings in mini scale. edit: spelling
- Car Talk
Petition: We want the Pirates Advent Calender in the United States
It's not available here?? It's in my most recent Fall LEGO magazine. I'll couble check when I get home. If this is true then yes, sign me up, that's not fair.
LEGO Octopus
The first picture had me a bit confused, but that's only becasue there is so much red. The second pic is a perfect angle and shows us the front of the Monster. This brings me back to simpler times when you could build something out of solid brick and it still looked cool. There are so many fancy pieces now days. I really like it and think it would look at home right next to a LEGO pirate ship. has this been sitting on your shelf for over a decade?? Or did you recently rebuild it.
Has he any thoughts on selling the site to someone who is more involved with the LEGO community still and has the time to maintain it? Everyone is entitield to moe on with their lives, but to have such a great resource go down th drain would be sad. Not saying I could afford it. Or could I?? Either way, that's a thought. Maybe EB would buy it and incorporate it into the site. That would be so cool.
[MOC]: The Silver Doe
I didn't even notice the sword until you pointed it out. Great work with the freezing, seems like it would be hard to control.
HMS Destiny
That is one incredibly detailed MOC. I love the handles for the cannons, they look very realistic with the rotating wheels to angle them. And that grapple for boarding ships, such a clever idea to use swords as spikes. It really ties industrial and pirate together. Love it
whoo hoo, thanks Siegfried. On the topic of becoming a moderator or getting moderator abilites at a certain post count. That just seems silly. Why would EB want someone moderating their board who they didn't appoint? The rqnks just seem to be a fun way to encourage participation, and they are spaced out enough to not encourage mass posting just to get a new rank. An updated list would be cool, I like reading the descriptions for each moerator position.
Hello Eurobricks!
Welcome to the site, you sound like me, I don't like to mod my sets, I'm quite the purest as i like to keep them all original. Great review on the Tantive IV too!
- Star Wars LEGO Photography
MOC: Clone Captain Zenox
Picture is a little better but the poor guy is still blurry. Even though, it looks pretty sweet. I like the black marking across the eye area, looks like the way they would have done it back in the days of actual hand to hand combat army days. (Sorry that confused me too.) I see you used marker, or so I assume from the first pic. How does it hold up, I have enevr actually colored a minifig.
8033 General Grievous Starfighter Mini Model review
Great mini model. I have the regular scae one and I must say LEGO did a great job modeling this. Only thing missing is a working cockpit. I like how they even thew in the tan and broen single stud pieces to give it some color like the originals checkerboard feel.
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
Being that I'm not here when most are, I must have missed these. This is good news for me actually. There aren't many that I want, which my wallet thanks me for. I suppse getting like 10 of each battle pack will add up fast.
The 1989 Sets versus 2009 Sets
I voted 1989, only because that's where all my Pirates come from. In reality though, 2009 has alot of good new colors. Like white walls instead of yellow, it makes a big differance in making the set look more updated. I think LEGO did a great job on keeping to the classics and also keeping them updated. Except for the Blacksea's Barracuda, this set cannot be beat (It is also the pride of my older collection)
Car Talk
This is an almost impossible question because we ned to know how much money you have and so on, and so on. But having been in both, I would say the Lambo would be easier to reproduce. It has a bit lower of a tone which would be more attainable through other engines. The ferari litterally sounds like a motorcycle, it is like you are in an F1 car. I would know. This is me, I'm too big for most supercars. The rest of my set is here.
Kid sized Boba Fett Custom ;-)
THats great, you can tell it's a child due to the door in the background, their height barely reaches the handle. That kid has a great Mom, and one of the best and well known LEGO fig's to be. I hope he got alot of candy.
- Star Wars LEGO Photography
The most "wanted" LEGO Star Wars villain
Well Darth Bane would be my all time favorite but since I assume we want to keep this topic LEGO related, I'd say the emperor. Palpatine is just plain and simply the Man. He was able to pull the shades on all of the Jedi and plot behind their backs for decades, and he spots the strongest and manipulates him. The only reason he got killed is becasue he was so fricking old and weak. image courtesy of smokebelch
MOC: Clone Captain Zenox
You might want to retake the picture, it looks like your camera focused on the background. Your fig is completely blurry. I would love to see a non-blurry pic of it, he looks cool with all the special markings.
Review: Tantive IV, 10198
Awesome review, I love all the pictures and clever pose with Leia behind the engines. I wish the pics would ahv been taken with white backgrounds but still, almost all of them are clear. I had no idea the Leia's varied so much, so that was interesting to see. The printed pieces are sweet, it's about time LEGO got away from stickers. Welcome to EB and thanks for the smashing review right off the bat.
Review 7163 Republic Gunship
I had no idea the old one was so different from the newer one. I have a new one and thinkit is lacking the hyperdrive for sure. The way the old one opens up seems to be more LEGO's style, letting you get inside and play, the new one is almost too fragile for swooshing or playability. Great review, thank you for reviewing this set!
Great to have you, the reviews on this site are second to none, adn any sets you may have missed, well you can relive them here through the reviews. Can't wait to see pics.
Joker custom from TDK
Very detailed fig. That's a skill you have, being able to paint on such a tiny canvas.
10185 Green Grocer x2 and x4
WOW, that's alot of green grocer action. Brilliant pics, thanks for doing that and sharing!
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